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Created May 20, 2015 03:16
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  • Save GoodOlClint/fb830db6fd66023e99dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save GoodOlClint/fb830db6fd66023e99dd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generates a file of a specified length, filled with random bytes
function New-JunkFile
Generates a file of a specified length, filled with random bytes
Generates a file of a specified length, filled with random bytes
Uses the RNGCryptoServiceProvider to randomly select each byte
The Length of the file to generate, in bytes
The Path to the file to create, file will be overwritten if it already exists
.PARAMETER ShowProgress
Displays a progress bar with the progress of the current operation
New-JunkFile -Length 20mb -Path C:\TestJunk.dat
Directory: C:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 5/19/2015 10:13 PM 20971520 TestJunk.dat
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[int] $Length,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
[string] $Path,
[switch] $ShowProgress
Function Format-FileSize() {
# From
Param ([int]$size)
If ($size -gt 1TB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} TB", $size / 1TB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 1GB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} GB", $size / 1GB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 1MB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} MB", $size / 1MB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 1KB) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} kB", $size / 1KB)}
ElseIf ($size -gt 0) {[string]::Format("{0:0.00} B", $size)}
Else {""}
$File = New-Object System.IO.FileStream $Path, Create, ReadWrite
$Crypto = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RNGCryptoServiceProvider
if($Length -lt 1kb)
{ $Block = $Length }
elseif($Length -lt 1mb)
{ $Block = 1kb }
{ $Block = 1mb }
$NumBlocks = ($Length / $Block) - 1
$UnevenBlock = $false
if(($Length % $Block) -ne 0)
$UnevenBlock = $true
$NumBlocks -= 1
$FileSize = Format-FileSize -Size $Length
0..$NumBlocks | ForEach-Object {
$CurrentSize = Format-FileSize -Size ($_ * $Block)
Write-Progress -PercentComplete (($_ / $NumBlocks) * 100) -Activity "Generating $FileSize Junk File" -Status "$CurrentSize/$FileSize complete"
$data = New-Object byte[] $Block
$File.Write($data, 0, $Block)
{ Write-Progress -Complete }
$FinalBlock = $Length - ($Block * $NumBlocks)
$data = New-Object byte[] $FinalBlock
$File.Write($data, 0, $FinalBlock)
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path
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