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Last active August 19, 2017 04:26
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open Printf
(** ペアノ数 **)
type nat = Z | S of nat
let rec string_of_nat = function
| Z -> "Z"
| S n -> sprintf "S(%s)" @@ string_of_nat n
let rec int_of_nat = function
| Z -> 0
| S n -> 1 + int_of_nat n
let rec plus n m =
match n with
| Z -> m
| S n' -> S (plus n' m)
let rec minus: nat -> nat -> nat option =
fun n m -> (* n - m *)
match (n, m) with
| (Z, S _) -> None
| (n', Z) -> Some n'
| (S n', S m') -> minus n' m'
let times n m =
let rec calc x res =
match x with
| Z -> res
| S x' -> calc x' @@ plus m res
in calc n Z
(*** DSL ***)
(* syntax *)
type exp = Plus of nat * nat (* _1 plus _2 *)
| Times of nat * nat (* _1 times _2 *)
type prop = Eq of exp * nat (* _1 is _2 *)
(** 処理系 **)
let string_of_exp: exp -> string = function
| Plus (n, m) ->
let (ns, ms) = (string_of_nat n, string_of_nat m) in
ns ^ " plus " ^ ms
| Times (n, m) ->
let (ns, ms) = (string_of_nat n, string_of_nat m) in
ns ^ " times " ^ ms
let exp_run: exp -> nat = function
| Plus (n, m) -> plus n m
| Times (n, m) -> times n m
(* AST *)
type derive_tree =
PZero of nat (* Z plus _1 is _1 *)
| PSucc of (nat * nat * nat) * derive_tree (* (_1 plus _2 is _3) と部分木 *)
| TZero of nat (* Z times n is Z *)
| TSucc of (nat * nat * nat) * (derive_tree * derive_tree) (* [_1 times _2 is ?; _2 plus ? is _3] と部分木の組 *)
let rec gen_eqtree: exp -> nat -> derive_tree = fun left right ->
match left with
| Plus(Z, n) ->
if n = right then PZero n
else failwith "not equal"
| Plus(S n, m) -> (
match right with
| Z -> failwith "not equal"
| S o -> PSucc ((S n, m, S o), gen_eqtree (Plus (n, m)) o)
| Times (Z, n) -> (
match right with
| Z -> TZero n
| S _ -> failwith "not equal"
| Times (S n1, n2) ->
let n4 = right in
let n3 =
let res = minus n4 n2 in (
match res with
| None -> failwith "not equal"
| Some res' -> res'
) in
let nextl = gen_eqtree (Times(n1, n2)) n3
and nextr = gen_eqtree (Plus(n2, n3)) n4
in TSucc ((S n1, n2, n4), (nextl, nextr))
let prop_to_derivetree: prop -> derive_tree = function
| Eq (left, right) -> gen_eqtree left right
let paren: string -> string -> string -> string =
fun indent node subtreestr ->
indent ^ node ^ " {\n" ^ subtreestr ^ "\n" ^ indent ^ "}"
let derivetree_printer: derive_tree -> string = fun derivetree ->
let rec printer derivetree indent =
match derivetree with
| PZero n ->
let res = string_of_nat n
in indent ^ "Z plus " ^ res ^ " is " ^ res ^ " by P-Zero {}"
| PSucc ((n, m, o), subtree) ->
let son = string_of_nat in
let (a, b, c) = (son n, son m, son o) in
let node = a ^ " plus " ^ b ^ " is " ^ c ^ " by P-Succ"
and subtreestr = printer subtree (indent ^ " ") in
paren indent node subtreestr
| TZero n ->
let res = string_of_nat n
in indent ^ "Z times " ^ res ^ " is Z by P-Zero {}"
| TSucc ((n, m, o), (subL, subR)) ->
let son = string_of_nat in
let (a, b, c) = (son n, son m, son o) in
let node = a ^ " times " ^ b ^ " is " ^ c ^ " by T-Succ"
and subLstr = printer subL (indent ^ " ")
and subRstr = printer subR (indent ^ " ") in
paren indent node @@ subLstr ^ ";\n" ^ indent ^ subRstr
in printer derivetree ""
let generator: prop -> unit = fun prop ->
|> prop_to_derivetree
|> derivetree_printer
|> print_endline
let exp_interpreter: exp -> nat = exp_run
let prop_interpreter: prop -> bool = function
| Eq (l, r) -> exp_run l = r
let exp_printer: exp -> string = string_of_exp
let prop_printer: prop -> string = function
| Eq (l, r) -> string_of_exp l ^ " is " ^ string_of_nat r
(*** example ***)
let _ = generator @@ Eq (Plus(Z, S (S Z)), S (S Z));;
let _ = generator @@ Eq (Plus(S (S Z), Z), S (S Z));;
let _ = generator @@ Eq (Times(S Z, S Z), S Z);;
let _ = exp_interpreter @@ Plus(S (S Z), Z);;
let _ = prop_printer @@ Eq (Times(S Z, S Z), S Z);;
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Gobi03 commented Aug 11, 2017

例えば、命題 S (S Z) plus Z is S (S Z) の導出木をこんな感じに吐ける

# let _ = compile @@ Eq (Plus(S (S Z), Z), S (S Z));;
S(S(Z)) plus Z is S(S(Z)) by P-Succ {
  S(Z) plus Z is S(Z) by P-Succ {
    Z plus Z is Z by P-Zero {}
- : unit = ()

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Gobi03 commented Aug 12, 2017

times に対応.

ex) 命題: S Z times S Z is S Z

# let _ = compile @@ Eq (Times(S Z, S Z), S Z);;
S(Z) times S(Z) is S(Z) by T-Succ {
  Z times S(Z) is Z by P-Zero {};
  S(Z) plus Z is S(Z) by P-Succ {
    Z plus Z is Z by P-Zero {}
- : unit = ()

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Gobi03 commented Aug 12, 2017


# let _ = exp_interpreter @@ Plus(S (S Z), Z);;
- : nat = S (S Z)
# let _ = prop_printer @@ Eq (Times(S Z, S Z), S Z);;
- : string = "S(Z) times S(Z) is S(Z)"

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Gobi03 commented Aug 19, 2017


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