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Steam client parameters, consoles commands and variables
-480p - Run tenfoot in 480p rather than 1080p
-720p - Run tenfoot in 720p rather than 1080p
-accountrecovery - Perform account recovery
-all_languages - show longest loc string from any language
-bigpicture - Start in Steam Big Picture mode
-cafeapplaunch - Launch apps in a cyber cafe context
-candidates - Show libjingle candidates for local connection as they are processed
-ccsyntax - Spew details about the localized strings we load
-community - Set the community URL
-complete_install_via_http - Run installation completion over HTTP by default
-console -
-cybercafe - Forces cyber cafe mode for debugging
-debug_steamapi - enables logging of Steam API functions
-dev - enables developer spew
-disable-winh264 - disables loading winh264.dll
-dumpvideostream - Dump the game stream as an elementary video file
-enablealloobesteps -
-forcecontrollerappid - Force a Specific AppID for Steam Controller Config - Prevents context/app switching from changing configuration
-forcefriendssearch - Force the friends search dialog to show
-forceservice - Run Steam Client Service even if Steam has admin rights
-fs_log - Log file system accesses
-fs_logbins - Log the binaries we load during operation
-fs_target - Set target syntax
-fulldesktopres - Run tenfoot in full desktop resolution rather than 1080p, overrides -720p as well.
-fullscreenopengl - Use the full screen OpenGL render for the UI
-install - Install game from media
-installer_test - changes installing a retail game to emit all files to install_validate/ folder instead of to the steam cache
-language - Set Steam client UI language
-lognetapi - logs all P2P networking info to log/netapi_log.txt
-log_voice - writes voice chat data to the logs/voice_log.txt file
-musiccrawltrack - Add menu to crawl track and print result to console
-musicdbforcerebuild - Forces a rebuild and recrawl of the music database
-no-cef-sandbox - disables sandboxing in CEF
-no-dwrite - forces CEF to use GDI text even if DWrite support is available
-nobigpicture - Start in regular mode (force Big Picture mode off)
-noconsole -
-opengl - Use the OpenGL render for the UI
-pretend_ipt - Pretend system is IPT capable
-pretend_ipt_bad - Pretend IPT credential is bad
-pretend_not_ipt - Pretend system is not IPT capable
-silent - Silent startup mode (tray mode only)
-single_core - Force Steam to run on your primary CPU only
-steamos -
-store - Set the store URL
-storebeta - 0
-supernav -
-tcp - forces connection to Steam backend to be via TCP
-tenfoot - Start in Steam Big Picture mode
-testbutton - Show test button on main menu
-tt_ip -
-vguifocus - Print out details of which panel has keyboard focus
-vguimessages - set to see debug vgiui2 messages
-voicerelay - Only allow 'relay' connections for voice (testing).
-vrforce - Always perform Hmd status check even if we crashed the last time we tried
-vrskip - Skip VR initialization entirely no matter who asks for it
-windowed - Run Steam tenfoot mode in a window rather than a fullscreen borderless window
@AllowSkipGameUpdate = "0" -
@AppMRUSize = "20" -
@bCloudDetailsEnabled = "0" -
@bContentManifestUseProtobufs = "1" -
@bCSClientRateLimitUseDelays = "1" -
@bCSForceNoCache = "0" -
@bDepotBuilderReadBufferSizeKB = "8192" -
@bDepotBuilderUnbufferedReads = "1" -
@bEnableMovieRecording = "0" -
@bEnableOfflineLogonTicket = "1" - If true, an offline logon ticket will be requested during logon if none is cached
@bEnableSpewThrottle = "1" -
@bForceLaunchEula = "0" -
@bForceStreamUnsupportedApp = "0" -
@bMsgErrorDump = "0" -
@bNewGameHelpSiteEnabled = "1" -
@bRequireOfflineLogonTicket = "0" - If true, a valid offline logon ticket is required when logging in in offline or no connection mode
@bRequireSignedParentalSettings = "1" - If true, a valid set of signed parental settings is required when logging in in offline or no connection mode
@cbPartnerUploadChunkSize = "1000000" - Chunk size to use for POSTing partner uploads
@cCSClientMaxNumSocketsPerHost = "8" -
@cDepotBuilderFileChunkingThreads = "4" -
@cMaxContentServersToRequest = "20" -
@cMaxInitialDownloadSources = "-1" -
@cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_HighPri = "8000" -
@cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_LowPri = "2000" -
@cNetEncryptionHandshakeWorkMax_MedPri = "4000" -
@csecCSRequestProcessorTimeOut = "300" -
