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Last active March 19, 2024 03:00
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The sequence in which methods and signals gets called in gdscript
# as of godot 4.1
_notification 20 Node.NOTIFICATION_SCENE_INSTANTIATED # only on instantiated scene roots
_notification 18 Node.NOTIFICATION_PARENTED
tree_entered signal
ready signal
_gui_input # Control only
get_tree().physics_frame signal
mouse_entered signal # emited by CollisionObject2D
mouse_shape_entered signal # emited by CollisionObject2D
input_event signal # emited by CollisionObject2D
_draw # from CanvasItem
_init.call_deferred until _physics_process.call_deferred
body_entered signal # emited by Area2D
body_shape_entered signal # emited by Area2D
area_entered signal # emited by Area2D
area_shape_entered signal # emited by Area2D
_integrate_forces # from RigidBody2D
_integrate_forces.call_deferred # from RigidBody2D
get_tree().process_frame signal
tree_exiting signal
tree_exited signal
_notification 1 Object.NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE
# after exit tree only deferred call from external callables work, but they still get called before the next frame
_exit_tree.call_deferred until NOTIFICATION_PREDELETE.call_deferred
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