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Last active June 30, 2018 07:56
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Game theory behaviour strategies simulation
#!/usr/bin/env python3.6
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
from pprint import pprint, pformat
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import random
from random import randint
from array import array
from enum import Enum#, unique
from typing import (
, List
, Tuple
, Set
# Optional[X] is equivalent to Union[X, None]
, Optional
# an alternative to collections.namedtuple
# that supports type-checking.
, NamedTuple
# or
#?#, SimpleNamespace
, Type
# Callable[[int], str] is a function of (int) -> str.
, Callable
import inspect
from functools import wraps
__author__ = "GlukAlex"
task = """
total 50 merchants
time span: 1 year or 365 days
each merchant made from 5 to 10 deals ( deals limit )
with any ( every ) other merchant
during the time span
( as one tournament turn | iteration )
Deal strategies (API):
fair ( honest ) | unfair ( dishonest | crooked )
Deal outcomes:
1. ( fair, fair ) = ( 4, 4 )
2. ( unfair, fair ) = ( 5, 1 ) or ( fair, unfair ) = ( 1, 5 )
3. ( unfair, unfair ) = ( 2, 2 )
@Done: how and when implement miscommunication ?
like each actor calculates its own outcome independently ?
based on interpretation of message from another party ?
Deal misunderstanding probability: 5% ( communication noise )
when one or both merchants suspect a foul play .
Annual results:
20% of least successful ( profitable ) merchants
will be replaced by new ones
which adopt strategy of the top
20% of the most successful ( profitable ) merchants .
Note: no exchange ( disclosure ) of information
about the deals details happend
between merchants . <- inner state not directly observable ?
( Behavior (American English) or behaviour (Commonwealth English) )
Merchants ( actors ) behaviours:
1. altruist - always honest
2. egoist - always dishonest
@Done: WTF ?!? and how trickster vs. trickster supposed to act ?
message exchange protocol is unclear
3. trickster - starts from fair
then copies the opponent
? what does this even mean ?
? most probable -> repeats the last opponent_Action ?
4. unpredictable - randomly chooses between fair and unfair
5. resentful | vindictive - starts as altruist ( always honest )
from fair
then when opponent once deceive him
switched to | became egoist ( always dishonest )
6. con man - starts from [ fair, unfair, fair, fair ]
at the time of next turn | deal
after fist 4 deals he was deceived
at least once
became egoist
else became trickster
initially it is ( almost ) equal amount of merchants
with each behaviour
50 / 6 = 8 * 5 + 10 * 1
or 8 * 4 + 9 * 2
or 7 * 1 + 8 * 2 + 9 * 3
1. implement task model .
2. find | estimate winning behaviour .
3. ( optional ) devise | invent new additional ( 7-th ) winning strategy
that beats all previous 6
or way to create it
( to solve optimization problem ),
like ML
or use of The genetic algorithm .
Note: for every division operation floor result
goal = """
( optimization: minimax ) maximize ( overall ) profit
or ( dual )
increase probability of highest outcome in | for | of each deal
### @toDo: use history size per merchant limit as strategy trait
### like memory size
### @toDo: implement clonning from Prototype function
### @toDo: add `origin` field to strategy function for statistics
### like: preset or default | basic | average | breed or child
class LoggingContext( object ):
"""it would be useful
to temporarily change the logging configuration
and revert it back after doing something.
effectively implementing The memento pattern
def __init__( self, logger, level = None ) -> None:
self.logger = logger
self.level = level
def __enter__( self ) -> None:
if self.level is not None:
self.old_level = self.logger.level
self.logger.setLevel( self.level )
return None
def __exit__(
# exc_type, exc_value, traceback
, et, ev, tb
""" Exit the runtime context
related to this object.
The parameters describe
the exception
that caused the context to be exited.
If the context was exited without an exception,
all three arguments will be None.
if self.level is not None:
self.logger.setLevel( self.old_level )
return None
# level=logging.DEBUG
#, format='%(relativeCreated)6d %(threadName)s %(message)s' )
logger = logging.getLogger(
#>print( )
logger.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
fh = logging.FileHandler( 'run.log', mode='w' )
fh.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
#df = logging.Formatter('$asctime $name ${levelname} $message', style='$' )
formatter = logging.Formatter(
#'%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s'
#'%(levelname)s: %(name)s - %(message)s'
#'%(module)s' '%(lineno)d'
'$module:$lineno - $message', style='$'
fh.setFormatter( formatter )
logger.addHandler( fh )
def deal_Outcomes(
self_Action: bool
, other_Action: bool
) -> ( int, int ):
return Tuple[ int ]: ( self outcome, other outcome )
>>> deal_Outcomes( True, True ) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
(4, 4)
>>> deal_Outcomes( False, True ) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP
(5, 1)
>>> deal_Outcomes( True, False ) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP
(1, 5)
>>> deal_Outcomes( False, False ) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP
(2, 2)
if ( self_Action and other_Action ):
return ( 4, 4 )
elif ( self_Action == False and other_Action == True ):
return ( 5, 1 )
elif ( self_Action == True and other_Action == False ):
return ( 1, 5 )
else: # ( unfair, unfair )
return ( 2, 2 )
