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Created June 7, 2021 20:24
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Get / Set render chime setting. You can use the get function to check whether it is enabled or not. Use the set function to set it to a new state.
function getRenderChimeState () {
try {
return app.preferences.getPrefAsLong(
"Misc Section",
"Play sound when render finishes",
} catch (e) {
// something went wrong, maybe print or alert the error
return true;
function setRenderChimeState (truefalse) {
if (truefalse === undefined) {
// no specific state passed to the function
return false
try {
var truefalse = truefalse ? "1" : "0";
var hasPref = app.preferences.havePref(
"Misc Section",
"Play sound when render finishes",
if (hasPref) {
"Misc Section",
"Play sound when render finishes",
} catch (e) {
// something went wrong, maybe print or alert the error
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