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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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use sqlpackager to deploy ssdt dacpac's
SET PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\120\DAC\bin;%PATH%
SET SourceDacpac=%1
SET Server=%2
SET Database=%3
SET DBUser=%4
SET DBPass=%5
SET SqlDeployScript=%6
SET Variables=%7
SET PublishProfile=%8
STE LastAction=
REM If the db doesn't exist then create it
SET LastAction=checking db exists
sqlcmd -U %DBUser% -P %DBPass% -S %Server% -Q "IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.databases WHERE name = '%Database%') CREATE DATABASE %Database%" -b
if errorlevel 1 goto err
REM Save deployment script
SET LastAction=deploying updates
sqlpackage.exe /action:Publish /sourcefile:%SourceDacpac% /targetservername:%Server% /targetdatabasename:%Database% /targetuser:%DBUser% /targetpassword:%DBPass% /pr:"%PublishProfile%" %Variables%
if errorlevel 1 goto err
goto success
echo error occured at %LastAction% - deploy has failed
exit 1
echo finished
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