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Last active May 28, 2020 10:01
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Ramer–Douglas–Peucker Algorithm
height: 600
scrolling: no
border: yes
license: cc-by-4.0
const ERRORS = [
"Polygon's newSize parameter can't be less than 2!",
"Parameter dots[] must contain at least 2 { x, y } objects!",
"Parameter epsilon can't be a negative value!"
export default function reducePolygon(dots, newSize, debug=true) {
if (newSize < 2) throw RangeError(ERRORS[0]);
let reduced, ep = 0;
do {
reduced = shortDistRDP(dots, ep++);
debug && console.log(`Step: ${ep - 1}\t\tSize: ${reduced.length}`);
} while (reduced.length > newSize);
return reduced;
export function shortDistRDP(dots, epsilon) {
if (!dots || dots.length < 2) throw RangeError(ERRORS[1]);
if (epsilon < 0) throw RangeError(ERRORS[2]);
if (dots.length === 2) return dots.slice();
const last = dots.length - 1, head = dots[0], tail = dots[last];
let maxDistSq = 0, idx = -1;
for (let i = 1; i < last; ++i) {
const currDistSq = dotToLineDistSq(dots[i], head, tail);
if (currDistSq > maxDistSq) maxDistSq = currDistSq, idx = i;
if (Math.sqrt(maxDistSq) > epsilon) {
const recurResL = shortDistRDP(dots.slice(0, idx + 1), epsilon),
recurResR = shortDistRDP(dots.slice(idx), epsilon);
Array.prototype.push.apply(recurResL, recurResR);
return recurResL;
return [ head, tail ];
export function dotToLineDistSq(p, v, w) {
const lineLen = dotDistSq(v, w);
if (!lineLen) return dotDistSq(p, v);
const lineX = w.x - v.x, lineY = w.y - v.y,
t = ((p.x - v.x)*lineX + (p.y - v.y)*lineY) / lineLen;
if (t < 0) return dotDistSq(p, v);
if (t > 1) return dotDistSq(p, w);
return dotDistSq(p, { x: v.x + t*lineX, y: v.y + t*lineY });
export function dotDistSq(a, b) {
return (a.x - b.x)**2 + (a.y - b.y)**2;
export default function mapXYTableToXYArray(t, asVectors=false) {
return t.getArray().map(asVectors && xyArrToVecMap || xyArrToXYObjMap);
function xyArrToVecMap([ x, y ]) {
return p5.instance && createVector(+x, +y) || new p5.Vector(+x, +y);
function xyArrToXYObjMap([ x, y ]) {
return { x: +x, y: +y };
<script defer src=></script>
<script type=module src=sketch.mjs></script>
* Ramer-Douglas-Peucker Algorithm (v1.2.5)
* GoToLoop & JeffThompson (2019/Aug/28)
import reducePolygon from './calc.mjs';
import mapXYTableToXYArray from './data.mjs';
const QTY = 12, DIAM = 15, BOLD = 2,
BG = 0xff, FG = [ 0, 0x64 ], STROKE = [ 0, 0x96, 0xff ],
DEBUG = true, GET_VECTORS = false, FILENAME = 'xy.csv';
let table, coords, reduced,
bg, fg, trace;
window.preload = function () {
table = loadTable(FILENAME);
window.setup = function () {
createCanvas(800, 600);
bg = color(BG), fg = color(FG), trace = color(STROKE);
coords = mapXYTableToXYArray(table, GET_VECTORS);
DEBUG && print("Polygon's original size: " + coords.length);
reduced = reducePolygon(coords, QTY, DEBUG);
if (DEBUG) {
print("Polygon's final size: " + reduced.length + "\n\n");
window.draw = function () {
translate(width >> 1, 0);
function drawPoints(dots) {
if (!dots) return;
for (const { x, y } of dots) vertex(x, y);
for (const { x, y } of dots) circle(x, y, DIAM);
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