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Last active January 18, 2022 03:57
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OSM changeset counter
from time import sleep
import io
import gzip
import requests
SITE = ""
STATE_PATH = "/replication/changesets/state.yaml"
CHANGES_PATH = "/replication/changesets/"
LAST_RUN_KEY = "last_run: "
SEQUENCE_KEY = "sequence: "
def wrap(s, w):
return [s[i : i + w] for i in range(0, len(s), w)]
# This is some awful code:
def commaify(n: int, c: str = ",") -> str:
return c.join(wrap(str(n)[::-1], 3))[::-1]
def value_of(text: str, key: str, end: str = "\n") -> str:
a = text.find(key) + len(key)
b = text[a:].find(end) + a
return text[a:b]
def main() -> int:
prev_biggest_id = None
changeset_100_found = False
running = True
while running:
res = requests.get(SITE + STATE_PATH)
last_run = value_of(res.text, LAST_RUN_KEY)
seq = int(value_of(res.text, SEQUENCE_KEY))
seq_path = commaify(f"{seq:0>9}", "/")
res = requests.get(SITE + CHANGES_PATH + seq_path + ".osm.gz")
text = gzip.decompress(res.content).decode()
# Bad code that finds biggest changeset id:
biggest_id = 0
for line in text.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("<changeset"):
id = int(value_of(line, 'id="', '"'))
if id > biggest_id:
biggest_id = id
if id == 100_000_000:
changeset_100_found = True
if (prev_biggest_id == None) or (biggest_id - prev_biggest_id) != 0:
# print(f"{seq_path=!r}")
print(f"Latest CS: {commaify(biggest_id)}")
print(f"CSs from 100M: {commaify(100_000_000 - biggest_id)}")
if prev_biggest_id:
print(f"CSs since last: {commaify(biggest_id - prev_biggest_id)}")
print(f"Minites to 100M: {(100_000_000 - biggest_id)/(biggest_id - prev_biggest_id)}")
if changeset_100_found:
+ ""
+ "\u001B\\"
+ "\u001B]8;;\u001B\\\u001B[0m"
sleep(60) # Wait a minuite
prev_biggest_id = biggest_id
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":
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