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Created November 22, 2019 04:08
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Common to Advanced Windows CMD Commands

command clears your terminal Display . C:\> cls

command to display your username . C:\ whoami

command to Delete a file . C:\> del /f <filename>

moving to parent directory

C:\> cd..

moving to change directorys

C:\> cd

create an empty directory

C:\ mkdir

how to rename a file with the commandline

C:\ ren "fullexisitingname" "newfilename"

command that shows you what directory you are in

C:\ dir

where are the system log files stored?


command used to get the ip address of all interfaces on a server

C:\ ipconfig\all

command to force programs to quit even ones running in the background

C:\ tasklist | more to kill the process by name type C:\ taskkill /IM "process name" /F

command that shows your CPU and memory utilixation for running processes

C:\ htop

command to display your previous commands used

C:\ doskey /history or F7 key

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