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Last active June 22, 2024 07:43
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  • Save GoldenStack/2a76d333cf21452e1c4145fffcca568f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GoldenStack/2a76d333cf21452e1c4145fffcca568f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Hello World: Absolute Pain
/* This is the first line: line number one. */
/* This is the beginning of this Java source file (not to be confused with a Java class file). */
// //
// Apparently people are skeptical that this was written by hand. //
// (See //
// I promise that this was one hundred percent handwritten. //
// //
// Check out the version history of this gist - //
// I wrote a less verbose version of this an entire year before //
// ChatGPT was even released. It's real. I promise. //
// //
// I also have multiple intermediate versions of this same file. //
// //
File Metadata:
Indentation: 4 spaces (no tabulation)
Encoding: 8-bit Unicode Transformation Format (
Line Separator: \n
IQ Point deficit directly caused by writing documentation: 54
The following text is the license that the entirety of this Java source file falls under. In this case, there is not really a
license - it falls under "all rights reserved".
Copyright 2021-2024 GoldenStack - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
* This is the HelloWorld Java class. This class is intended to print the text "Hello, World" to the console via the instance
* method (also known simply as a method) {@link} that is a member of the Java class
* {@link}, which is obtained by calling {@link System#out}. Note that, although it is possible for
* {@link System#out} to be modified, this is irrelevant for this current case, and standard out will still be printed to.
* @author The sole author and producer of the code in this Java source file is GoldenStack, although the idea to create a
* class that maintains such a level of verbosity was fabricated by hydrogen (which, conveniently, is an inferior
* element to gold).
* @version 2.0 (updated in 2024 to include more words and significantly extended diction)
* @since 2021-11-3
* @date The current date is Friday, June Twenty First, Two Thousand and Twenty Four. The next (chronologically) complete
* lunar eclipse occurs on the date of the Twenty Fifth of March, Two THousand and Twenty Five.
* As of the original creation of this paper, the date was Wednesday, November Third, Two Thousand and Twenty One,
* and the next (as of the aforementioned date) complete lunar eclipse had been on May Sixteenth, Two Thousand and
* Twenty Two, although this has already passed.
* @precondition The precondition for this program is the same as the vast majority of other Java programs: that there is,
* quite simply, a Java Virtual Machine that functions according to the official Java Virtual Machine
* specifications, linked at {@link}.
* @postcondition The postcondition of this program, explained in a very high-level manner (abstracting away, of course,
* the more specific details as to what precisely occurs on the target computer), is that the string of
* characters as denoted in "Hello, World", followed by a newline character (\n), have been appended to
* the program's standard output stream (STDOUT, or the console) and that the standard output stream has
* been flushed and, if relevant, rendered.
* @purpose The purpose of the creation of this program is twofold: first (as opposed to "firstly" which is not a word in the
* English language), that there is a functional Java Runtime Environment, according to the aforementioned
* specification, that is capable of printing text to the standard output stream, but, second, to also provide a
* sufficiently detailed explanation of how and why this program functions to aid any particular reader.
* @license Please witness the preceding parts of this file to read the license - specifically, as of writing, lines
* nineteen through thirty two.
// The purpose of the next few lines is to plainly declare the class "HelloWorld" as public.
// Although only "public" and "class" are keywords-"HelloWorld" is an identifier-each token has its own important meaning.
public // The "public" keyword here denotes that the following class may be accessed from any location;
// in other words, there are no restrictions (unlike protected, package-private, and private) as to where the class
// can be used. In the Java language, though, the primary class in each file has to be somewhat accessible to outside
// users, regardless.
class // The "class" keyword here denotes that the following class, already known to be public to other clients, is,
// in fact, a class. A class is the only structure that is allowed to be present at this part of the file, at least
// at the time of writing, but it must be specified anyway.
HelloWorld // The string "HelloWorld" decides the name that the class will take. This class name must be identical to
// the name of the file containing it, omitting, of course, the file extension - which must be ".java".
