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Created March 17, 2019 18:51
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<title>Billy Phillips | JavaScript Developer</title>
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<h1 class="header-title ">Billy Phillips</h1>
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<h2 class="header-subtitle ">Software Developer</h2>
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<h5 class="header-about">
<img class="animated slideInLeft delay-1s"id="eng-icon" src="" />
Hi, I'm <strong class="strong-about ">Billy</strong>. I'm an experienced
Software Developer focused on building web apps, mobile apps, and
websites, using
<strong class="strong-about ">JavaScript, React, Node.js</strong>
and more. Feel free to e-mail or connect with me if you'd like to know
more about my current skills and projects.
<div class="et-hero-tabs-container">
<a class="et-hero-tab" href="#nav-skills">Skills</a>
<a class="et-hero-tab" href="#nav-projects">Projects</a>
<a class="et-hero-tab" href="#nav-contact">Contact</a>
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<span class="section-title ">Current Skills</span>
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<!-- Projects -->
<section id="nav-projects" class="projects ">
<span class="projects-title ">My Projects</span>
<div class="container ">
<div class="project-list-first ">
<span class="project-one__title ">InviteMe </span><br /><br />
InviteMe is a single page application that uses React, Redux,
React-Router, Bootstrap, and Firebase. The goal of this project was
to create an application for my family that allowed them to check
for invites within our social circle. There was a need for this
application because we would often get to the day of the event and
hear, "You never invited me! " Well, with InviteMe... There are no
more excuses. We're happy with that. <br />
<br />
The live version that goes with this project can be found here:
<a class="link-color " href=" "
<br />
<strong>Source Code: </strong>
class="link-color "
href=" "
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<div class="container ">
<div class="project-list-first ">
<span class="project-one__title ">Movies to Watch </span><br /><br />
<div class="technologies-used ">
Movies to Watch is a web application that uses React, React Router,
Node.js, Express.js, and PostgreSQL The goal of this project was to
create an application to keep track of movies that a user has watch
or hasn't watched yet.. <br />
<br />
The live version that goes with this project can be found here:
<a class="link-color " href=" "
<br />
<strong>Source Code: </strong>
class="link-color "
href=" "
<div class="project-list-second ">
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src=" "
alt=" "
class="project-img "
class="laptop "
src=" "
alt=" "
<div class="container ">
<div class="project-list-first ">
<span class="project-one__title ">Runescape Tracker </span
><br /><br />
<div class="technologies-used ">
Runescape tool is a web application that uses React. The goal of
this project was to create an application for users to search up
their game stats and scores on Old School Runescape. <br />
<br />
The live version that goes with this project can be found here:
<a class="link-color " href=" "
<br />
<strong>Source Code: </strong>
class="link-color "
href=" "
<div class="project-list-second ">
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<span class="section-title contact ">Contact</span>
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<label for="first-name ">First Name</label>
type="text "
id="first-name "
placeholder="Enter your first name here "
<label for="last-name ">Last Name</label>
type="text "
id="last-name "
placeholder="Enter your last name here "
<label for="email ">Email</label>
type="email "
name="_replyto "
id="email "
placeholder="Enter your email here "
<label for="phone ">Phone</label>
type="tel "
id="phone "
placeholder="Enter your phone here "
<label for="message ">Message</label>
rows="6 "
id="message "
placeholder="Enter your message here "
<li><button type="submit " value="Send">Send</button></li>
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<span>© 2019 - Billy Phillips</span>
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@media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
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width: 100%;
margin-top: 0;
} */
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