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Last active December 18, 2015 10:09
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Save Gnonthgol/5767038 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
osm donations ticker
import os
import time
import urllib2
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
url = ''
class DonationHTMLParser(HTMLParser):
donations = []
keys = ['name', 'when', 'amount']
key = -1
value = ""
object = {}
def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs):
if tag == 'td':
self.key = (self.key +1) % len(self.keys)
self.value = ""
elif tag == 'br':
self.value += "\n"
def handle_endtag(self, tag):
if tag == 'td':
self.object[self.keys[self.key]] = self.value.strip()
if self.key +1 == len(self.keys):
self.object = {}
def handle_data(self, data):
self.value += data
rateCache = {}
def toGBP(raw):
urlPattern = ''
otherCur, otherValue = raw.split(' ')
if not rateCache.has_key(otherCur):
print "Getting exchange rate for %s" % otherCur
rateCache[otherCur] = float(urllib2.urlopen(urlPattern % otherCur).read().split(',')[1].replace(',', ''))
return float(otherValue.replace(',', '')) * rateCache[otherCur]
def readState(filename):
# Read the state.txt
sf = open(filename, 'r')
state = {}
for line in sf:
if line[0] == '#':
(k, v) = line.split('=')
state[k] = v.strip().replace("\\:", ":")
return state
last_donation_date = None
if not os.path.exists('donation_state.txt'):
print "No donation_state file found to poll donation feed."
while True:
notes_state = readState('donation_state.txt')
last_donation_date = notes_state.get('last_donation_date', None)
print "Requesting %s" % url
parser = DonationHTMLParser()
result = urllib2.urlopen(url)
for data in result:
donations = parser.donations
for donation in donations:
if donation['when'] > last_donation_date:
name = donation['name'].split('\n')
if name[0] == "Anonymous":
name[0] = "A generous donor"
money = donation['amount']
gbp = "GBP %.2f" % toGBP(money)
if money != gbp:
money += " (%s)" % gbp
if len(name) == 1:
print "%s just donated %s to OSMF" % (name[0], money)
print "%s just donated %s to OSMF: %s" % (name[0], money, name[1])
last_donation_date = donation['when']
except urllib2.URLError, e:
print "Error getting donation page"
with open('donation_state.txt', 'w') as f:
f.write('last_donation_date=%s\n' % last_donation_date)
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