@csecFavoriteGameAccountCacheTime = "86400" - Control how often we refresh the account IDs in the game server favorites list
@csecIncomingDataRatePeriod = "1" -
@csecUpdateTargetNumConnectionsEpoch = "10" -
@cSecUploadDownloadRates = "300" -
@CSInterfaceProxyPassword = "" -
@CSInterfaceProxyUsername = "" -
@cUDPSendRetries = "8" -
@CustomBinaryRequestRetryTimes = "20" -
@D2LAppID = "570" - The AppID the DOTA 2 Launcher should launch
@D2LRequiredAppID = "205790" - The AppID the DOTA 2 Launcher requires to own
@DepotBuilderNumHTTPSocketsToMDS = "12" -
@DepotBuilderParallelUploadChunks = "12" -
@EnableUDPHistory = "0" -
@fDownloadRateImprovementToAddAnotherConnection = "1.2" -
@fMinDataRateToAttemptTwoConnectionsMbps = "0.5" -
@GCNameOverride = "" -
@IOCPGetCompletionBatchSize = "1" -
@LocalContentServer = "" -
@MaxOutstandingSendThreadItem = "1000" -
@nCloudDetailsSimulatedFileCount = "0" -
@nCSClientRateLimitKbps = "0" -
@NetConnectionBufferMsgLimit = "1000" - Max # of message that will be buffered into a single zipped packet
@NetConnectionBufferThreaded = "1" -
@net_backlog_bytes_allowed = "12000000" -
@net_backlog_time_allowed_sec = "5" -
@net_loopback = "1" -
@nNetConnectionBufferZipLevel = "1" -
@nParentalSettingsLogLevel = "4" - Control the amount of spew written to the parental log file
@nSpewThrottleNagFrequencyMs = "5000" -
@nSpewThrottlePeriodMs = "1000" -
@nSpewThrottleResumeThreshold = "3" -
@nSpewThrottleTriggerThreshold = "10" -
@nSpewThrottleUnconditionalResumeMs = "5000" -
@nSpewThrottleUnconditionalTriggerCount = "50" -
@nStatsMonitorScale = "1" -
@nStatsMonitorSecs = "300" -
@nTCPLargeSendBufSizeMB = "16" -
@panorama_backstack_focus_restore = "1" -
@panorama_daisy_wheel = "ABXY" - Daisy wheel input mode: RS | ABXY
@panorama_debug_movies = "0" -
@panorama_defaultinput = "dualtouch" -
@panorama_suggestions_view = "0" - 0 - default, 1 - no games or friends, 2 - just games no friends, 3 - some games and friends, 4 - some friends no games
@panorama_trailerslideshow = "1" -
@RunAdminInstallScriptsFromService = "0" -
@sBroadcastPreset = "" -
@sBroadcastTune = "film" -
@sCSDSVirtualHostHeader = "" -
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformBitness = "" - Must be one of: [32 | 64]
@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType = "" - Must be one of: [windows | macos | linux]
@steam_alienfx_settings = "0" -
@steam_alienware_hdmi_input = "0" -
@steam_controller_settings = "0" -
@store_beta_mode = "0" -
@store_country_code = "" -
@strCSNoCacheHeader = "no-cache" -
@StreamClientArgs = "" -
@UDPPktLossPct = "0" - Percentage of UDP packets to drop
@UDPTestMode = "0" - Turns on test modes for UDP layer
AlwaysCustomizeOnBadExit = "0" -
apps_installed -
apps_running - displays information about running games tracked by Steam
app_backup - <appId> <max size MB> <target folder>
app_config_print - Dumps app user config for appID
app_dlc_status - app_status <appId> <dlcId>
app_download_enable - <0|1>
app_info_http_min = "0" -
app_info_http_num_sockets = "8" -
app_info_print - Dumps app info for appID
app_info_update - [0|1] : trigger app info update, optionally for update all
app_install - <appId> [volumeindex]
app_mark_validation - <appId> <0|1:full>
app_restore - <appId> <backup folder>
app_set_update_flag - app_set_update_flag <appId>
app_start_validation - <appId>
app_status - app_status <appId>
app_stop - <appid> [force:0|1] stop this running app
app_uninstall - [-complete] <appId>
app_update_cancel - <EAppUpdateError>
AsyncFileIODisableWrite = "0" -
AsyncFileIOExpectOutstandingIO = "16" -
AsyncFileIOForceGenericIO = "0" -
AsyncFileIOMaxPending = "128" -
AsyncFileIOReadHandleCache = "32" -
AsyncFileIOWriteHandleCache = "128" -
async_disconnect - async disconnect
badnetwork = "0" -
batterypercent = "0" -
batterytime = "0" -
bCheckForFreeGamesOnLogin = "0" -
bCheckUGCIntegrity = "1" -
bClientRecommendationsEnabled = "1" -
bDisableTenFootOverlay = "0" -
bEnableHomeTestOverlay = "0" -
bEnableLoginUsersErrorUpload = "0" - Set to enable uploading log files if there is an error loading login user info
bEnableSubscribedFileCache = "1" -
bEnableSubscribedFileListCache = "1" -
betaalwaysrebuild = "0" -
bExternalProcessForVOD = "1" -
bFinishStagedDepotVersions = "1" -
bigpicturetips_enableinvisibletips = "0" -
bigpicturetips_enableseentips = "0" -
bLogLegacyDiskDetails = "0" -
bPhoneBannerEnabled = "0" -
bPromptGameLaunchBypass = "0" - If set the user will not be prompted when running games with URL arguments (NOT recommended).
