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Last active November 17, 2023 22:29
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  • Save GoodBoyNinja/e71c6187040c09d634a68ce9e025e0aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GoodBoyNinja/e71c6187040c09d634a68ce9e025e0aa to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Apply this expression to a path property to create a rectangle with inverted rounded corners (corners round inwards). At the beginning of the expression, you can set the corner radius and the two main points that form the rectangle (top left & bottom right). by default, those values are set to 'undefined' which will automatically create a rectan…
cornerRadius = undefined; // leave undefined to use comp size average;
topLeftCorner = undefined; // leave undefined to use comp zero point [0,0];
btmRightCorner = undefined; // leave undefined to use comp size point [compWidth,compHeight];
function FindCirclePnt(cornerPnt, cornerRadius, angleFromCornerToCircle) {
circlePntX = cornerRadius * Math.cos(degreesToRadians(angleFromCornerToCircle));
circlePntY = cornerRadius * Math.sin(degreesToRadians(angleFromCornerToCircle));
return [~~circlePntX, ~~circlePntY];
function Find2NewCornerPnts(iteration, cornerPnt, cornerRadius) {
switch (iteration) {
case 0:
newA = [cornerPnt[0], cornerPnt[1] + cornerRadius];
newB = [cornerPnt[0] + cornerRadius, cornerPnt[1]];
return [newA, newB];
case 1:
newA = [cornerPnt[0] - cornerRadius, cornerPnt[1]];
newB = [cornerPnt[0], cornerPnt[1] + cornerRadius];
return [newA, newB];
case 2:
newA = [cornerPnt[0], cornerPnt[1] - cornerRadius];
newB = [cornerPnt[0] - cornerRadius, cornerPnt[1]];
return [newA, newB];
case 3:
newA = [cornerPnt[0] + cornerRadius, cornerPnt[1]];
newB = [cornerPnt[0], cornerPnt[1] - cornerRadius];
return [newA, newB];
function RoundARect(topLeftPnt, btmRightPnt, cornerRadius) {
topLeftPnt = (topLeftPnt === undefined) ? [0, 0] : topLeftPnt;
btmRightPnt = (btmRightPnt === undefined) ? [thisComp.width, thisComp.height] : btmRightPnt;
cornerRadius = (cornerRadius === undefined) ? (0.02 * (thisComp.width + thisComp.height)) : cornerRadius;
tl = topLeftPnt;
tr = [btmRightPnt[0], topLeftPnt[1]];
br = btmRightPnt;
bl = [topLeftPnt[0], btmRightPnt[1]];
AllCorners = [tl, tr, br, bl];
allPntsArray = [];
allITArray = [];
allOTArray = [];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
angleFromCornerToCircle = 45 + (90 * i);
angleOfCirlcePntOutTangent = angleFromCornerToCircle - 90;
angleOfCirclePntInTangent = angleFromCornerToCircle + 90;
currentCorner = AllCorners[i];
newPntAB = Find2NewCornerPnts(i, currentCorner, cornerRadius);
findCircle = FindCirclePnt(currentCorner, cornerRadius, angleFromCornerToCircle);
newCirclePnt = currentCorner + findCircle
newInTan = FindCirclePnt(newCirclePnt, (cornerRadius / 2), angleOfCirclePntInTangent);
newOutTan = FindCirclePnt(newCirclePnt, (cornerRadius / 2), angleOfCirlcePntOutTangent);
allITArray.push([0, 0]);
allITArray.push([0, 0]);
allOTArray.push([0, 0]);
allOTArray.push([0, 0]);
return createPath(points = allPntsArray, inTangents = allITArray, outTangents = allOTArray, isClosed = true)
RoundARect(topLeftCorner, btmRightCorner, cornerRadius);
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