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Created February 11, 2011 15:56
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Save Gonzillaaa/822542 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Python script to configure basic parameters of xbee radios
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys, serial, time #@UnresolvedImport
class XBeeConfig:
def __init__( self, port = '', baud = 19200 ):
self.err, self.__ser__ = '', None
self.openSerial( port, baud )
def openSerial( self, port, baud ):
""" Try to open a serial port. """
if self.__ser__:
self.err, self.__ser__ = '', None
self.__ser__ = serial.Serial()
self.__ser__.port = port
self.__ser__.baudrate = baud
except Exception, msg: self.err = str( msg )
return self.isOpen()
def isOpen( self ):
""" Is the serial port open? If not, see the err property. """
return self.__ser__ and self.__ser__.isOpen()
def configure( self, **kwargs ):
print "Checking is port is open..."
if not self.isOpen():
print "Port not open: %s\n" % ( self.err, )
if self.commandMode():
print "Entering command mode..."
if kwargs.has_key( "speed" ):
print "Setting baud rate..."
if not self._setSpeed( kwargs["speed"] ):
print "Couldn't set baud rate."
if kwargs.has_key( "channel" ):
print "setting channel id"
if not self._setChannelID( kwargs["channel"] ):
print "couldn't set channel id"'''
if kwargs.has_key( "pan_id" ):
print "Setting PAN ID..."
if not self._setPanID( kwargs["pan_id"] ):
print "Couldn't set PAN ID."
if kwargs.has_key( "destination" ):
print "Setting destination..."
if not self._setDest( kwargs["destination"] ):
print "Couldn't set destination."
if kwargs.has_key( "node_id" ):
print "Setting node ID..."
if not self._setNodeID( kwargs["node_id"] ):
print "Couldn't set node ID."
print "Saving changes..."
if not self.writeAndExit():
print "Write or exit failed."
print "Done configuration."
print "Couldn't enter command mode."
def printConfig( self ):
if self.commandMode():
self.serialSend( "ATID\r" )
pan_id = self.getReply()
self.serialSend( "ATMY\r" )
node_id = self.getReply()
self.serialSend( "ATBD\r" )
baud = self.getReply()
self.serialSend( "ATCH\r" )
channel = self.getReply()
self.serialSend( "ATDH\r" )
atdh = self.getReply()
self.serialSend( "ATDL\r" )
atdl = self.getReply()
print "------------------------"
print "PAN ID: %s" % ( pan_id, )
print "Node ID: %s" % ( node_id, )
print "Speed: %s" % ( baud, )
print "Channel: %s" % ( channel, )
print "atdh: %s" % ( atdh, )
print "atdl: %s" % ( atdl, )
self.serialSend( "ATCN\r" )
print "closing serial port."
print "------------------------"
print "Couldn't enter command mode."
def serialSend( self, msg ):
""" Send a message to the serial port, if we can. """
if self.isOpen():
self.__ser__.write( msg )
def commandMode( self ):
""" Enter command mode to program the XBee. """
self.wait( 1.1 )
self.serialSend( "+++" )
self.wait( 1.1 )
return self.getOK()
def _setPanID( self, id ):
""" Set the network to which this node belongs. """
self.serialSend( "ATID %s\r" % ( toHex( id ), ) )
return self.getOK()
def _setChannelID( self, id ):
"""Set the network channel """
self.serialSend( "ATCH %s\r" % ( toHex( id ), ) )
return self.getOK()
def _setNodeID( self, id ):
""" Set the ID of this node. """
self.serialSend( "ATMY %s\r" % ( toHex( id ), ) )
return self.getOK()
def _setDest( self, dst ):
""" Set the destination node. """
self.serialSend( "ATDH 0\r" )
if self.getOK():
self.serialSend( "ATDL %s\r" % ( toHex( dst ), ) )
return self.getOK()
return 0
def _setSpeed( self, speed ):
""" Set the speed of the serial connection.
0 = 1200 bps
1 = 2400
2 = 4800
3 = 9600
4 = 19200
5 = 38400
6 = 57600
7 = 115200
self.serialSend( "ATBD %s\r" % ( speed, ) )
return self.getOK()
def writeAndExit( self ):
""" Write changes and exit command mode. """
self.serialSend( "ATWR\r" )
ok = self.getOK()
if not ok:
print "Error saving settings."
self.serialSend( "ATCN\r" )
ok = self.getOK() and ok
return ok
def wait( self, secs ):
""" Sleep for some number of seconds. """
timeNow = time.time()
timeEnd = timeNow + secs
while timeNow < timeEnd:
time.sleep( timeEnd - timeNow )
timeNow = time.time()
def getReply( self ):
""" Get a CR terminated reply from the XBee. """
done = 0
reply = ''
while ( self.__ser__.isOpen() and not done ):
if self.__ser__.inWaiting() > 0:
ch =
if ch == "\r":
done = 1
reply = reply + ch
return reply
def getOK( self ):
""" Get the XBee reply and check that it was OK. """
reply = self.getReply()
return reply == 'OK'
def close( self ):
if self.isOpen():
def toHex( num ):
""" Turn a number into a hex string. """
hx = hex( num ).lstrip( '0x' )
if hx == '':
hx = '0'
return hx
if __name__ == '__main__':
cfg = XBeeConfig( '/dev/tty.usbserial-A3000WRS', 19200 )
# can also set destination "destination"
settings = {"speed":4, "pan_id": 4000, "node_id": 2}
# cfg.configure( **settings )
# if not len( sys.argv ) == 3:
# print "NEED: pan_id and node_id"
# else:
# cfg.configure( int( sys.argv[1] ), int( sys.argv[2] ) )
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