bRedeemWalletVoucherEnabled = "1" -
broadcast_adjust_bitrate = "200" -
broadcast_upload_drop_sec = "6" -
broadcast_upload_update_sec = "3" -
bScreenshotsLibrary = "0" -
bShowHelpSiteChangePasswordWizard = "0" -
bSteam3LimitedUserEnable = "1" -
bSteamLoaderEnable = "1" -
bSubscribedFilesDecompressOnClient = "1" -
bSubscribedFilesPollForUpdates = "0" -
bSubscribedFilesUseRangeRequests = "0" -
build_installer - <project file> <target folder> [beta key] [beta pwd]
bVerifyAllDownloads = "0" -
cAppUpdateWorkingSetMB = "128" -
cFileValidationMaxLog = "100" -
cFileValidationThreads = "2" -
clear_console - Clears console text
clear_marketing_message_views - Refetches & displays all marketing messages, ignoring the list of those already seen
ClientStatsUploadRateSeconds = "10" -
cloud_sync_down - <appid> Manually triggers UFS to download files for the given app.
cloud_sync_up - <appid> Manually triggers UFS to upload files for the given app.
cm_force_change - Change CM List
config_refresh - Refresh client configuration
connect_remote - <ip:port>
countrycode = -
cPreallocateMinimumSizeKB = "256" -
csecManifestDownloadTimeout = "120" -
defragrequired = "0" -
DepotDownloadProgressTimeout = "120" -
DepotReconstructionLowPrio = "1" -
DepotReconstructionNumIOThreads = "1" -
developer = "1" -
device_authorize_local - <description> : authorize local device for authorized users
device_authorize_status - prints device authorization status
device_deauthorize_local - deauthorize local device for all users
disable_license - <packagid> Temporarily disables a license that was granted through the Steamworks site
download_depot - download_depot <appid> <depotid> : download a single depot
download_item - download_item <appid> <PublishedFileId> : download a workshop item
download_sources - Dumps list of download sources
drivernodx9 = "0" -
drivernohdr = "0" -
driveroutdated = "0" -
driverunknown = "0" -
driverunsupported = "0" -
dump_panorama_css_properties - Prints out all valid panorama CSS properties and their documentation
dump_scheduled_functions - usage: "dump_scheduled_functions" Displays internal Steam function callback timers
enable_license - <packagid> Enables a previously disabled license that was granted through the Steamworks site
enforcerequiredbranch = "0" -
find - find substrings in console commands
findbestcellstartupdelay = "600" -
html_exit_fullscreen - If the web panel for the ui is currently fullscreen, undo that
install_folder_add - <path>
install_folder_list - list all mounted Steam volumes
install_folder_ui - show UI dialog
kv_stats - Render KeyValues stats
library_sharing_account_max = "5" -
licenses_for_app - <appid> : shows active licenses for appid
licenses_print - display users's Steam3 licenses
log_callbacks - usage: log_callbacks <first callbackID> [last callbackID]
log_files_always_flush = "0" -
log_ipc - usage: "log_ipc [counts|verbose] <filter>" Enables IPC logging. Specifying "counts" or "verbose" is optional, defaulting to counts.
