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Last active October 11, 2022 22:49
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MrBoost Sideways Chat + Pronouns
"testMessage": {
"type": "button",
"label": "Test message",
"value": "Test message",
"group": "Test"
"noname": {
"type": "dropdown",
"label": "Show nickname every msg?",
"value": "Yes",
"options": {
"show": "No",
"hide": "Yes"
"messagesLimit": {
"type": "number",
"label": "Messages limit",
"value": 6
"hideAfter": {
"type": "number",
"label": "Hide after seconds (999 to disable)",
"value": 999
"animationOut": {
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"label": "Background Color",
"type": "colorpicker",
"value": "rgb(0, 0, 0)"
"nickColor": {
"type": "dropdown",
"label": "Nickname color:",
"value": "user",
"options": {
"user": "as on twitch",
"messagecolor": "same as message text",
"custom": "specified below"
"customNickColor": {
"type": "colorpicker",
"label": "Custom nickname color:",
"value": "rgba(0,255,0,1)"
"showPronouns": {
"type": "dropdown",
"label": "Use",
"value": "Yes",
"options": {
"show": "Show Pronouns",
"hide": "Disable Pronouns"
"hideCommands": {
"label": "Hide lines starting with ! (!command)",
"type": "dropdown",
"value": "yes",
"options": {
"yes": "Yes",
"no": "No"
"ignoredUsers": {
"label": "Ignored users (comma separated)",
"type": "text",
"value": "StreamElements,OtherBot"
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// Sideways Chat by MrBoost
// support added by JuniperSkunktaur
let totalMessages = 0, messagesLimit = 0, noname = "show", nickColor = "user", removeSelector, addition, customNickColor, channelName,
let pronounsList;
let showPronouns;
let animationIn = 'bounceIn';
let animationOut = 'bounceOut';
let hideAfter = 60;
let hideCommands = "no";
let ignoredUsers = [];
let previousSender = '';
window.addEventListener('onEventReceived', async function (obj)
if (obj.detail.event.listener === 'widget-button') {
if (obj.detail.event.field === 'testMessage') {
let emulated = new CustomEvent("onEventReceived", {
detail: {
listener: "message", event: {
service: "twitch",
data: {
tags: {
"badge-info": "",
badges: "moderator/1,partner/1",
color: "#5B99FF",
"display-name": "StreamElements",
emotes: "25:46-50",
flags: "",
id: "43285909-412c-4eee-b80d-89f72ba53142",
mod: "1",
"room-id": "85827806",
subscriber: "0",
"tmi-sent-ts": "1579444549265",
turbo: "0",
"user-id": "100135110",
"user-type": "mod"
nick: channelName,
userId: "100135110",
displayName: channelName,
displayColor: "#5B99FF",
badges: [{
type: "moderator",
version: "1",
url: "",
description: "Moderator"
}, {
type: "partner",
version: "1",
url: "",
description: "Verified"
channel: channelName,
text: "Howdy! My name is MrBoost and I am here to serve Kappa",
isAction: !1,
emotes: [{
type: "twitch",
name: "Kappa",
id: "25",
gif: !1,
urls: {
1: "",
2: "",
4: ""
start: 46,
end: 50
msgId: "43285909-412c-4eee-b80d-89f72ba53142"
renderedText: 'Howdy! My name is Bill and I am here to serve <img src="" srcset=" 1x, 2x, 4x" title="Kappa" class="emote">'
if (obj.detail.listener === "delete-message") {
const msgId = obj.detail.event.msgId;
} else if (obj.detail.listener === "delete-messages") {
const sender = obj.detail.event.userId;
if (obj.detail.listener !== "message") return;
let data =;
if (data.text.startsWith("!") && hideCommands === "yes") return;
if (ignoredUsers.indexOf(data.nick) !== -1) return;
let message = attachEmotes(data);
let badges = "", badge;
if (provider === 'mixer') {
data.badges.push({ url: data.avatar });
for (let i = 0; i < data.badges.length; i++) {
