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Last active December 22, 2015 17:28
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  • Save Gonzih/6506426 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gonzih/6506426 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Better stacktraces for SBCL without external dependencies
(in-package :some-debugger)
(defun vector->list (vec)
(coerce vec 'list))
(defun frame-file (frame)
(let* ((code-location (sb-di:frame-code-location frame))
(dsource (sb-di:code-location-debug-source code-location)))
(if dsource
(let ((file (sb-c::debug-source-namestring dsource)))
(if (probe-file file) file)))))
(defun frame-args (frame)
(let* ((code-location (sb-di:frame-code-location frame))
(vars (sb-di::debug-fun-debug-vars (sb-di:frame-debug-fun frame)))
(filtered-vars (remove-if (lambda (var)
(ecase (sb-di:debug-var-validity var code-location)
(:valid nil)
((:invalid :unknown) t)))
(list-of-vars (vector->list filtered-vars)))
(mapcar (lambda (var)
(format nil "~a = ~s"
(sb-di:debug-var-symbol var)
(sb-di:debug-var-value var frame)))
(defun line-number (offset file)
(if (and file (probe-file file) offset)
(with-open-file (stream file)
(1+ (loop repeat offset
count (eql (read-char stream) #\Newline))))))
(defun frame-line-number (frame)
(let* ((code-location (sb-di:frame-code-location frame))
(dsource (sb-di:code-location-debug-source code-location))
(file (frame-file frame))
(positions (if dsource (sb-c::debug-source-start-positions dsource)))
(offset (if positions (aref positions (1- (length positions)))))
(line (line-number offset file)))
(defun frame->info-list (frame add-locals)
(let ((num (sb-di:frame-number frame))
(call (sb-debug::frame-call frame))
(file (frame-file frame))
(line-number (frame-line-number frame))
(arguments (if add-locals (frame-args frame))))
(list num call file line-number arguments)))
(defun get-stack (add-locals)
(loop for frame = (sb-di:top-frame)
then (sb-di:frame-down frame)
while frame
collect (frame->info-list frame add-locals)))
(defun print-stack-to-out (out stack)
(let ((fmt "~2@a: ~s~%~
~:[~*~;~:[~2:* File: ~a (unknown line)~*~%~;~
~2:* File: ~a:~a~%~]~]~
~{ ~a~%~}"))
(apply #'format out fmt stack)))
(defun print-stack (out print-locals)
(dolist (stack (get-stack print-locals))
(print-stack-to-out out stack)))
(defun print-locals (out))
(defmacro catch-them-all (out print-locals &body body)
"Catch exception in body, print nice stacktrace, print locals if print-locals set to T"
`(handler-bind ((error (lambda (e)
(print-stack ,out ,print-locals)
(error e))))
(catch-them-all *standard-output* t
(error "hello error"))
; Samlpe output:
;2: (FLET #:LAMBDA601 :IN "/home/gnzh/mydev/sbcl-nice-stacktraces.lisp")
;File: /home/gnzh/mydev/sbcl-nice-stacktraces.lisp:84
;ARG-0 = #<SIMPLE-ERROR "hello error" {1003ED9563}>
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