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Created April 13, 2019 07:06
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// 要求:a>=0, b>=0
void ext_gcd(ll a, ll b, ll &x, ll &y){
// 迭代不变量:
// x*a + b*y == gcd(a,b);
// ext_gcd(a, a%b, x, y)
// gcd(a,b) == x*a + y*(a-a/b*b)
// gcd(a,b) == (x+y)*a + (-a/b*y)b;
ext_gcd(b, a%b, y, x);
// x*(a-a/b*b) + b*y = gcd(a,b)
//x*a + (y-x*a/b)*b
y -= x*a/b;
ll inv(ll x, ll m){
ll a, b;
ext_gcd(x, m, a, b);
if(a<0) a+=m;
return a;
// pair.first 余数, pair.second 模数
ll crt(const vector<pair<ll,ll>> &a){
ll prod = 1;
// 要求:所有模数之积不会溢出
for(auto x: a) {
prod *= x.second;
ll res = 0;
for(auto x: a){
auto t = prod/x.second;
res += x.first * t % prod * inv(t, x.second) % prod; // error-prone
if(res >= prod) res -= prod;
return res;
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