### @Note: generator once instantiated | primed
### does not need to allocate memory and recreate its state
### every time ( when ) it is called with next()
### but function do . So a function is more expensive .
def altruist_Fun(
# for common interface only
previous_State: dict = None
) -> bool:
""" altruist - always honest
>>> altruist_Fun( { "history": [ True ] } )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> altruist_Fun( { "history": [ True, False ] } )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> altruist_Fun( dict() )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
return True
def egoist_Fun(
# for interface only
previous_State: dict = None
) -> bool:
""" egoist - always dishonest
>>> egoist_Fun( { "history": [ True ] } )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> egoist_Fun( { "history": [ True, False ] } )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> egoist_Fun( dict() )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
return False
def unpredictable_Fun(
# for common interface only
previous_State: dict = None
) -> bool:
""" unpredictable - randomly chooses between fair and unfair
>>> type( unpredictable_Fun( ) ) is bool# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
from random import random
return bool( random() < 0.5 )
def trickster_Fun(
previous_State: dict = None
) -> bool:
""" trickster - starts from fair
when no previous records of the last opponent_Action exist
then mirrors | repeats the last opponent_Action
>>> state = { "history": [ ] }
>>> trickster_Fun( state )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> state = { "history": [ True ] }
>>> trickster_Fun( state )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> state = { "history": [ True, False ] }
>>> trickster_Fun( state )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
if previous_State is None:
# initialization
return True#( True, other_Action )
elif not previous_State.get( "history", [] ):
return True#( True, other_Action )
else:# type( previous_State["history"] ) is list
# and len( previous_State["history"] ) > 0
old_State = previous_State[ "history" ][-1]
return old_State#( old_State, other_Action )
def vindictive_Fun(
previous_State: dict = None
, strategies_Pool: Tuple[ Callable[ [ dict ], bool ], int ] = ( ( egoist_Fun, 1 ), )
) -> bool:
""" vindictive - starts as altruist ( always honest )
from fair
when no previous records of the last opponent_Action exist
once deceived
switched to | became egoist ( always dishonest )
>>> state = { "history": [ ] }
>>> vindictive_Fun( state )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> state = { "history": [ True ] }
>>> vindictive_Fun( state )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> state = { "history": [ True, False ] }
>>> vindictive_Fun( state )# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
>>> state[ "history" ]
[True, False]
#>>> state[ "behaviour" ].__name__ == "egoist_Fun"
>>> state[ "behaviour_i" ]
if previous_State is None:
return True
elif not previous_State.get( "history", [] ):
return True
else:# type( previous_State["history"] ) is list
# and len( previous_State["history"] ) > 0
was_Deceived = not all( previous_State["history"] )
logger.debug( f"vindictive was_Deceived:{ was_Deceived }" )
if was_Deceived:
# switch to next behaviour
( next_Behaviour, next_Behaviour_i ) = strategies_Pool[0]
#>previous_State["behaviour"] = next_Behaviour#egoist_Fun
# no `actions_List` for next_Behaviour here to set | reset
previous_State["behaviour_i"] = next_Behaviour_i#1
logger.debug( f"vindictive next behaviour:{next_Behaviour}[{ next_Behaviour_i }]" )
return next_Behaviour(
else:# not was_Deceived
return True
def conMan_Fun(
# so `previous_State` will be mutated inside
### @toDo: behaviour Fun interface
### maybe return state
### with | plus switch to function if applicable explicitly ?
### <- sort of, it mutates passed state inside
previous_State: dict = {
"actions_List": [ True, False, True, True ]
, initial_Actions: tuple = ( True, False, True, True )# Tuple[ of bool ]
# In general inherited from Merchant class
, strategies_Pool: Tuple[ Callable[ [ dict ], bool ], int ] = (
( egoist_Fun, 1 ), ( trickster_Fun, 2 ) )
) -> bool:
""" ? composit function from other functions ?
con man - starts from [ fair, unfair, fair, fair ]
at the time of next turn | deal
after fist 4 deals he was deceived
at least once
became egoist
else became trickster
Traceback (most recent call last):
>>> state = {
... "actions_List": [ True, False, True, True ]
... , "history": []
... }
{'actions_List': [False, True, True], 'history': []}
>>> state["history"] = [ True ]
#>>> state[ "behaviour" ].__name__ == "trickster_Fun"
>>> state[ "behaviour_i" ]
>>> state["history"] = [ True, False, True, True ]
>>> state[ "actions_List" ]# doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE -SKIP +REPORT_NDIFF +FAIL_FAST
[True, False, True, True]
#>>> state[ "behaviour" ].__name__ == "egoist_Fun"
>>> state[ "behaviour_i" ]
assert( previous_State is not None )
assert( type( previous_State ) is dict )
logger.debug( f"conMan.previous_State was:{ previous_State }" )
previous_State.setdefault( "actions_List", list( initial_Actions ) )
### @WARN: it can fail on is not list | None
if len( previous_State[ "actions_List" ] ) > 0:
"conMan pop first from previous_State.actions_List:"
f"{ previous_State[ 'actions_List' ] }" )
return previous_State[ "actions_List" ].pop(0)
else:# previous_State[ "actions_List" ] is empty []
"conMan pop previous_State.actions_List is empty:"
f"{ previous_State[ 'actions_List' ] }" )
previous_State.setdefault( "history", [ ] )
history = previous_State[ 'history' ]
#>>> not all( [ True, False, True, True ] )
#>>> all( [ True, False, True, True ] )
was_Deceived = len( history ) >= len( initial_Actions ) and not all( history )
logger.debug( f"conMan was_Deceived:{ was_Deceived }" )
if was_Deceived:
# switch to next behaviour
#>previous_State["behaviour"] = egoist_Fun
# no `actions_List` for next_Behaviour here to set | reset
previous_State["behaviour_i"] = 1
logger.debug( f"conMan next behaviour:{ egoist_Fun }" )
### @toDo: what about `actions_List` ( in general ) ?
### it must merge | update some fields
### from | with defaults for next strategy
return egoist_Fun(
else:# not was_Deceived
# switch to next behaviour
#>previous_State["behaviour"] = trickster_Fun
# no `actions_List` for next_Behaviour here to set | reset
previous_State["behaviour_i"] = 2
logger.debug( f"conMan next behaviour:{ trickster_Fun }" )
### @toDo: what about `actions_List` ( in general ) ?
return trickster_Fun( previous_State )
class Msg_Type( Enum ):
request = 1
response = 2
class Msg( NamedTuple ):
"""case Class
Represents an typed message with payload."""
#type: str #= "deal request"
type: Msg_Type
action: bool
class Merchant( object ):
""" base class
Deal maker
# map to function
# with or without inner state
# like @classmethod only this is a field
behaviours = [
# 1. altruist - always honest
# 2. egoist - always dishonest
, egoist_Fun
# 3. trickster - starts from fair then copies the opponent
, trickster_Fun
# 4. unpredictable - randomly chooses between fair and unfair
, unpredictable_Fun
# 5. resentful | vindictive - starts from fair
# then when opponent once deceive him
# switched to | became egoist ( always dishonest )
, vindictive_Fun
# 6. con man - starts from [ fair, unfair, fair, fair ]
# at the time of next turn | deal
# after fist 4 deals he was deceived
# at least once
# became egoist
# else became trickster
, conMan_Fun
#def __new__(cls[, ...]):
# """ It returns ( or not ) an instance of cls for __init__ """
def __init__(
, behaviour_i: int = 0
""" can create alterative constructors
with @classmethod
Do not include the `self` parameter in the ``Parameters`` section.
