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Created September 23, 2021 11:35
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import os
import random
import time
import json
import math
from typing import Iterable, List, Set, Tuple
from urllib.request import urlopen
# ゲームサーバのアドレス / トークン
GAME_SERVER = os.getenv('GAME_SERVER', '')
# TODO: コメントアウトで本番デプロイ
#GAME_SERVER = '' # 開発用環境
TOKEN = os.getenv('TOKEN', 'bb7f6b058d9c0ab5211cdb81ddec4d8e')
# 補助関数
# API仕様書:
def call_api(x: str) -> dict:
url = f'{GAME_SERVER}{x}'
with urlopen(url) as res:
return json.loads(
def call_game() -> dict:
return call_api(f'/api/game/{TOKEN}')
def call_move(index: int, x: int, y: int) -> dict:
return call_api(f'/api/move/{TOKEN}/{index}-{x}-{y}')
def call_will_move(index: int, x: int, y: int, t: int) -> dict:
return call_api(f'/api/will_move/{TOKEN}/{index}-{x}-{y}-{t}')
def call_resources(ids: Iterable[int]) -> dict:
return call_api(f'/api/resources/{TOKEN}/{"-".join(map(str, ids))}')
def calc_score(game) -> float:
a = sorted(o["amount"] for o in game["owned_resource"])
return a[0] + 0.1 * a[1] + 0.01 * a[2]
# user define #
Coord = Tuple[int, int]
# ms で返す. coord * coord -> int
def calc_move_time(p1: Coord, p2: Coord) -> int:
return 100 * math.sqrt((p1[0] - p2[0])**2 + (p1[1] - p2[1])**2)
def to_Coord(dict_pos: dict) -> Coord:
return (int(dict_pos["x"]), int(dict_pos["y"]))
# 収穫量を計算
def calc_yield(agent: dict, resource: dict) -> int:
t = resource["t1"] - (agent["move_start_time"] + calc_move_time(agent["pos"], resource["pos"]))
return resource["weight"] * t
def to_owned_resource(game) -> dict:
orce = game["owned_resource"]
return {"A": orce[0]["amount"], "B": orce[1]["amount"], "C": orce[2]["amount"]}
# 対象リソースの評価関数
# 小さいほど良い
def evaluation(agent: dict, resource: dict, game) -> int:
move_time = calc_move_time(agent["pos"], resource["pos"])
orce = to_owned_resource(game)
denom = orce["A"] + orce["B"] + orce["C"]
score = move_time * (orce[resource["type"]] / denom)
score *= 1.3 ** max(0, resource["targeted_num"]-1)
if calc_yield(agent, resource) <= 0:
score = 1e18
return score
class Bot:
def solve(self):
while True:
game = call_game()
if game["status"] != "ok":
# A: 38.06 B: 18.04 C: 23.83 Score: 20.81 みたいなフォーマットでスコアの出力
print(' '.join(f'{o["type"]}: {o["amount"]:.2f}' for o in game["owned_resource"]), f'Score: {calc_score(game):.2f}')
# 出現済みかつ未消滅の資源を resources に追加
resources: List[dict] = []
for r in game["resource"]:
if r["t0"] - 500 <= game["now"] < r["t1"]:
r["pos"] = to_Coord(r)
del r["x"]
del r["y"]
r["targeted_num"] = 0 # 取得対象にされてる自マシン数
# 移動予定地点にリソースが無い回収車をリストアップ & 移動予定地のリソース削除
agent_list: List[dict] = []
for i in range(5):
agent = {}
agent["id"] = i + 1
agent["pos"] = to_Coord(game["agent"][i]["move"][-1]) # 回収車の予定移動座標
# 既に移動予定になっているリソースとエージェントをいい感じに
flag = False # 移動予定地が有るか
next_resources = []
for r in resources:
if r["pos"] == agent["pos"]:
r["targeted_num"] += 1
# 次の周期までに収穫期間が終わるなら
if r["t1"] - game["now"] < 1000:
agent["move_start_time"] = r["t1"]
flag = True
#resources = next_resources
# 実質使われないはず(上の時点で終わってるはず)
if not flag: # 移動予定地にリソーずが無ければ
agent["move_start_time"] = game["now"]
#resources = [r for r in resources if r["targeted_num"] < 2]
# index_list の中身を順に最短距離座標に割り当てて行く
for agent in agent_list:
if not resources:
# 移動時間で昇順ソート
l = list(sorted(map(lambda r: (evaluation(agent, r, game), r), resources), key=lambda p: p[0]))
_, r = l[0] # 目的地の座標
r["targeted_num"] += 1
gx, gy = r["pos"]
call_will_move(agent["id"], gx, gy, agent["move_start_time"])
#resources = [r for r in resources if r["pos"] != (gx, gy)]
# resources = [r for r in resources if r["targeted_num"] < 2]
if __name__ == "__main__":
bot = Bot()
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