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Last active July 21, 2017 11:30
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VirtualDOM implementation in Ironscript
_sync "VDOM : The Virtual DOM implementation in Ironscript"
(_include "stdlib")
[defun h (type props :children) {
[.props = props]
[parse-type-string = @{
var type = args[0];
var idDelim = args[1];
var classDelim = args[2];
if (!idDelim) idDelim = '#';
if (!classDelim) classDelim = '.';
function parseClass (str) {
var tarr = str.split(classDelim);
var type = "div";
if (classDelim !== str[0]) type = tarr[0];
return [type, tarr.slice(1).join(' ')];
function parseId (str) {
var tarr = str.split(idDelim);
if (idDelim === str[0]) return ["div", "", tarr[1]];
else if (tarr.length > 1) {
let ret = parseClass(tarr[0]);
return ret;
else return parseClass(tarr[0]);
$return (parseId(type));
}@ ]
[t = (parse-type-string type) ]
[if ["object" === (typeof t)]
then (_begin
[.type = t.0]
[props.class = t.1]
[ = t.2]
else [.type = t]
[if children [.children = (_seq :children)] ]
} ]
[_rho (H @tag) (h @tag {}) ]
[_rho (H @tag @props) (h @tag @props) ]
[_rho (H @tag @props :@children) (h @tag @props :@children) ]
[_rho (T @tag :@children) (h @tag {} :@children) ]
[_rho (T @tag) (h @tag {}) ]
[NOOP = (_fn () NIL) ]
[PORT = (_fn () (_stream NOOP NIL) ) ]
[defun vnode (node id) (_begin
[type = node.type]
[if type
then (_begin
[componentfn = (_dot COMPONENTS type)]
[if componentfn
then (_begin
[nd = (componentfn node.props)]
[if then (vnode nd else (vnode nd ".")]
else {
[.type = type]
[.props = node.props]
[if then [.id =] else [.id = "."] ]
[if node.children
[.children = (_map node.children (_fn (child index)
(vnode child (concat .id "." index) )
) ) ]
else node
[init = @{
var capt = true;
if (args[0] === "false") capt = false;
("keypress keydown keyup click dbclick scroll focus blur change search select submit input invalid".split(" "))
.forEach (function (e) {
document.body.addEventListener(e, function (ev) {$yield(ev); ev.stopPropagation();}, capt) ;
}@ ]
[.event-stream = (_stream init "true")]
[listeners = {}]
[defun .listen (id event port)
[(_dot listeners (concat id ":" event) ) = port]
[defun .mute (id event) [(concat id ":" event) = NIL] ]
[defun .remove (id) ( @{
var obj = args[0];
var id = args[1];
Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (name) {
if (name.startsWith(id+'.') || name.startsWith(id+':')) obj[name] = undefined;
}@ listeners id ) ]
(_do (_on .event-stream
[e = (_pull .event-stream)]
[port = (_dot listeners (concat ":" e.type ) ) ]
[if port (_push port e)]
) )
} ]
[update-fn-internal = (_fx (
function isEventProp (name) { return /^on/.test(name); }
function extractEventName (name) { return name.slice(2).toLowerCase(); }
function isCustomProp (name) {
if (name === "id") return true;
if (isEventProp(name)) return true;
return false;
function setBooleanProp ($target, name, value) {
if (value) $target.setAttribute(name, value);
$target[name] = value;
function setProp ($target, name, value) {
if (isCustomProp(name)) return;
else if (typeof value === 'boolean') setBooleanProp ($target, name, value);
else $target.setAttribute (name, value);
function setProps ($target, props) {
if (typeof props === 'object') Object.keys(props).forEach(function (name) {
setProp($target, name, props[name]);
function removeBooleanProp ($target, name) {
$target.removeAttribute (name);
$target[name] = false;
function removeProp ($target, name, value) {
if (isCustomProp(name)) return;
else if (typeof value === 'boolean') removeBooleanProp ($target, name);
else $target.removeAttribute (name);
function updateProp ($target, name, newVal, oldVal) {
if (!newVal) removeProp ($target, name, oldVal);
else if (!oldval || newVal !== oldVal) setProp ($target, name, newVal);
else return;
function updateProps ($target, newProps, oldProps) {
if (!oldProps) oldProps = {};
var props = Object.assign ({}, newProps, oldProps);
Object.keys(props).forEach (function (name) {
updateProp ($target, name, newProps[name], oldProps[name]);
function addEventListeners (id, props) {
if (typeof props === 'object') Object.keys(props).forEach(function (name) {
if (isEventProp(name)) addPatch.push({id: id, type: extractEventName(name), port: props[name]});
function createElement (node) {
if (typeof node === 'string') return document.createTextNode(node);
var $el = document.createElement (node.type);
setProps ($el, node.props);
addEventListeners(, node.props);
if (node.children)$el.appendChild.bind($el));
return $el;
function changed (node1, node2) {
return typeof node1 !== typeof node2
|| typeof node1 === 'string' && node1 !== node2
|| node1.type !== node2.type
|| !==;
function Patch () {
this.arr = [];
this.push = function (x) {this.arr.push(x); }.bind(this);
var addPatch = [];
var removePatch = [];
function updateElement ($par, newNode, oldNode, index=0) {
if (!oldNode) {
$par.appendChild (createElement (newNode));
else if (!newNode) {
else if (changed(newNode, oldNode)) {
$par.replaceChild(createElement(newNode), $par.childNodes[index]);
else if (newNode.type) {
updateProps($par.childNodes[index], newNode.props, oldNode.props);
var newLen = newNode.children.arr.length;
var oldLen = oldNode.children.arr.length;
for (var i=0; i<newLen || i<oldLen; i++) {
updateElement ($par.childNodes[index], newNode.children.arr[i], oldNode.children.arr[i], i);
function update (id, newNode, oldNode) {
var $par = document.getElementById (id);
addPatch = [];
removePatch = [];
updateElement ($par, newNode, oldNode);
return {add:addPatch, remove:removePatch};
$return (update);
}@ ) ) ]
[defun update (id newNode oldNode)
[vOldNode = [if oldNode then (vnode oldNode) else NIL]]
[vNewNode = [if newNode then (vnode newNode) else NIL]]
[patches = (update-fn-internal id vNewNode vOldNode ) ]
(_map patches.remove (_fn (item) (EVENTS.remove item) ) )
(_map patches.add (_fn (item) (EVENTS.listen item.type item.port) ) )
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