behaviour_i : int
It can represent merchant type by initial behaviour
or serve for fast lookup for behaviour in behaviours
# initial behaviour like merchant type, expected to be immutable
# to allow inheritance ( create anew ) next year
self.behaviour_i = behaviour_i
self.profit = 0
# explicit behaviour state
### @toDo: keep | store history_Map per merchant from every deal ?
### @toDo: limit history size per merchant ? e.g. 10 last items only ?
### current.history.for this merchant[:9].append( merchant.action )
### because it could be
### from 5 * 49 = 245 up to 10 * 49 = 490 per year
### before merchants_Pool reset
self.previous_State = {
### @toDo: replace with `behaviour_i`
### because Merchant class contains all known strategies
### even if | the new ones generated at the beginning of the year
# type: Callable[ [ dict ], bool ]
#>"behaviour" : self.behaviours[ behaviour_i ]
"behaviour_i": behaviour_i
# per current deal partner
, "history": []
# all deals history
# { merchant_Ref: history_List }
#?#, "deals_History_Map": dict()
self.deals_History_Map = dict()
def with_Custom_Behavior(
, custom_Behaviour # type: Callable[ [ dict ], bool ]
"""genetic alterative constructor"""
if custom_Behaviour not in cls.behaviours:
cls.behaviours.append( custom_Behaviour )
return cls( len( cls.behaviours ) - 1 )
return cls( cls.behaviours.index( custom_Behaviour ) )
def altruist( cls ):
"""alterative constructor for build in strategy"""
return cls.with_Custom_Behavior( altruist_Fun )
def egoist( cls ):
"""alterative constructor for build in strategy"""
return cls.with_Custom_Behavior( egoist_Fun )
def trickster( cls ):
"""alterative constructor for build in strategy"""
return cls.with_Custom_Behavior( trickster_Fun )
def unpredictable( cls ):
"""alterative constructor for build in strategy"""
return cls.with_Custom_Behavior( unpredictable_Fun )
def vindictive( cls ):
""" alterative constructor for build in strategy"""
return cls.with_Custom_Behavior( vindictive_Fun )
def conMan( cls ):
""" alterative constructor for build in strategy"""
return cls.with_Custom_Behavior( conMan_Fun )
def add_Noise(
action: bool
) -> bool:
""" Push signal through noise """
if bool( random.random() < 0.05 ):
#!# {}
#?#logger.debug( f".add_Noise to {action} make it False" )
return False
return action
def behaviour( self ):
""" get current behaviour from state
helper ? for convenience ?"""
#>logger.debug( f"get behaviour: {self.previous_State['behaviour'].__name__}" )
#>return self.previous_State["behaviour"]
return Merchant.behaviours[ self.previous_State["behaviour_i"] ]
def info( self ) -> str:
""" nice representation
self_Name = self.__class__.__name__
self_ID = str( id( self ) )[-3:]
return f"{self_Name}:{self.behaviour_i}:{self_ID}"
def inform(
# target: 'Merchant'#Type[ Merchant ]
# from whom message came
# e.g. to reply back
, sender: 'Merchant'#Type[ Merchant ]
#, msg: dict = { "type": "deal request", "action": True }
#, msg: dict = { "type": "deal response", "action": False }
, msg: Msg
) -> None:
"""Deal making method
#>with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( (
"{}.inform received: "
"{} from: {}"
, msg
if msg.type is Msg_Type.request:
other_Action = self.add_Noise( msg.action )
# get state
current_History = self.deals_History_Map.setdefault( sender, [ ] )
self.previous_State[ "history" ] = current_History
#>with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( f"add_Noise to {msg.action} got {other_Action}" )
logger.debug( f"self.behaviour was: {self.behaviour.__name__}" )
logger.debug( f"{}.inform.previous_State was: {self.previous_State}" )
# expected possible change of
# `behaviour_i`
# and `actions_List`
# but not the `history`
action = self.behaviour(
previous_State = self.previous_State
#>with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( f"self.behaviour became: {self.behaviour.__name__}" )
logger.debug( f"{}.inform.previous_State became: {self.previous_State}" )
# the actual current strategy
# defined inside function logic
# depending on passed `previous_State`
#>self.previous_State[ 'last_Action' ] = other_Action
#>self.previous_State.setdefault( "history", [ ] )
#>self.previous_State[ "history" ].append( other_Action )
# update state
#?#self.deals_History_Map[ sender ].append( other_Action )
current_History.append( other_Action )
# lookup for history in deals_History_Map
#?#self.previous_State[ "history" ] = self.deals_History_Map.get( sender, [] )
self.previous_State[ "history" ] = current_History
outcomes = deal_Outcomes( action, other_Action )
#>self.profit += deal_Outcomes( action, other_Action )[0]
self.profit += outcomes[0]
#>with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( f"deal_Outcomes: {outcomes}" )
logger.debug( f"update_State -> profit: {self.profit}" )
logger.debug( f"about to reply to: {}" )
, Msg(
type = Msg_Type.response
, action = action
elif msg.type is Msg_Type.response:
### @toDo: disable check in production
assert self.deals_History_Map.get( sender ) is not None, (
f"self.deals_History_Map[ sender:{} ] expected to be initialized"
" when response arrived"
f" {self.deals_History_Map}"
other_Action = self.add_Noise( msg.action )
# expected possible change of
# `behaviour_i`
# and `actions_List`
# but not the `history`
self_Action = self.behaviour( self.previous_State )
outcomes = deal_Outcomes(
#?#self.behaviour( self.previous_State )
, other_Action
#>with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( "got response to close the deal" )
logger.debug( f"add_Noise to {msg.action} got {other_Action}" )
logger.debug( f"self.behaviour was: {self.behaviour.__name__}" )
### @WARN: ! be cautious about mutation of `previous_State` here !
logger.debug( "deal_Outcomes: " + str( outcomes ) )
self.profit += outcomes[0]
### @toDo: maybe use string key instead of object reference ?
#?#self.deals_History_Map.setdefault( sender, [ ] )
self.deals_History_Map[ sender ].append( other_Action )
#>self.previous_State.setdefault( "history", [ ] )
#>self.previous_State[ "history" ].append( other_Action )
self.previous_State[ "history" ] = self.deals_History_Map[ sender ]
#>with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( f"self.behaviour became: {self.behaviour.__name__}" )
logger.debug( f"update_State -> profit: {self.profit}" )
f"deal between {} "
f"and {} closed" )
logger.warning( f"got unexpected Msg_Type: {msg.type}" )
return None
def make_Deal(
, opponent: 'Merchant'
so, here must be message exchange
both parties must send and receive
? ( initial ) proposal ?