log_matchmaking_callbacks = "0" -
manage_steamguard_useweb = "0" -
manifest_dump - <filename>
mem_stats - Dump memory stats
mem_validate - <dump|leaks> <threshold> : validates memory
mem_walk - [full] : validates memory
MergeCapReprocess_minutes = "480" -
mic_autogain = "16000" - automatic gain control level for microphone input
mic_inputfile = "" - causes voice data to be read from the specified file instead of from the microphone
mic_inputfile = - causes voice data to be read from the specified file instead of from the microphone
mic_outputfile = "" - causes microphone data to be written out to the specified file
mic_outputfile = - causes microphone data to be written out to the specified file
minidump_assert - generates an assert
minidump_crash - crashes the Steam client
musiclogging = "0" -
nBroadcastSessionHearbeatSec = "120" -
nBroadcastSessionMaxDropFrames = "100" -
nClientBackgroundAutoUpdateTimeSpreadMinutes = "240" - Number of minutes to spread background auto-updates out over
nClientCMUDPPingTimeGoodEnoughThresholdMS = "50" -
nClientCMUDPPingTimeoutUseGoodEnoughMS = "250" -
nClientGracePeriodAfterGameExitBeforeUpdatesMinutes = "5" - Time in minutes to inhibit kicking off an update after the game exits
nCloudDownloadMinIntervalSec = "60" -
nCloudFileCompressionMinFileSizeKB = "16" -
nCloudFileCompressionMinFileSizeKBSharedFile = "128" -
nCloudFileCompressionPercentageMin = "10" -
nCloudFileCompressionPercentageMinSharedFile = "50" -
nCloudSyncIntervalSec = "30" -
nCloudUploadMinIntervalSec = "1800" -
nCommunityFilesToShowMax = "3" -
nContentStatsReportInterval = "72" - In Hours
net_incomingcheck = "1" -
net_maxresendsperframe = "32" -
net_msgdump - Dumps list of sent net messages
net_msgspew - Spews sent net messages
newcoplayui = "0" -
nPhoneNotNowDays = "7" -
nProductInfoUpdateInterval = "900" -
nSubscribedAutoDownloadMaxSimultaneous = "8" -
open - opens a main Steam navigation page to the specified internal URL
p2p_connecttimeout = "15" -
p2p_info - usage: "p2p_info" Displays the current state of the P2P networking subsystem.
p2p_unusedtimeout = "120" -
package_info_print - Dumps package info for packageID
panorama_upload_mappings = "0" -
profile_dump - Tells vprof to dump the full profile of all threads (using the last profile data if vprof is off)
profile_off - Turns off vprof and halts profiling
profile_on - Turns on vprof and begins profiling
profile_on_dump_spikes - Turns on vprof, and enables automatic dumping of any single frame that contains spikes above the given threshold in milliseconds (use the regular profile_off to stop)
profile_show_gui - Tells UI to pop a profile dialog for each known thread, must use profile_on/off separately to actually enable/disable data gathering
quit - quit [force|now] : instructs the Steam client to do a safe or forced exit
rtime32EarliestSubscribedFileToDownload = "1354389910" -
sCommunityShareScreenshotLink = "" -
sc_kalman_a_vel = "1.0" -
sc_kalman_fastq = "0" -
sc_kalman_h_vel = "1.0" -
sc_kalman_q_vel = "2.0" -
sc_kalman_r_vel = "2.0" -
sc_kalman_slowq = "0" -
ServerBrowserPingSurveySubmitPct = "1" -
service_repair - Repair Steam service
service_restart - Restarts Steam Windows service
service_test - Test Steam service
set_spew - <group> <spewlevel> <loglevel> Sets spew and log levels for a given group
set_spew_level - <SpewLevel LogLevel> Sets spew and log levels for all groups
spew_controller_loss = "0" -
stats_dump - stats_dump [filter] : dumps matching debug stats
stats_gui - stats_gui : show debug stats panel
stats_monitor - stats_monitor <stat name> [rate] [KB|MB] : monitor a debug stat value
stats_reset - stats_reset [filter] : set matching stats back to 0
streaming_log_spikes = "0" -
tenfoot_forcelaunchgameid = "0" -
tenfoot_match - [prefix]: matches a string prefix
tenfoot_pickle_dictionaries - compiles daisy wheel input dictionaries to more performant form
tenfoot_pickle_single_dictionary - [language] compiles one daisy wheel input dictionary
tenfoot_text_hotspots - find text autosuggest hot spots
testappcloudpaths = "0" -
test_dropcon - Tests dropping a connection
test_failnextconnect - Tests failing the next connection
uForcePreloadApp = "0" -
UGCCDNReportPct = "100" -
user_friends - Dumps list of friends
user_info - Dump various Steam info
verifySignaturesBeforeLaunch = "1" -
verify_chunk_store - verify_chunk_store <appid> <depotid> <datafile> : run app depot build as specified in appbuildfile
vgui_spewpanelstats - spew active panel stats
voice_autogain = "0" -
voice_game_usage - displays information about the game's use of Steam voice
voice_minabs = "0.15" -
voice_minavg = "1.0" -
voice_outputdevice = "0" - 0=>Miles 1=>XAudio2
voice_outputfile = "" - causes output from voice system to be written out to the specified file
voice_outputfile = - causes output from voice system to be written out to the specified file
voice_preprocess = "1" - enables voice cleanup on incoming microphone data
voice_quality = "4" -
windows_info - system_info : prints system information
workshop_items_cache_days = "14" -
workshop_items_update_interval = "900" -
workshop_status - workshop_status <appId>
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