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Last active May 30, 2020 14:18
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Basic script to find old Wikipedia XML dump sizes and number of words/tokens in them
# Basically I was trying to find out the size of MBERT model's data for Indian languages
# Date based on:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from time import sleep
LANGS = ['as', 'bn', 'gu', 'kn', 'hi', 'ml', 'mr', 'or', 'pa', 'ta', 'te']
def get_wikidump_size(lang_code, date):
dump_url = WIKIDUMP_URL % (lang_code, date)
query = ARCHIVE_API % dump_url
response = requests.get(query).json()
if len(response) < 2:
print('Failed for: ', lang_code, date)
return None
dump_url = ARCHIVE_URL % (response[1][1], dump_url)
dump_html = requests.get(dump_url).text
soup_dump = BeautifulSoup(dump_html, 'html.parser')
main_dump = str(soup_dump.find_all('li', {'class': 'file'})[0])
size = main_dump[main_dump.find('</a>') + len('</a>') : main_dump.find('</li>')]
return size.strip()
def get_lang_sizes(dump_date, save_to='wikidump_sizes.txt'):
with open(save_to, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for lang in LANGS:
f.write('%s %s\n'%(lang, get_wikidump_size(lang, dump_date)))
def get_wiki_words(lang_code, year):
actual_url = requests.get(WIKI_STATS_URL%lang_code).url
archive_query = ARCHIVE_API % actual_url
response = requests.get(archive_query).json()
if len(response) < 2:
print('Failed for: ', lang_code, date)
return None
year = str(year)
stats_url = None
for row in response[1:]:
if row[1].startswith(year):
stats_url = ARCHIVE_URL % (row[1], actual_url)
if not stats_url:
return None
dump_html = requests.get(stats_url).content
soup_dump = BeautifulSoup(dump_html, 'html.parser')
num_words = soup_dump.find_all('tr', {'id': 'mw-cirrussearch-article-words'})[0].find_all('td', {'class': 'mw-statistics-numbers'})[0].text
return num_words
return None
def get_lang_words(year, save_to='wiki_words.txt'):
with open(save_to, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for lang in LANGS:
f.write('%s %s\n'%(lang, get_wiki_words(lang, year)))
as 28,18,782
bn ২,৪৯,১৯,৮৪৩
gu ૭૬,૧૪,૭૨૨
kn ೧,೫೬,೧೭,೦೭೮
hi 3,74,55,014
ml 1,54,66,075
mr ६६,२५,४४४
or None
pa 83,23,194
ta 2,80,52,682
te 3,47,61,585
as 17.9 MB
bn 135.2 MB
gu 26.7 MB
kn 68.0 MB
hi 131.9 MB
ml 109.8 MB
mr 47.8 MB
or 23.7 MB
pa 38.7 MB
ta 136.7 MB
te 110.3 MB
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