badge = data.badges[i];
badges += `<img alt="" src="${badge.url}" class="badge"> `;
let nickname = data.displayName;
let userPronouns = "";
if (showPronouns && provider === 'twitch') {
const pronouns = await getPronouns(nickname);
if (pronouns){
userPronouns = ` (${pronouns})`;
let username = data.displayName + userPronouns + ":";
if (nickColor === "user") {
const color = data.displayColor !== "" ? data.displayColor : "#" + (md5(nickname).substr(26));
username = `<span style="color:${color}">${username}</span>`;
if (nickColor === "custom") {
const color = customNickColor;
username = `<span style="color:${color}">${username}</span>`;
addMessage(nickname, username, badges, message, data.isAction, data.userId, data.msgId);
window.addEventListener('onWidgetLoad', function (obj)
const fieldData = obj.detail.fieldData;
animationIn = fieldData.animationIn;
animationOut = fieldData.animationOut;
hideAfter = fieldData.hideAfter;
messagesLimit = fieldData.messagesLimit;
nickColor = fieldData.nickColor;
customNickColor = fieldData.customNickColor;
showPronouns = fieldData.showPronouns;
hideCommands = fieldData.hideCommands;
channelName =;
animate = fieldData.messageAlign;
noname = fieldData.noname;
fetch('' + + '/')
.then(response => response.json())
.then((profile) =>
provider = profile.provider;
if (showPronouns === "show") {
.then(response => response.json())
.then(pronounArray =>
pronounsList = pronounArray.reduce(
(obj, item) => Object.assign(obj, { []: item.display }), {});
ignoredUsers = fieldData.ignoredUsers.toLowerCase().replace(" ", "").split(",");
function attachEmotes(message)
let text = html_encode(message.text);
let data = message.emotes;
return text
function (m, key)
let result = data.filter(emote =>
return === key
if (typeof result[0] !== "undefined") {
let url = result[0]['urls'][1];
return `<img alt="" src="${url}" class="emote"/>`;
} else return key;
function html_encode(e)
return e.replace(/[<>"^]/g, function (e)
return "&#" + e.charCodeAt(0) + ";";
function addMessage(nickname, username, badges, message, isAction, uid, msgId)
if (noname === "show") {
if (previousSender !== username) {
previousSender = username;
else {
username = '';
badges = '';
totalMessages += 1;
let actionClass = "";
if (isAction) {
actionClass = "action";
const element = $.parseHTML(`
<div data-sender="${uid}" data-msgid="${msgId}" class="message-row animated" id="msg-${totalMessages}">
<div class="user-box ${actionClass}">${badges}${username}</div>
<div class="user-message ${actionClass}">${message}</div>
if (hideAfter !== 999 && noname == "hide") {
gsap.fromTo(`#msg-${totalMessages}`, 0.5, { right: "-50px", width: 0 }, { width: "auto" });
$('.main-container .message-row').prepend(element).delay(hideAfter * 1000).queue(function ()
$(this).removeClass(animationIn).addClass(animationOut).delay(1000).queue(function ()
} else {
gsap.fromTo(`#msg-${totalMessages}`, 0.5, { right: "-50px", width: 0 }, { width: "auto" });
if (totalMessages > messagesLimit) {
removeRow(totalMessages - messagesLimit);
function removeRow()
if (!$(removeSelector).length) {
if (animationOut !== "none" || !$(removeSelector).hasClass(animationOut)) {
if (hideAfter !== 999) {
} else {
$(removeSelector).addClass(animationOut).delay(1000).queue(function ()
async function getPronouns(nickname)
const userResponse = await (await fetch(`${nickname}`)).json();
if (userResponse.length === 0) return "";
const userPronouns = pronounsList[userResponse[0].pronoun_id];
console.log(nickname, userPronouns);
return userPronouns;
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