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//This script is for use in quickly calculating a RANGED fumble result in the Hackmaster RPG system.
//This script is best triggered by a macro setup like the one on the following line
//!RangFumb ?{Enter the number you missed the target by}
//The macro only asks for one value, making it super easy. If you wanted you could also activate the script by entering, "!RangFumb #" into the chat.
//The script rolls a d1000 and adds the value entered with the macro * 10 to determine the fumble result, just as if you'd rolled a real die.
//There's a few variables used to keep track of penalties and penalty durations for sprains, pulls, muscle tears, etc. They are also used for penetrating dice.
//If all goes well, the script will even return multiple results for the rare terrible fumble result of above 1100!
//In some cases the script will get too many repeating results above 1100, resulting in an near infinite loop. To control for this, the script will break out of the loop after 20 iterations.
//If the script needs t
//This script is for use in quickly calculating a MELEE fumble result in the Hackmaster RPG system.
//This script is best triggered by a macro setup like the one on the following line
//!MelFumb ?{Enter the number you missed the target by}
//The macro only asks for one value, making it super easy. If you wanted you could also activate the script by entering, "!MelFumb #" into the chat.
//The script rolls a d1000 and adds the value entered with the macro * 10 to determine the fumble result, just as if you'd rolled a real die.
//There's a few variables used to keep track of penalties and penalty durations for sprains, pulls, muscle tears, etc. They are also used for penetrating dice.
//If all goes well, the script will even return multiple results for the rare terrible fumble result of above 1100!
//In some cases the script will get too many repeating results above 1100, resulting in an near infinite loop. To control for this, the script will break out of the loop after 20 iterations.
//If the script needs to b
//This script is for use in quickly calculating a critical hit result in the Hackmaster RPG system.
//This script is best triggered by a macro setup like the one on the following line
//!Critical ?{Enter the number corresponding to the ATTACKER's size. Tiny (1), Small (2), Medium (3), Large (4), Huge (5), Gargantuan (6), Enormous (7), and Colossal (8)|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}, ?{Enter the number corresponding to the DEFENDER's size. Tiny (1), Small (2), Medium (3), Large (4), Huge (5), Gargantuan (6), Enormous (7), and Colossal (8)|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8}, ?{Enter the attack roll after all modifiers have been applied.}, ?{Enter the defense roll after all modifiers have been applied.}, ?{Enter the damage, but do not deduct the defender's DR.}, ?{Enter the defender's DR.}, ?{What kind of weapon did the attack use? Crushing (1), Hacking (2), and Piercing (3)|1|2|3}
//The macro asks the user for the values in this order: !Critical [atksize], [defsize], [atkroll], [defroll], [atkdmg], [defdr], [weapon]
//The !Critical followed b