? and ( final ) response | ( approval | rejection ) ?
as a result
both sides | parties must update their respective
- behaviours | strategies
- and profits
# lookup for history in deals_History_Map
#?#current_History = self.deals_History_Map.get( opponent, [] )
current_History = self.deals_History_Map.setdefault( opponent, [] )
current_Behaviour_State = self.previous_State[ "behaviour_i" ]
current_Actions_List = self.previous_State.setdefault( "actions_List", [] )
self.previous_State[ "history" ] = current_History
# >>> def f(): pass;
#>>> f
#<function f at 0x7fb3c3a0cbf8>
#>>> type(f)
#<class 'function'>
### @toDo: creating copy might be expensive . get rid of it ?
### and just restore from `deals_History_Map` and old `behaviour_i` ?
# expected possible change of
# `behaviour_i`
# and `actions_List`
# but not the `history`
self_Action = self.behaviour( self.previous_State )
# reset to initial | previous
self.previous_State[ "history" ] = current_History
self.previous_State[ "behaviour_i" ] = current_Behaviour_State
self.previous_State[ "actions_List" ] = current_Actions_List
#>if 1 == 1:
# it can be done at test level | inside test
#>with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( f"{}.make_Deal with {}" )
logger.debug( f"{}.make_Deal.previous_State was: {self.previous_State}" )
f"{}.make_Deal.previous_State['history']: "
f"{self.previous_State['history']}" )
f"{}.make_Deal.previous_State['behaviour_i']: "
f"{self.previous_State['behaviour_i']}" )
logger.debug( f"\t{}.make_Deal.self_Action: {self_Action}" )
# state update expected
, Msg(
type = Msg_Type.request
#?#, action = self.behaviour( self.previous_State.copy() )
, action = self_Action
logger.debug( f"{}.make_Deal.previous_State became: {self.previous_State}" )
def strategy_Builder(
#?#initial_State: dict
# actions_List:
# initial_Actions: tuple = ( True, False, True, True )# Tuple[ of bool ]
predefined_Actions: Tuple[ bool ] = tuple()
# In general inherited from Merchant class behaviours list indexes
, strategies_Pool: Tuple[ int ] = tuple( range( len( Merchant.behaviours ) ) )
### @toDo: implement switch_Strategy
### it must depend only on available history
### mainly on False / True ratio,
### or last | longest consecutive strike | sequence
### and possibly randomly pick arbitrary next_Strategy
### from `strategies_Pool`
, switch_Condition: Callable = lambda h: False#[[history], bool]
, switch_Strategy_Fun: Callable = lambda h: 0#[[switch_Condition], int]
# from 1 to deals_Per_Year_Max * 2
, history_Lookup_Window_Size: int = 20
, default_Action_Fun: Callable[[dict], bool] = lambda d: True
, base_Class: Merchant = Merchant
) -> Callable[[dict], bool]:
""" Brand new strategy Factory
with Closure
def generic_Fun(
previous_State: dict
) -> bool:
""" new strategy blueprint
with state parameters from parent function
# setting public fields
# for unclear reasons fails here
setattr( generic_Fun, "42", 42 )
logger.debug( f"?.previous_State was:{ previous_State }" )
previous_State.setdefault( "actions_List", list( predefined_Actions ) )
### @WARN: it can fail on is not list | None
if len( previous_State[ "actions_List" ] ) > 0:
"? pop first from previous_State.actions_List:"
f"{ previous_State[ 'actions_List' ] }" )
return previous_State[ "actions_List" ].pop(0)
else:# previous_State[ "actions_List" ] is empty []
"? pop previous_State.actions_List is empty:"
f"{ previous_State[ 'actions_List' ] }" )
previous_State.setdefault( "history", [ ] )
history = previous_State[ 'history' ][-history_Lookup_Window_Size:]
is_Switch_Strategy = (
#?#len( history ) >= len( initial_Actions ) and
#?#switch_Strategy_Fun( history )
switch_Condition( history )
logger.debug( f"? is_Switch_Strategy:{ is_Switch_Strategy }" )
if is_Switch_Strategy:
# switch to next behaviour
previous_State["behaviour_i"] = switch_Strategy_Fun( history )
next_Strategy = base_Class.behaviours[ previous_State["behaviour_i"] ]
logger.debug( f"? next behaviour:{ next_Strategy }" )
return next_Strategy(
else:# not is_Switch_Strategy
return default_Action_Fun( previous_State )
