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Created April 15, 2019 17:31
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// BEGIN 树剖模板
vi g[N];
int fa[N];
int sz[N];
int heavy_son[N];
int dep[N];
void dfs(int u, int f) {
fa[u] = f;
sz[u] = 1;
dep[u] = dep[f] + 1;
int hson = 0;
FOR(v, g[u]) {
if(v!=f) {
dfs(v, u);
sz[u] += sz[v];
if (sz[v] > sz[hson]) hson = v;
heavy_son[u] = hson;
int top[N], pos[N];
void init(int n) { // 很好的写法!
int idx = 0;
rng (i, 1, n + 1) {
if (i != heavy_son[fa[i]]) {
for (int j = i; j != 0; j = heavy_son[j]) {
top[j] = i;
pos[j] = ++idx;
// 两种情况:1.修改路径上的边 2.修改路径上的点。
bool VALUE_ON_EDGE = true;
template <class BinOpr>// binary operator
void process_path(int u, int v, BinOpr op) {
while(top[u] != top[v]) {
if (dep[top[u]] < dep[top[v]]) swap(u, v);
op(pos[top[u]], pos[u]);
u = fa[top[u]];
if (dep[u] > dep[v]) swap(u, v);
op(pos[u] + VALUE_ON_EDGE, pos[v]);
// END 树剖模板
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