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Created March 27, 2014 12:10
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/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/byebug.gemspec:20: warning: Insecure world writable dir /home/goltergaul/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/bin in PATH, mode 040777
/home/goltergaul/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/bin/ruby -w -I"lib" -I"/home/goltergaul/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/rake-10.2.1/lib" "test/test_helper.rb" "test/*_test.rb"
/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/byebug.gemspec:20: warning: Insecure world writable dir /home/goltergaul/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/bin in PATH, mode 040777
/home/goltergaul/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/debugger-linecache-1.2.0/lib/linecache19.rb:379: warning: assigned but unused variable - lines
Run options: --seed 14049
# Running:
Finished in 1.526979s, 256.7160 runs/s, 290.1153 assertions/s.
1) Failure:
Program info#test_0004_must show the catchpoint stop reason [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 6] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/info.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: i =", "4: i.b", "5: i.c", "6: i.d", "", "Catching exception Exception."] to include ["Program stopped.", "It stopped at a catchpoint."] in order.
2) Error:
TestTimeout#test_0001_call to "Timeout::timeout" after "Byebug.start" does not raise:
TypeError: no implicit conversion from nil to integer
/home/goltergaul/.rbenv/versions/2.1.1/lib/ruby/2.1.0/timeout.rb:82:in `block (2 levels) in timeout'
3) Failure:
Features#test_0002_must stop at the correct line [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:22]:
Expected: 4
Actual: 3
4) Failure:
Unavailable commands::step#test_0001_must not work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected [] to include ["Unknown command: \"step\". Try \"help\"."] in order.
5) Failure:
Unavailable commands::next#test_0001_must not work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected [] to include ["Unknown command: \"next\". Try \"help\"."] in order.
6) Failure:
Unavailable commands::finish#test_0001_must not work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected [] to include ["Unknown command: \"finish\". Try \"help\"."] in order.
7) Failure:
Unavailable commands::break#test_0001_must not be able to set breakpoints in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected [] to include ["Unknown command: \"break /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:6\". Try \"help\"."] in order.
8) Failure:
Unavailable commands::condition#test_0001_must not be able to set conditions in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected [] to include ["Unknown command: \"cond 121 true\". Try \"help\"."] in order.
9) Failure:
Unavailable commands::display#test_0001_must be not able to set display expressions in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected [] to include ["Unknown command: \"display 2 + 2\". Try \"help\"."] in order.
10) Failure:
Unavailable commands::reload#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected [] to include ["Unknown command: \"reload\". Try \"help\"."] in order.
11) Failure:
Available commands::restart#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:95]:
not all expectations were satisfied
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<AnyInstance:Byebug::RestartCommand>.exec(any_parameters)
satisfied expectations:
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: Byebug.run_init_script(any_parameters)
12) Failure:
Available commands::frame#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:104]:
Expected: 4
Actual: 3
13) Failure:
Available commands::exit#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:111]:
not all expectations were satisfied
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<AnyInstance:Byebug::QuitCommand>.exit!(any_parameters)
satisfied expectations:
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: Byebug.run_init_script(any_parameters)
14) Failure:
Available commands::edit#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:122]:
not all expectations were satisfied
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: #<AnyInstance:Byebug::Edit>.system('editr +2 /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/edit.rb')
satisfied expectations:
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: Byebug.run_init_script(any_parameters)
15) Failure:
Available commands::info#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include ["Line 4 of \"/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb\""] in order.
16) Failure:
Available commands::source#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include [/--> #0 PostMortemExample\.a\s+at \/home\/goltergaul\/workspaces\/byebug\/test\/post_mortem_test.rb:4/] in order.
17) Failure:
Available commands::help#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include ["Available commands:"] in order.
18) Failure:
Available commands::var#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include ["x => nil", "z => 4"] in order.
19) Failure:
Available commands::list#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include ["[1, 10] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb"] in order.
20) Failure:
Available commands::method#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include [/to_s/] in order.
21) Failure:
Available commands::kill#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:193]:
not all expectations were satisfied
unsatisfied expectations:
- expected exactly once, not yet invoked: Process.kill('USR1', 18792)
satisfied expectations:
- allowed any number of times, invoked once: Byebug.run_init_script(any_parameters)
22) Failure:
Available commands::eval#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include ["4"] in order.
23) Failure:
Available commands::set#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb @ 3\nc ="] to include ["autolist is on."] in order.
24) Error:
Available commands::save#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - save_output.txt
/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:219:in `read'
/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:219:in `block (3 levels) in <class:TestPostMortem>'
Available commands::save#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode:
Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory @ unlink_internal - save_output.txt
/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:220:in `delete'
/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/post_mortem_test.rb:220:in `block (3 levels) in <class:TestPostMortem>'
25) Failure:
Available commands::show#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include ["autolist is on."] in order.
26) Failure:
Available commands::trace#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include ["line tracing is on."] in order.
27) Failure:
Available commands::thread#test_0001_must work in post-mortem mode [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/support/test_dsl.rb:141]:
Expected ["[1, 4] in /home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/examples/post_mortem.rb", "1: byebug", "2:", "=> 3: c =", "4: c.a", ""] to include [/\+ \d+ #<Thread:(\S+) run/] in order.
28) Failure:
Next Command::raise/rescue behaviour::from c method#test_0001_must step over rescue [/home/goltergaul/workspaces/byebug/test/stepping_test.rb:120]:
Expected: 38
Actual: 121
392 runs, 443 assertions, 26 failures, 2 errors, 4 skips
You have skipped tests. Run with --verbose for details.
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