# setting public fields
# using nameSpace_With_Function_Closure
### ? setattr( env, key, val ) ?
generic_Fun.predefined_Actions = predefined_Actions
generic_Fun.strategies_Pool = strategies_Pool
generic_Fun.switch_Condition = switch_Condition
generic_Fun.switch_Strategy_Fun = switch_Strategy_Fun
#?#generic_Fun.history_Lookup_Window_Size = history_Lookup_Window_Size
setattr( generic_Fun, "history_Lookup_Window_Size", history_Lookup_Window_Size )
generic_Fun.default_Action_Fun = default_Action_Fun
return generic_Fun
def merchant_Builder(
base_Class: Merchant = Merchant
, strategy_Builder: Callable[[dict], Callable[[dict], bool]] = strategy_Builder
, best_Strategies_Pool: List[Callable[[dict], bool]] = []
) -> Merchant:
""" Factory
for creating new Merchant
with brand new strategy
by adding it to the base_Class
Available methods:
( no inheritance )
- generate next_Strategy
from generic_Strategy_Abstract_API_Draft
with random .fields parameters
within preset limits
( with inheritance )
- get pool of top winning strategies
- average their .fields
e.g. by list length
or by combining | merging items inside
- if not present
randomly introduce new field(s)
within preset mutation limit
that can be randomized
( with inheritance )
- get pool of top winning strategies
- make | pick | choose random pair(s) of strategies
- pick half of .fields from each parent
- randomly introduce new field(s)
if there is room for them
or change inherited
within preset mutation limit
that can be randomized
it can pick | choose any generation method randomly
e.g: 0 <= and < 0.33 <= and < 0.66 <= and < 1
#import random
from random import random
roll_Dice = random()
### @toDo: implement Basic, Average, Breed
if roll_Dice < 0.33:
# create using | with Basic
elif roll_Dice < 0.66:
# create using | with Average
else:#if 0.66 <= roll_Dice < 1:
# create using | with Breed
#brand_New_Strategy = lambda x: True
brand_New_Strategy = strategy_Builder(
return base_Class.with_Custom_Behavior( brand_New_Strategy )
### @Done?: implement `initialize_Tournament`
def initialize_Tournament(
merchants_Pool_Size: int = 50
# derived from Merchant.behaviours
#>, strategies_Pool_Size: int = 6
fill | create | populate initial merchants pool
divide 10 to 3 groups
3 3 4 by at least 3 = 10//3 and at most 5 = 3*2-1 items per group
or last uncomplete group ((1,1,1),(2,2,2),(3,3,3),(4,))
could be distributed ( more or less evenly )
one by one across previous groups
like 8 // 3 = 2 -> ((1,1,1),(2,2,2),(3,3)) =>
merchants_Pool_List = []
strategies_Pool_Size = len( Merchant.behaviours )
assert strategies_Pool_Size > 0
# expected at least one group with one (or more) item(s) inside
per_Strategy_Size_Min = 1
per_Strategy_Size = max(
merchants_Pool_Size // strategies_Pool_Size, per_Strategy_Size_Min )
per_Strategy_Size_Max = per_Strategy_Size * 2 - 1
logger.debug( f"initialize_Tournament.merchants_Pool_Size: {merchants_Pool_Size}" )
logger.debug( f"initialize_Tournament.per_Strategy_Size: {per_Strategy_Size}" )
strategy_i = 0
# items limit guard
m_Limit = 0
items_Left = merchants_Pool_Size % strategies_Pool_Size
merchants_Groups_List = [
[ group_i, per_Strategy_Size ] for group_i in range( 0, strategies_Pool_Size, 1 ) ]
logger.debug( f"initialize_Tournament.merchants_Groups_List: {merchants_Groups_List}" )
logger.debug( f"initialize_Tournament.items_Left: {items_Left}" )
strategy_i = strategies_Pool_Size - 1
while items_Left > 0:
logger.debug( f"initialize_Tournament.group_i: {strategy_i}" )
# group_Size
merchants_Groups_List[ strategy_i ][-1] += 1
items_Left -= 1
strategy_i -= 1
# rotate
if strategy_i < 0:
strategy_i = strategies_Pool_Size - 1
logger.debug( f"initialize_Tournament.merchants_Groups_List: {merchants_Groups_List}" )
last_Item_i = 0
for ( strategy_i, group_Size ) in merchants_Groups_List:
group_Start_From_i = last_Item_i
group_End_Until_i = group_Start_From_i + group_Size
# populate group
for m_i in range( 0, group_Size, 1 ):
#>( strategy_i, m_i, group_Start_From_i, group_End_Until_i )
Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior( Merchant.behaviours[ strategy_i ] )
last_Item_i += 1
logger.debug( f"Activated merchants poll size: {len( merchants_Pool_List )}" )
return merchants_Pool_List
def round_Limits_Stat(
merchants_Pool_Size: int = 50
, deals_Per_Year_Min: int = 5
, deals_Per_Year_Max: int = 10
""" exploratory analisys:
- max possible score: 49 * 5 * 10 = 2450
deals_Count_Total = 0
deals_Count = 0
deals_Count_Min = float( "inf" )
deals_Count_Max = 0#-1
freq_Map = dict()
min_Outcome_Score = 1
max_Outcome_Score = 5
#>>> 50 / 100 * 20
#>>> 50 // 100 * 20
### @Done: values are way off
### like order of magnitude bigger than expected ? @fixEd
for i in range( 0, merchants_Pool_Size, -1 ):
#?#for j in range( i + 1, merchants_Pool_Size, 1 ):
for j in range( 0, merchants_Pool_Size, 1 ):
deals_Count += 1
deals_Count_Total += 1
get_i = freq_Map.get( i, 0 )
freq_Map[ i ] = get_i + 1
get_j = freq_Map.get( j, 0 )
freq_Map[ j ] = get_j + 1
if deals_Count < deals_Count_Min:
deals_Count_Min = deals_Count
if deals_Count > deals_Count_Max:
deals_Count_Max = deals_Count
deals_Count_Min = ( merchants_Pool_Size - 1 ) * deals_Per_Year_Min
#deals_Count_Max = (
# ( merchants_Pool_Size - 1 ) * deals_Per_Year_Max * merchants_Pool_Size )
deals_Count_Max =( merchants_Pool_Size - 1 ) * deals_Per_Year_Max
#>logger.debug( "{:-^80}".format( 'play_Round()' ) )
logger.debug( f"deals_Count_Min(50): {deals_Count_Min}" )
logger.debug( f"deals_Count_Max(50): {deals_Count_Max}" )
logger.debug( f"20 % of deals_Count_Max(50): {deals_Count_Max * 0.2}" )
logger.debug( "distinct values() in freq_Map({}): {}".format(
len( freq_Map ), set( freq_Map.values() ) ) )
min_Outcome_Score_Total = (
min_Outcome_Score * deals_Count_Min * deals_Per_Year_Min )
"min_Outcome_Score_Total = "
"(min_Outcome_Score:{} * deals_Count_Min:{} * deals_Per_Year_Min:{:>2}): {:>5}"
, deals_Count_Min
, deals_Per_Year_Min
, min_Outcome_Score_Total
) )
max_Outcome_Score_Total = (
max_Outcome_Score * deals_Count_Max * deals_Per_Year_Max )
"max_Outcome_Score_Total = "
"(max_Outcome_Score:{} * deals_Count_Max:{} * deals_Per_Year_Max:{}): {}"
, deals_Count_Max
, deals_Per_Year_Max
, max_Outcome_Score_Total
) )
"scores span outcome max:{} - min:{} = {}".format(
, min_Outcome_Score_Total
, max_Outcome_Score_Total - min_Outcome_Score_Total
) )
bucket_Size = int( (
max_Outcome_Score_Total - min_Outcome_Score_Total ) * 0.2 )
f"20 % of scores span: {bucket_Size}" )
"scores buckets: {}".format(
[ ( i, i + bucket_Size )
for i in range(
, max_Outcome_Score_Total
, int( bucket_Size ) ) ] ) )
"scores buckets: {}".format(
[ i for i in reversed(
, min_Outcome_Score_Total
, -int( bucket_Size ) ) ) ] ) )
return deals_Count_Total
### @Done?: implement `play_Tour` | `play_Round`
def play_Round(
# it will be mutated inside
merchants_Pool: List[ Merchant ]
, merchants_Pool_Size: int = 50
, deals_Per_Year_Min: int = 5
, deals_Per_Year_Max: int = 10
play | make next turn
calculate pairs deals outcomes
? get annual results ?