// Side note: most identifier restrictions are because of the Java compiler, not the Java Runtime Environment.
// Although (with some exceptions) the only characters allowed in identifiers by the Java compiler are
// alphanumeric characters, the Java runtime environment supports all UTF-8 characters (as identifiers are
// stored in the UTF-8 text encoding) except ".", ";", "[", and "/". This is a very small list of disallowed
// characters, allowing names containing spaces, parentheses, most brackets, the percent symbol, and the
// well-named octothorpe, as well as emojis. Do note, though, that these will be impossible to use from the
// Java language, as they cannot be referred to in normal Java code.
// Source: {@link}
{ // This opening curly bracket (also called a curly brace in some contexts) indicates that a block of code will follow.
// Using known context, it can be stated that this block must contain a class definition, allowing fields, methods,
// functions, variables, subclasses - or even nothing at all.
// In the case of this Java source file, though, what follows is the rest of the "Hello, World" program.
* The following method is intended to append the characters in the string "Hello, World", followed by a newline
* character, to the running program's standard output stream.
* For more information on how this is done, please read the documentation for the Java class {@link HelloWorld},
* which should be located previously in this file.
* @param args The "args" parameter (short for "arguments", as in the arguments provided to this Java program) indicates
* that it requires an array of strings to be passed in.
* An array is simply a collection of values of a given type T, where the number of values in the array
* cannot change, while the individual elements that are in the array may be changed.
* Note that it may not forever be a given that elements in an array may be changed; if the JEP
* (Java Development Kit Enhancement Proposal) <a href="">
*</a> is ever fully implemented into a proper Java version, arrays
* have the potential to be permanently frozen. This, as of the time of writing, is irrelevant to the current
* program's functionality; it simply serves as a notice.
* A string (as defined in the Java language) is an array of bytes. Although the API provided by strings
* supports every Unicode defined character, they may be encoded internally as either LATIN1 or UTF16.
* LATIN1 is intended to provide a fast alternative for strings that have one-byte characters, while UTF-16
* supports every character in the Unicode text standard. Strings may be manipulated, technically, although
* this simply returns a copy, leaving the original string unchanged.
* @author The sole author and producer of the code in this Java source file is GoldenStack, although the idea to create a
* class that maintains such a level of verbosity was fabricated by hydrogen (which, conveniently, is an inferior
* element to gold).
* @since 2021-11-3
* @date The current date is Friday, June Twenty First, Two Thousand and Twenty Four. The next (chronologically) complete
* lunar eclipse occurs on the date of the Twenty Fifth of March, Two THousand and Twenty Five.
* As of the original creation of this paper, the date was Wednesday, November Third, Two Thousand and Twenty One,
* and the next (as of the aforementioned date) complete lunar eclipse had been on May Sixteenth, Two Thousand and
* Twenty Two, although this has already passed.
* @precondition The precondition for this program is the same as the vast majority of other Java programs: that there is,
* quite simply, a Java Virtual Machine that functions according to the official Java Virtual Machine
* specifications, linked at {@link}.
* @postcondition The postcondition of this program, explained in a very high-level manner (abstracting away, of course,
* the more specific details as to what precisely occurs on the target computer), is that the string of
* characters as denoted in "Hello, World", followed by a newline character (\n), have been appended to
* the program's standard output stream (STDOUT, or the console) and that the standard output stream has
* been flushed and, if relevant, rendered.
* @purpose The purpose of the creation of this program is twofold: first (as opposed to "firstly" which is not a word in the
* English language), that there is a functional Java Runtime Environment, according to the aforementioned
* specification, that is capable of printing text to the standard output stream, but, second, to also provide a
* sufficiently detailed explanation of how and why this program functions to aid any particular reader.
* @license Please witness the preceding parts of this file to read the license - specifically, as of writing, lines
* nineteen through thirty two.
// The purpose (not to be confused with porpoise) of the documentation assigned to the following few lines of code
// is to declare the function (not to be confused with a method [an instance function]) "main", that takes a single
// argument of type `String[]` and returns nothing, and is static.
