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Forked from gotomypc/__request
Created May 2, 2023 03:28
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Multiple Requests with Request (Node.js)
var request = require('request')
* Handle multiple requests at once
* @param urls [array]
* @param callback [function]
* @requires request module for node ( )
var __request = function (urls, callback) {
'use strict';
var results = {}, t = urls.length, c = 0,
handler = function (error, response, body) {
var url = response.request.uri.href;
results[url] = { error: error, response: response, body: body };
if (++c === urls.length) { callback(results); }
while (t--) { request(urls[t], handler); }
* How to use __request()
* step by step
// create an array of URLs
var urls = ["", "", ""];
// execute the request
// and assign a callback
__request(urls, function(responses) {
// When all the requests are ready
// this callback will be called
// you will get an argument, is
// a map with all the responses
// of the request you made,
// something like this:
responses = {
"": {
error: [object Object],
response: [object Object],
body: [object Object]
"": {
error: [object Object],
response: [object Object],
body: [object Object]
"": {
error: [object Object],
response: [object Object],
body: [object Object]
// Acces to a response:
// direct reference
var first_response = response[""];
// check for errors of the first response
// access to the body of the first response
// also you can reuse the reference on the original array
var first_response = response[urls[0]];
// Iterate responses:
// You can simply iterate all responses
// to find errors or process the response
var url, response;
for (url in responses) {
// reference to the response object
response = responses[url];
// find errors
if (response.error) {
console.log("Error", url, response.error);
// render body
if (response.body) {
console.log("Render", url, response.body);
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