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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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/* CHEF AND KINGSHIP, Codechef, easy
* This is probably the easiest problem I have posted here. The logic is very
* simple. To minimize the cost i.e. the sum of product of population of cities
* the optimal way is to construct roads from the city with minimum population
* to every other city. :D (think and try to mathematically prove why).
* Hence now the solution is as easy as finding the minimum population and sum of
* all other populations and just multiply the sum and the min.
* Mathematically: (This is how to define a problem in writings)
* There are N cities C1, C2, C3... Ci... Cn with population P1, P2, P3 ... Pi ... Pn.
* The cities are vertices of an complete graph and the weight of an edge between
* Ci and Cj is Pi * Pj. (where i != j, i.e. Ci and Cj are distinct vertices)
* The problem requires computing the sum of weights of edges of the Minimal Spanning Tree.
#include <stdio.h>
#define INF 99999999 // define a very large value to be
// used as infinite
int main(){
int T, N, min, sum, temp;
scanf("%d",&T); // read the number of test cases
while(T--){ // iterate T times, explain why this loop works yourself
min = INF; // initialise min to infinite
sum = 0; // initialise sum to zero
while(N--){ // iterate N times
scanf("%d",&temp); // read the number
if(temp < min) min = temp; // update the min is necessary
sum += temp; // update the sum
printf("%d\n",(sum-min)*min); // print the result
return 0;
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