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Created September 14, 2019 18:10
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transcription for the code found in the video "PyQt5 Creating Paint Application In 40 Minutes"
# transcription for the code found in the video "PyQt5 Creating Paint Application In 40 Minutes"
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMainWindow, QMenuBar, QMenu, QAction, QFileDialog
from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon, QImage, QPainter, QPen
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPoint
import sys
class Window (QMainWindow) :
def __init__(self):
top = 400
left = 400
width = 800
height = 600
icon = "icons/pain.png"
self.setWindowTitle ("Paint Application")
self.setGeometry(top, left, width, height)
self.setWindowIcon(QIcon (icon))
self.image = QImage (self.size(), QImage.Format_RGB32)
self.drawing = False
self.brushSize = 2
self.brushColor =
self.lastPoint = QPoint ()
mainMenu = self.menuBar ()
fileMenu = mainMenu.addMenu("File")
brushMenu = mainMenu.addMenu ("Brush Size")
brushColor = mainMenu.addMenu ("Brush Color")
saveAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/save.png"), "Save", self)
saveAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+S")
fileMenu.addAction (saveAction)
saveAction.triggered.connect (
clearAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/clear.png"), "Clear", self)
clearAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+C")
fileMenu.addAction (clearAction)
clearAction.triggered.connect (self.clear)
threepxAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/threepx.png"), "3px", self)
threepxAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+T")
brushMenu.addAction (threepxAction)
threepxAction.triggered.connect (self.threePx)
fivepxAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/fivepx.png"), "5px", self)
fivepxAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+F")
brushMenu.addAction (fivepxAction)
fivepxAction.triggered.connect (self. fivePx)
sevenpxAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/sevenpx.png"), "7px", self)
sevenpxAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+S")
brushMenu.addAction (sevenpxAction)
sevenpxAction.triggered.connect (self.sevenPx)
ninepxAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/ninepx.png"), "9px", self)
ninepxAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+N")
brushMenu.addAction (ninepxAction)
ninepxAction.triggered.connect (self.ninePx)
blackAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/black.png"), "Black", self)
blackAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+B")
brushColor.addAction (blackAction)
blackAction.triggered.connect (self.blackColor)
redAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/red.png"), "Red", self)
redAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+W")
brushColor.addAction (redAction)
redAction. triggered.connect (self.redColor)
greenAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/green.png"), "Green", self)
greenAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+G")
brushColor.addAction (greenAction)
greenAction.triggered.connect (self.greenkColor)
yellowAction = QAction (QIcon ("icons/yellow.png"), "Yellow", self)
yellowAction.setShortcut ("Ctrl+G")
brushColor.addAction (yellowAction)
yellowAction.triggered.connect (self.yellowColor)
def mousePressEvent (self, event):
if event.button () == Qt.LeftButton:
self.drawing = True
self.lastPoint = event.pos ()
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
if (event.buttons () & Qt.LeftButton) & self.drawing:
painter = QPainter (self.image)
painter.setPen(QPen(self.brushColor, self.brushSize, Qt.SolidLine, Qt.RoundCap, Qt.RoundJoin))
painter.drawLine(self.lastPoint, event.pos())
self.lastPoint = event.pos ()
def mouseReleaseEvent (self, event):
if event.button == Qt.LeftButton:
self.drawing = False
def paintEvent (self, event):
canvasPainter = QPainter (self)
canvasPainter.drawImage (self.rect (), self.image, self.image.rect ( ) )
def save (self):
filePath, _= QFileDialog.getSaveFileName (self, "Save Image", "", "PNG(*.png);;JPEG(*.jpg *.jpeg);; ALL Files(*.*)")
if filePath == "":
return (filePath)
def clear (self):
def threePx (self):
self.brushSize = 3
def fivePx (self):
self.brushSize = 5
def sevenPx (self):
self.brushSize = 7
def ninePx (self):
self.brushSize = 9
def blackColor (self):
self.brushColor =
def redColor (self):
self.brushColor =
def greenkColor (self):
self.brushColor =
def yellowColor(self):
self.brushColor = Qt.yellow
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
window = Window()
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