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Created April 10, 2018 19:16
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Commented out Packages/Modules not required during testing
name: fastai-test-cpu
- fastai
- pytorch
- defaults
- #peterjc123 # Assuming Test are to be run on Ubuntu Backends
- scipy # Scientific Library for Python
- numpy # array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
- pillow # Python Imaging Library (Fork)
- #jpeg # read/write jpeg COM, EXIF, IPTC medata - Not Used I suppose
- spacy # Library for advanced Natural Language Processing in Python and Cython.
- zlib # Compression compatible with gzip
- #freetype # high-quality output (glyph images) of most vector and bitmap font formats.
- libtiff # for reading and writing TIFF
- # bleach # HTML sanitizing library that escapes or strips markup and attributes.
- certifi # Collection of Root Certificates for validating the trustworthiness of SSL certificates for verifying the identity of TLS hosts
- cffi # Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code.
- #cycler # matplotlib dependencies : Composable style cycles
- decorator # dependencies for IPython, scipy etc
- entrypoints # Discover and load entry points from installed packages.
- expat # Expat, a stream-oriented XML parser library written in C.
#- fontconfig
#- glib
- #html5lib # pure-python library for parsing HTML.
- icu # Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
- #ipykernel # IPython Kernel for Jupyter
- #ipython # Productive Interactive Computing
- #ipython_genutils # Vestigial utilities from IPython.
- #ipywidgets #IPython HTML widgets for Jupyter
#- jbig
- #jedi # An autocompletion tool for Python that can be used for text editors.
- #jinja2 # A full featured template engine for Python
- #jsonschema # An implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
# Jupter ide
- #jupyter
- #jupyter_client
- #jupyter_console
- #jupyter_core
#- libffi
#- libgcc
#- libgfortran
- libiconv # To support multiple character encoding if no support available in system.
- libpng # official PNG reference library.
- libsodium # Library for encryption, decryption, signatures, password hashing and more.
- libxml2 # Library for parsing XML documents
- markupsafe #
- matplotlib
- mistune
- mkl
- #nbconvert
- #nbformat
- #notebook
- numpy
- olefile
- #openssl
- pandas
- pandocfilters
- patsy
- pcre
- pexpect
- pickleshare
- pillow
- pip
- prompt_toolkit
#- ptyprocess
- pycparser
- pygments
- pyparsing
- pyqt
- python>=3.6.0
- python-dateutil
- pytz
- pyzmq
- qt
- qtconsole
#- readline
- scipy
- seaborn
- setuptools
- simplegeneric
- sip
- six
- sqlite
- statsmodels
#- terminado
- testpath
- tk
- #tornado<5
- tqdm
- traitlets
- wcwidth
- wheel
- widgetsnbextension
- xz
- zeromq
- pytorch>=0.2.0
- bcolz
- prompt_toolkit
- pip:
- torchvision>=0.1.9
- opencv-python
- isoweek
- pandas_summary
- torchtext
- graphviz
- sklearn_pandas
- feather-format
- jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
- plotnine
- #awscli # AWS CLI
- #kaggle-cli # kaggle Cli
- #ipywidgets # Jupyter Widgets
- #jupyter_contrib_nbextensions
- git+
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