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Created July 7, 2016 11:20
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Javascript cgpa calculator
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<title>Demo CGPA calculator</title>
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<div id="header"><h1>CGPA CALCULATOR (javaScript)</h1> <span>Designed by: <a href="">Ajeh Emeke</a></span></div>
<div id="cont">
Hello!<br />
This is my first version of the javaScript cgpa calculator. <br />
In this version, the user inputs the number of courses offered and the script automatically creates a number of boxes according to the input value.<br />
Next, user enters course codes, units and scores then clicks on calculate. If there are no errors in inputs, the script out puts CGPA in a dialog box.<br />
<br />
In upcoming versions, i intend making the script print out results neatly in a table and also give users the ability to prepare list of courses,scores and units in a txt file which can then be uploaded for calculation.<br />
I believe that will ease off the stress of having to type again and again every semester.
<form method="post" action="" onSubmit="return formsubmit();" id="courseform">
<fieldset id="radiobtn">
<label>CGPA TYPE:</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="action" value="update" /> 4 POINT</label>
<label><input type="radio" name="action" value="remove" checked="checked"/>5 POINT</label></fieldset>
<fieldset><label>How many courses did you offer? (max 5)<input type="text" name="box" placeholder="Enter a number of courses" onkeyup="addbox(this.value)" /></label></fieldset>
<legend id="boxes">
<label>COURSE CODE:<input type="text" name="code1" id="code1" placeholder="eg: EBA101" /></label>
<label>UNIT:<input type="text" name="unit1" id="unit1" value="" /></label>
<label>SCORE (max 100):<input type="text" name="score1" id="score1" value="" /></label>
<input type="reset" value="CLEAR" />
<input type="submit" name="submitquery" value="PROCEED" />
<input type="hidden" name="errors" value="" />
function formsubmit(){
var x;
x=confirm("Calculate CGPA?");
if (x) {
return false;
function addbox(x) {
//var event = document.event.onkeyPress;
//var key = event.keyCode || event.which;
if (isNaN(x) && x.length > 0) { alert("Number of courses must be a number"); return}
if (x.length > 0 && x!=0) {
var boxes = document.getElementById("boxes");
var a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,m;
for (m=1; m<=x; m++) {
a = document.createElement("fieldset"); a.class="fieldset";
b = document.createElement("label");
c = document.createTextNode("COURSE CODE:");
d = document.createTextNode("UNIT:");
e = document.createTextNode("SCORE:");
f = document.createElement("input");
f.type = "text"; = f.value = = "code"+m;
g = document.createElement("input");
g.type = "text"; = g.value = = "unit"+m;
h = document.createElement("input");
h.type = "text"; = h.value = = "score"+m;
b.appendChild(c); //text to label
b.appendChild(f); //input(course code) to label
a.appendChild(b); //label to current fieldset
b.appendChild(d); //text to label
b.appendChild(g); //input(course unit) to label
a.appendChild(b); //label to current fieldset
b.appendChild(e); //text to label
b.appendChild(h); //input(score) to label
a.appendChild(b); //label to current fieldset
boxes.appendChild(a); //current fieldset to legend with id=boxes
function calcgpa() {
var form = document.getElementById("courseform");
var i,cgpa,c,s,u,totalUnitsAccumulated=totalUnitsTaken=0;
var numberOfBoxes =;
if (error(numberOfBoxes)) {
if (isNaN(numberOfBoxes) || numberOfBoxes.length == 0) { alert("Number of courses must be a number"); return}
for (i=1; i <= numberOfBoxes; i++) {
c = document.getElementById("code"+i).value;
s = document.getElementById("score"+i).value;
u = document.getElementById("unit"+i).value;
totalUnitsAccumulated += scoreInUnitsType5(s,u);
totalUnitsTaken += Math.floor(u);
//after getting totalunits accumulated and taken, we compute cgpa
cgpa = totalUnitsAccumulated / totalUnitsTaken;
function error(x) {
for (i=1; i <= numberOfBoxes; i++) {
c = document.getElementById("code"+i).value;
s = document.getElementById("score"+i).value;
u = document.getElementById("unit"+i).value;
if ((s > 100) || (s < 0) || isNaN(s)) { alert("Score"+i+" must be a number between 0 and 100"); return false;}
if ((s > 100) || (s < 0) || isNaN(s)) { alert("Score"+i+" must be a number between 0 and 100"); return false;}
return true;
function scoreInUnitsType5(score,unit) {
if(score >= 70){ return 5*unit;}
if(score >= 60){ return 4*unit;}
if(score >= 50){ return 3*unit;}
if(score >= 40){ return 2*unit;}
if(score >= 30){ return 1*unit;}
else{ return 0*unit;}
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