? adjust | update individual behaviours | strategies ?
diagonal matrix pattern:
1 2 3
( 1, 2 ), ( 1, 3 )
( 2, 3 )
1 2 3 4
( 1, 2 ), ( 1, 3 ), ( 1, 4 )
( 2, 3 ), ( 2, 4 )
( 3, 4 )
play_Round(50): 1225
50 * 50 = 2500
import time
#>assert len( set( merchants_Pool ) ) == len( merchants_Pool )
start_Time = time.monotonic()
for ( i, i_Merchant ) in enumerate( merchants_Pool ):
deals_Count = 0
for ( j, j_Merchant ) in enumerate( merchants_Pool ):
if i == j:# i_Merchant == j_Merchant
continue # nested for
deals_To_Make = random.randint( deals_Per_Year_Min, deals_Per_Year_Max )
#>assert deals_To_Make <= deals_Per_Year_Max
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
logger.debug( "deals_To_Make: {:_>16}".format( deals_To_Make ) )
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
### @WARN: it is very time consuming operation
### and also creates a huge 208 Mb log file
### `LoggingContext` helps, alot
for deal_i in range( 0, deals_To_Make, 1 ):
i_Merchant.make_Deal( j_Merchant )
stop_Time = time.monotonic()
total_Time = stop_Time - start_Time
average_Time_Per_Merchant = total_Time / merchants_Pool_Size
#average_Time_Per_Deal = ?
logger.debug( f"Merchants.making_Deals(49*10*50) takes: {total_Time} second(s)" )
logger.debug( f"average_Time_Per_Merchant: {average_Time_Per_Merchant} second(s)" )
return merchants_Pool
def top_Fifth_Stat(
merchants_Pool: List[ Merchant ]
### @forDeBugOnly: @removeIt in production
, deals_Per_Year_Min: int = 5
, deals_Per_Year_Max: int = 10
) -> None:
""" just for exploratory analisys
also for showing the winner
merchants_Pool_Size = len( merchants_Pool )
top_Fifth_Amount = int( merchants_Pool_Size / 100 * 20 )
logger.debug( f"top_Fifth_Amount: {top_Fifth_Amount}" )
merchants_Pool.sort( key = lambda m: m.profit )
print( f"merchants_Pool list.size of {merchants_Pool_Size} sorted by profit:" )
for ( i, merchant ) in enumerate( merchants_Pool ):
# d = { "a": [ 1, 2 ], "b": [ 3 ], "c": [ 4, 5, 6 ] }
# d.values()
#dict_values([[1, 2], [3], [4, 5, 6]])
# tuple( d.values() )[-1]
#[4, 5, 6]
#>some_History = tuple( merchant.deals_History_Map.values() )[-1]
some_History = []
some_Item_Info = None
total_Deals = 0
if len( merchant.deals_History_Map ) > 0:
some_Item = tuple( merchant.deals_History_Map.items() )[-1]
some_History = some_Item[1]
some_History_Size = len( some_History )
some_Item_Info = some_Item[0].info()
# d = { "a": [ True, False ], "b": [ False ], "c": [ True, True, False ] }
# sum( len(l) for l in d.values() )
total_Deals = sum( len(l) for l in merchant.deals_History_Map.values() )
### @Done?: @fixEd
### Note that: both parties making deals with each other
### so it might be twice as much
if 1 == 0:
assert deals_Per_Year_Min * 2 <= some_History_Size
assert some_History_Size <= deals_Per_Year_Max * 2, (
f"for {} "
f"some_History_Size:{some_History_Size} "
f"deals with {some_Item[0].info()} "
f"expected to be <= {deals_Per_Year_Max}:deals_Per_Year_Max"
"{:_<3}{}.profit:{} <- {}"
", total_Deals: {}"
", deals_History_Map.size: {}"
", some history({}) of {}"
, merchant.profit
, merchant.behaviour.__name__
, total_Deals
, len( merchant.deals_History_Map )
, len( some_History )
#?#, some_History
#?#, some_Item[0].info()
, some_Item_Info
print( f"Top fifth ({top_Fifth_Amount}) of {merchants_Pool_Size}:" )
for ( i, merchant ) in enumerate( merchants_Pool[-top_Fifth_Amount:] ):
"{:_<3}{}.profit:{} <- {}".format(
i,, merchant.profit
, merchant.behaviour.__name__
print( f"The winner strategy {merchants_Pool[-1].behaviour.__name__}:" )
return top_Fifth_Amount
def is_Only_One_Type_Left(
merchants_List: List[ Merchant ]
) -> bool:
""" helper
to scan and count initial merchant behaviour
if 1 == 0:
b_Sum = 0
for merchant in merchants_List:
b_Sum += merchant.behaviour_i
return b_Sum % len( merchants_List ) == 0#True
if 1 == 0:
return sum(
merchant.behaviour_i for merchant in merchants_List
) % len( merchants_List ) == 0
return len(
{ merchant.behaviour_i for merchant in merchants_List }
) == 1
def update_Merchants_Pool(
# sorted ?
# will be mutated inside
merchants_List: List[ Merchant ]
# %-age = 20%
, fifth_Amount: int = 10
, is_Use_Builder: bool = False
) -> List[ Merchant ]:
""" helper
replace first worth fifth with last best
and then
reset ( or recreate merchants with same behaviour_i ):
- profit to 0
- behaviour in `previous_State` to 'behaviour_i'
- history to empty
for the rest of the list
merchants_List.sort( key = lambda m: m.profit )
# iterate over the best
#>>> l = list(range(9))
#>>> l
#[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]
#>>> l[-3:]
#[6, 7, 8]
#>>> l[3:-3]
#[3, 4, 5]
for ( m_i, merchant ) in enumerate( merchants_List[-fifth_Amount:] ):
behaviour_i = merchant.behaviour_i
# create and insert new
if is_Use_Builder:
merchants_List[m_i] = merchant_Builder()
merchants_List[m_i] = Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior(
Merchant.behaviours[ behaviour_i ] )
# reset old
merchant.profit = 0
merchant.deals_History_Map = dict()
merchant.previous_State = { "behaviour_i": behaviour_i }
# iterate over the rest of the list
for ( m_i, merchant ) in enumerate( merchants_List[fifth_Amount:-fifth_Amount] ):
# reset old
merchant.profit = 0
merchant.deals_History_Map = dict()
merchant.previous_State = { "behaviour_i": merchant.behaviour_i }
return merchants_List
def get_Best(
# sorted ?
merchants_List: List[ Merchant ]
) -> ( int, int ):
""" helper
to get | determine best of the current round
best_Score = 0
best_Stratey_i = -1
# iterate over the list
for merchant in merchants_List:
if best_Score < merchant.profit:
best_Score = merchant.profit
best_Stratey_i = merchant.behaviour_i
return ( best_Score, best_Stratey_i )
### @Done?: implement `play_Game`
def play_Game(
rounds_Max: int = 100
, is_Use_Builder: bool = False
#?#, merchants_Pool_Size: int = 50
#?#, deals_Per_Year_Min: int = 5
#?#, deals_Per_Year_Max: int = 10
) -> List[ Merchant ]:
""" play game of rounds
until `rounds_Max`
or only one merchant type left
import cProfile, pstats, io
# New in version 3.7: Added the SortKey enum.
#!#from pstats import SortKey
import time
# type : List[ Merchant ]
merchants_Pool = []#initialize_Tournament()
best_Score = 0
best_Stratey_i = -1
if 1 == 0:
# unrelated to actual goal, just for statistics
# Directly using the Profile class
# allows formatting profile results
# without writing the profile data to a file:
pr = cProfile.Profile(
#?#timer = time.monotonic
# start measuring profiling
# ... do something ...
#with LoggingContext( logger, level = logging.INFO ):
# logger.debug( f"round: {round_i}, pool.size: {len( merchants_Pool_List )}" )
for round_i in range( 0, rounds_Max, 1 ):
if round_i == 0:
merchants_Pool = initialize_Tournament()
#>assert type( merchants_Pool ) is list
#>assert len( merchants_Pool ) == 50
if is_Only_One_Type_Left( merchants_Pool ):
with LoggingContext( logger, level = logging.DEBUG ):
f"Early return at round: {round_i}"
" because of is_Only_One_Type_Left in merchants_Pool is True" )
break # for loop
### @Done: replace worth fifth with best
### @toDo: replace worth fifth with brand new
update_Merchants_Pool( merchants_Pool, is_Use_Builder )
with LoggingContext( logger, level = logging.DEBUG ):
logger.debug( f"round: {round_i}, pool.size: {len( merchants_Pool )}" )
logger.debug( f"best_Score: {best_Score}, best_Stratey_i: {best_Stratey_i}" )
play_Round( merchants_Pool
#?#, merchants_Pool_Size, deals_Per_Year_Min, deals_Per_Year_Max
( running_Best_Score, running_best_Stratey_i ) = get_Best( merchants_Pool )
if best_Score < running_Best_Score:
best_Score = running_Best_Score
best_Stratey_i = running_best_Stratey_i
with LoggingContext( logger, level = logging.DEBUG ):
f"After {rounds_Max}"
f" round(s) best_Score: {best_Score}, best_Stratey_i: {best_Stratey_i}" )
if 1 == 0:
# stop measuring profiling
# Write the results of the current profile to filename.
s = io.StringIO()
#!#sortby = SortKey.CUMULATIVE
sortby = 'cumulative'
# class pstats.Stats(*filenames or profile, stream=sys.stdout)
ps = pstats.Stats(
pr, stream = s
).sort_stats( sortby )
# Create a Stats object
# based on the current profile
# and print the results to stdout.
print( s.getvalue() )
return merchants_Pool#None
def test( is_Run_Test = 1 == 1 ):
""" run unit tests in doc strings
if is_Run_Test:
import doctest
#>verbose = True
return None
### /// *** unit test *** /// ###
#$ python3.6
if __name__ == "__main__":
def run_If(
is_Run_Test: bool = 1 == 0
, is_Run_Tests = 1 == 1
): # -> Callable #!#-> None:
""" Decorator ( maker ) helper
to pass additional custom parameters
to the wrapped function
and itercept its own parameters
useful for conditional run | execution of unit tests
possible gain | benefit
wrapped function does not need actuall call | invocation
just | only declaration with decorator
def empty_Func( *args, **kargs ):
def test_Footer( test, description, *args, **kargs ):
test( *args, **kargs )
logger.debug( "completed {:*^80}".format(
" " + test.__name__ + " " + description + " " ) )
return None
def decorator(
test_To_Run# Callable
# (Fun fact: functools.wraps() is a decorator! ☺)
@wraps( test_To_Run )
def wrapper( *w_args, **w_kw_args ):
""" to get ( access to ) `test_To_Run` parameters
except it does not sees defaults
only explicits
it must execute wrapped function
import inspect
description = inspect.signature( test_To_Run ).parameters.get( "description" )
description_Default = ".?"