// Although there is a mix between keywords, identifiers, and otherwise special or reserved symbols (not including
// `const` and `goto`, which are reserved, and thus unusable, in the Java language specification, but are completely
// unused in both the actual Java language specification and the actual Java language implementation/runtime), each
// token has its own important meaning.
public // The "public" keyword here denotes that the following function may be accessed from any location;
// in other words, there are no restrictions (unlike protected, package-private, and private) as to where the
// function can be used. However, this is not particularly relevant for the entry point (the main function),
// as the runtime has the theoretical capability to access it regardless.
static // The "static" keyword indicates that the following function is, in fact, a function, and not a method.
// This means that it does not require an instance of its containing class (in this case, "HelloWorld"),
// in order to be run. Furthermore, it does not have the implicit parameter `this` (with the type of, in this
// case, `HelloWorld`) contained within the list of its parameters.
void // The "void" keyword used here indicates that there is no return value for this function. This is technically
// equivalent to a unit, as this function must return but there is only one possiblity for what it returns:
// nothing. This, somewhat intuitively, allows returning from the function with a `return;` statement without
// any value, and allows the possibility for not all branches of the function to have an explicit return, as
// an empty return is, essentially, implicitly added.
main // The string, or token, "main" determines the name of the following function. Although this could be anything,
// literally excluding everything that is not a valid identifier and technically excluding everything that contains
// ".", ";", "[", and "/" - see the documentation for the "HelloWorld" token for a more in-depth explanation -
// the only valid identifier for a static function of this nature that has the capability to be recognized by an
// unmodified Java Runtime Environment as an entry point to the Java program is "main". Importantly, though, some
// runtimes and IDEs (integrated development environments) may allow running programs with entry points of other
// names.
( // This opening parentheses character indicates, in this context, that the parameters for the `main` function
// must follow. The parameters must be delimited with commas, although it is permitted for there to be no parameters,
// and there must, for this Java program to compile, be a pair of closing parentheses.
// However, the entry point must have the parameters that follow.
String[] // This indicates that the next parameter, in this case the first parameter, in the `main` function is of
// the type `String[]`. This is significant because computer programs, generally, have a list of textual
// inputs provided to them; this manifests in the Java programming language as `String[]`.
// It is also possible to write `String...`, indicating a function with a number of parameters that has a
// variable length, which will indeed work as an entry point as well, but this will compile to an array
// of strings as well.
// An array is simply a collection of values of a given type T, where the number of values in the array
// cannot change, while the individual elements that are in the array may be changed. Note that it may not
// forever be a given that elements in an array may be changed; if the JEP (Java Development Kit
// Enhancement Proposal) <a href="">
//</a> is ever fully implemented into a proper Java version, arrays
// have the potential to be permanently frozen. This, as of the time of writing, is irrelevant to the
// current program's functionality; it simply serves as a notice.
// A string (as defined in the Java language) is an array of bytes. Although the API provided by strings
// supports every Unicode defined character, they may be encoded internally as either LATIN1 or UTF16.
// LATIN1 is intended to provide a fast alternative for strings that have one-byte characters, while
// UTF-16 supports every character in the Unicode text standard. Strings may be manipulated, technically,
// although this simply returns a copy, leaving the original string unchanged.
args // The token or identifier "args" indicates that the first and only parameter to the `main` function has been
// bestowed with the name "args". This, unlike many other naming decisions in creating an entry point to a Java
// program inside a Java class, does not have any more naming restrictions than a standard Java identifier
// (anything, literally excluding everything that is not a valid identifier and technically excluding
// everything that contains ".", ";", "[", and "/" - see the documentation for the "HelloWorld" token for a
// more in-depth explanation); if one likes, they would be able to name it "banana".
) // This closing parentheses character indicates, in this context, that the list of parameters for the `main` function
// is complete; that is, there are no more parameters to be specified. This closing parentheses character is the
// counterpart, dual, or converse to the opening parentheses character that began the list of parameters.
