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Last active September 9, 2020 08:47
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How to Create a (global) Search Box for Typo3 7,8 and probably 9
plugin.tx_indexedsearch {
show {
settings {
targetPid = YOURPID
displayRules = 0
exactCount = 1
view {
partialRootPaths {
0 = EXT:indexed_search/Resources/Private/Partials/
10 = {$plugin.tx_indexedsearch.view.partialRootPath}
20 = EXT:yourdistribution/Resources/Private/Extensions/indexed_search/Partials/
plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang = 0
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.languageUid = 0
// english
[globalVar = GP:L = 3]
plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang = 3
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.languageUid = 3
// french
[globalVar = GP:L = 4]
plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang = 4
plugin.tx_indexedsearch.settings.defaultOptions.languageUid = 4

Basic File Structure:

├── Configuration
│   ├── RTE
│   ├── TSconfig
│   └── TypoScript
│       ├── Extensions
│       │   └── 0020_plugin.indexedsearch.ts
│       ├── Library
│       │   ├── 0060_lib.searchbox.ts
│       └── setup.txt
├── Resources
│   ├── Private
│   │   ├── Extensions
│   │   │   └── indexed_search
│   │   │       ├── Partials (<To overwrite the style of the search Page)
│   │   │       │   ├── Form.html
│   │   │       │   ├── Rules.html
│   │   │       │   └── Searchresult.html
│   │   ├── Layouts
│   │   ├── Partials
│   │   │   ├── Searchbox.html (< To overwrite only the searchbox as a partial)
│   │   └── Templates
│   └── Public
│       ├── Css
│       ├── avatars
│       ├── img
│       └── js
└── ext_localconf.php

The only other guide that helped me was this: .Things to note:


 <f:form action="{settings.action}" method="post" pluginName="{settings.pluginName}" extensionName="{settings.extensionName}" absolute="true" controller="{settings.controller}" id="tx_indexedsearch_searchbox" pageUid="{settings.targetPid}" noCacheHash="{settings.hash}">

The parameters for the f:form have to be provided as action, method, pluginName, extensionName etc... to build the correct query string.




Make sure to check ALL id's and css classes. Indexed Search doesnt like duplicates.

lib.searchbox = FLUIDTEMPLATE
lib.searchbox {
templateName = Searchbox
settings {
languageid = {plugin.tx_indexedsearch._DEFAULT_PI_VARS.lang}
targetPid = YOURPID
controller = Search
action = search
pluginName = pi2
extensionName = indexedsearch
hash = false
templateRootPaths {
0 = EXT:indexed_search/Resources/Private/Partials/
10 = {$plugin.tx_indexedsearch.view.partialRootPath}
20 = EXT:yourdistribution/Resources/Private/Partials/
<html xmlns:f="" data-namespace-typo3-fluid="true">
<div class="tx-indexedsearch_searchbox">
<f:form action="{settings.action}" method="post" pluginName="{settings.pluginName}" extensionName="{settings.extensionName}" absolute="true" controller="{settings.controller}" id="tx_indexedsearch_searchbox" pageUid="{settings.targetPid}" noCacheHash="{settings.hash}">
<div class="tx-indexedsearch-hidden-fields">
<f:form.hidden name="search[_sections]" value="0"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[_freeIndexUid]" id="tx_indexedsearch_freeIndexUid_searchbox" value="_"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[pointer]" id="tx_indexedsearch_pointer_searchbox" value="0"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[ext]" value="{settings.ext}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[searchType]" value="{settings.searchType}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[defaultOperand]" value="{settings.defaultOperand}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[mediaType]" value="{settings.mediaType}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[sortOrder]" value="{settings.sortOrder}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[group]" value="{}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[languageUid]" value="{settings.languageUid}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[desc]" value="{settings.desc}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[numberOfResults]" value="{settings.numberOfResults}"/>
<f:form.hidden name="search[extendedSearch]" value="{settings.extendedSearch}"/>
<div class="tx-indexedsearch-form pull-xs-right" style="color: black;">
<!--<label for="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-sword">-->
<!--<f:translate key="form.searchFor"/>-->
<f:form.textfield name="search[sword]" value="{sword}" id="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-sword_searchbox"
<!--<div class="tx-indexedsearch-search-submit">-->
<!--<f:form.submit name="search[submitButton]" value="{f:translate(key: 'form.submit')}"-->
<!--id="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-button-submit" class="tx-indexedsearch-searchbox-button"/>-->
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