if description is not None:
description_Default = "." + description.default
if is_Run_Test:
info = "running {:*^80}".format(
" " + test_To_Run.__name__ + " " + description_Default + " " )
print( info )
logger.debug( info )
# executes test immediately
# either way
#>return test_To_Run()
#?#return test_To_Run
#>return test_To_Run( *w_args, **w_kw_args )
return test_Footer( test_To_Run, description_Default, *w_args, **w_kw_args )
#>return lambda : print( f"skipping {test_To_Run.__name__}" )
f"skipping {test_To_Run.__name__}" +
#>"{defaults_Map.get( 'description' )}"
return empty_Func( *w_args, **w_kw_args )
# this suppress immediate `test_To_Run` execution
# so actuall wrapped function call | invocation needed
#>return wrapper
# this evaluates wrapped function right away
return wrapper()
if is_Run_Tests:
return decorator
return empty_Func
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_1( description: str = "assert equal" ):
result = 10
assert (
result == 10
), "{} expected to be equal to {}".format( result, 10 )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_12( description: str = "Merchant.inform" ):
m1 = Merchant.altruist()
m2 = Merchant.altruist()
#>print( "dir( m1 ):", dir( m1 ) )
#>print( "m1.__class__:", m1.__class__ )
#?#print( "dir( m1.__class__ ):", dir( m1.__class__ ) )
#>print( "m1.__hash__:", m1.__hash__ )
#>print( "dir( m1.__hash__ ):", dir( m1.__hash__ ) )
, Msg(
type = Msg_Type.request
, action = m1.behaviour( )
, Msg(
type = Msg_Type.response
, action = m2.behaviour( )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_13( description: str = "Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior" ):
print( f"len( Merchant.behaviours ): {len( Merchant.behaviours )}" )
print( "Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior( altruist_Fun )" )
m = Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior( altruist_Fun )
print( m.behaviour )
print( m.behaviour.__name__ )
print( f"m.behaviour_i: {m.behaviour_i}" )
print( f"m.behaviour(): {m.behaviour()}" )
print( f"len( instance.behaviours ): {len( m.behaviours )}" )
print( "Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior( lambda s: False )" )
m = Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior( lambda s: False )
print( f"len( Merchant.behaviours ): {len( Merchant.behaviours )}" )
print( f"len( instance.behaviours ): {len( m.behaviours )}" )
print( f"m.behaviour_i: {m.behaviour_i}" )
print( m.behaviour( dict() ) )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_15( description: str = "Merchant.make_Deal" ):
with LoggingContext(
#>, level=logging.INFO
, level = logging.DEBUG
m0 = Merchant.altruist()
m1 = Merchant.egoist()
m2 = Merchant.trickster()
m3 = Merchant.unpredictable()
m4 = Merchant.vindictive()
m5 = Merchant.conMan()
logger.debug( f"Merchant.behaviours: {Merchant.behaviours}" )
assert len( m0.deals_History_Map ) == 0
assert len( m0.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 0
m0.make_Deal( m1 )
assert len( m1.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m1.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 1
m1.make_Deal( m0 )
assert len( m0.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m0.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 2
assert len( m2.deals_History_Map ) == 0
assert len( m2.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 0
assert len( m3.deals_History_Map ) == 0
assert len( m3.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 0
m2.make_Deal( m3 )
assert len( m2.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m2.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 1
assert len( m3.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m3.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 1
m3.make_Deal( m2 )
assert len( m2.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m2.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 2
assert len( m3.deals_History_Map ) == 1
expected = 2
actual = len( m3.previous_State[ "history" ] )
assert actual == 2, f"{actual} != {expected}"
m2.make_Deal( m3 )
assert len( m2.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m2.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 3
assert len( m3.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m3.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 3
# but less than `deals_Per_Year_Max`
for i in range( 0, 6, 1 ):
logger.debug( f"i:{i} m4.make_Deal( m5 )" )
m4.make_Deal( m5 )
assert len( m4.deals_History_Map ) == 1
#>assert len( m4.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 5
expected = 6
actual = len( m4.previous_State[ "history" ] )
assert actual == expected, f"{m4.previous_State[ 'history' ]}{actual} != {expected}"
assert len( m5.deals_History_Map ) == 1
assert len( m5.previous_State[ "history" ] ) == 6
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_16( description: str = "" ):
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.DEBUG ):
m = Merchant.vindictive()
#>logger.setLevel( logging.INFO )
logger.debug( f" {}, id( m ): {id( m )}, m: {m}" )
#>logger.setLevel( logging.DEBUG )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_17( description: str = "initialize_Tournament" ):
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.DEBUG ):
data_List = initialize_Tournament()
logger.debug( f"type(data_List[0]): {type(data_List[0])}" )
"initialize_Tournament():\n{}".format( pformat(
tuple( enumerate(
lambda m: + " -> " + m.behaviours[ m.behaviour_i ].__name__,
) ) )
) ) )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_18( description: str = "play_Round" ):
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.DEBUG ):
merchants_Pool_List = initialize_Tournament()
#>print( "play_Round(50):", play_Round( initialize_Tournament() ) )
#>play_Round( initialize_Tournament(), 50, 5, 10 )
# mutate or | and return
play_Round( merchants_Pool_List )
top_Fifth_Amount = top_Fifth_Stat( merchants_Pool_List )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 1 )
def test_19( description: str = "round_Limits_Stat" ):
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.DEBUG ):
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 1 )
def test_20( description: str = "play_Game" ):
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
merchants_Pool_List = play_Game( rounds_Max = 9 )
assert type( merchants_Pool_List ) is list
assert len( merchants_Pool_List ) == 50
top_Fifth_Amount = top_Fifth_Stat( merchants_Pool_List )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_21( description: str = "is_Only_One_Type_Left" ):
with LoggingContext( logger, level=logging.INFO ):
merchants_List = initialize_Tournament()
assert not is_Only_One_Type_Left( merchants_List )
#for i in range( 0, len( merchants_List ), 1 ):
for ( i, merchant ) in enumerate( merchants_List ):
if merchant.behaviour_i != 0:
merchants_List[i] = Merchant.with_Custom_Behavior( Merchant.behaviours[ 0 ] )
assert is_Only_One_Type_Left( merchants_List )
@run_If( is_Run_Test = 1 == 0 )
def test_22( description: str = "strategy_Builder" ):
with LoggingContext(
#>, level=logging.INFO
, level = logging.DEBUG
brand_New_Strategy = strategy_Builder(
logger.debug( f"brand_New_Strategy: {brand_New_Strategy}" )
logger.debug( f"type(brand_New_Strategy): {type(brand_New_Strategy)}" )
f"dir(brand_New_Strategy) filtered:"
f" {[ prop for prop in dir(brand_New_Strategy) if not prop.startswith( '__' ) ]}" )
f"brand_New_Strategy.get( 'history_Lookup_Window_Size' ):"
f" {brand_New_Strategy.history_Lookup_Window_Size}" )
### @toDo: use getattr( instance, method_name )
### to "extract" | access an object method
### e.g. to assign it to a variable for testing
### also works as key lookup in dictionary
### with fail-safe default if one provided
### @toDo: use a Context Manager ( decorator ) e.g.
### for enabling debug logs while testing
#print( "50 * 50 = ", 50 * 50 )
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