{ // This opening curly bracket (also called a curly brace in some contexts) indicates that a block of code will follow.
// Using known context, it can be stated that the following block must contain a list of ordered statements, or,
// because the return type of the `main` function is `void`, nothing.
// In the case of this Java source file, though, what follows is a statement that feeds the characters in the string
// "Hello, World", followed by a newline character to this Java program's standard output stream.
// The following statement (not to be confused with an expression) feeds the characters in the string "Hello, World"
// into this Java program's standard output stream.
// If this is too hard to understand, I suggest looking at some guides that you can find on
// {@link}. I promise, it's not too hard.
System // The token "System" refers to the class {@link java.lang.System}. It's used for accessing the requisite
// output streams for feeding textual characters into this program's standard output.
. // The token "." indicates access to a member of, in this case, the {@link java.lang.System} class.
// Whatever token follows it must be relevant to a member of the aforementioned class.
out // The token "out" refers to the output stream that is a member of the `System` class. It's a static variable
// assigned to the aforementioned class. This is the PrintStream that can be used to output textual characters.
. // This token "." fulfills the same purpose as the previous "." token: it simply accesses a member of the "out"
// stream.
println // The token "println", with current context, refers to the method `println` stream that belongs to the
// `PrintStream` class; it can be called to display a string of characters, along with a newline character,
// in the current program's output.
( // This opening parentheses character indicates, in this context, that the parameters for the `println` function
// must follow. The parameters must be delimited with commas, although it is permitted for there to be no
// parameters, and there must, for this Java program to compile, be a pair of closing parentheses.
// However, the `println` function requires a parameter to follow.
// This is different from the `main` function in that it represents calling a function, instead of defining one.
// This has largely different implications, but the parentheses that surround the parameters/arguments help show
// how the two are counterparts, or how they're related.
"Hello, World" // This code refers to the string literal representing the characters "Hello, World".
// This has more semantics than embedding a character array in the compiled file (in the case of
// Java, a Java Archive [JAR]) - this is how many other programming languages work, but not
// Java. It also doesn't allocate a mutable string on the heap. Instead, Java allocates this
// string literal as an immutable string, and considers it within Java's "string pool"; in fact,
// if there is already a string literal with this exact content in Java's string pool, no
// allocation will be performed. This can be a large optimization in some cases, but it also
// leads to excess memory lying around, potentially making the program much more memory
// intensive. Furthermore, passwords submitted via user applications, while likely not in danger
// of entering the string pool (as they are not literals and strings are rarely interned), still
// exist in memory for longer than is desired. It is often safer to use a `char[]` and to zero
// the array of characters when needed.
// Essentially, this line performs a lot of implicit operations that are of no importance here,
// but can often have outside implications.
) // This closing parentheses character indicates, in this context, that the list of parameters for the `println`
// function is complete; that is, there are no more parameters to be specified. This closing parentheses
// character is the counterpart, dual, or converse to the opening parentheses character that began the list of
// parameters. In total, one parameter had been provided to the `println` function.
; // This semicolon indicates the end of the single statement that is contained within the `main` function.
// Apparently, it's quite common for people to forget this, but remembering them as denoting the end of a statement
// does tend to help. However, semicolons are not mandatory at the end of, for example, `if` and `for` statements.
} // This closing curly bracket indicates that there will be no more statements included within the `main` function.
// If you want to replicate this for yourself, try holding the shift key and pressing the key that has the "{" symbol
// at the top. If you use a keyboard layout that does not include this, good luck.
} // This closing curly bracket indicates that there will be no more components included within the `HelloWorld` class in this
// Java source file. After this, only local/private classes are allowed - no public-facing classes are permitted here. If
// one attempted to replace this with a closing square bracket, the code would fail to compile.
/* The end of this Java source file. Note: there is an empty line after this, so this is not technically the true end of this
file. */
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