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Created January 13, 2021 14:23
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const BCShopCourier = artifacts.require('./BCShopCourier.sol')
contract('BCShopCourier', ([deployer,account1,account2,account3]) => {
let contract
before(async ()=>{
contract = await BCShopCourier.deployed()
describe('deployment', async() => {
it('deploys successfully', async() => {
const address = contract.address
assert.notEqual(address, " ")
assert.notEqual(address, null)
assert.notEqual(address, 0x0)
// it("Should make first account an owner", async () => {
// let owner = contract.owner;
// console.log(contract)
// // console.log("owner", owner)
// // console.log("deployer", deployer)
// // assert.equal(owner, deployer);
// });
it("checks if itemCount is 0", async() => {
const itemCount = await contract.itemCount()
describe("operations", async() => {
it("Test startItemTranpost functionality", async()=> {
const newDelivery = await contract.startItemTranpost(
"Goodness Ezeokafor",
await contract.startItemTranpost(
await contract.startItemTranpost(
const itemCount = await contract.itemCount()
// console.log(newDelivery)
const result = newDelivery.logs[0].args
// assert.equal(result['id'].toString(),itemCount) // test item count
assert.equal(result['sku'].toString(),"Goodness Ezeokafor")
assert.equal(result['status'].toString(),"Send to Transport Courier from Buyer")
assert.equal(result['location'].toString(),"Courer Office")
it("Test getItem functionality", async()=> {
const delivery = await contract.getItem(2)
// console.log(delivery)
// const itemCount = await contract.itemCount()
// // console.log(newDelivery)
// const result = newDelivery.logs[0].args
assert.equal(,2) // test item count
assert.equal(delivery.status.toString(),"Send to Transport Courier from Buyer")
assert.equal(delivery.location.toString(),"Courer Office")
// assert.equal(delivery.exist,true)
it("Test changeLocation functionality", async() => {
const location = await contract.changeItemLocation(
const result = location.logs[0].args
assert.equal(result['status'].toString(),"On Way")
it("Test deliverItem functionality", async() => {
const location = await contract.deliverItem(
const result = location.logs[0].args
it("Test getItemStatus functionality", async() => {
it("Test getItemLocation functionality", async() => {
// describe('Minting', async() => {
// it('Token is minted successfully', async() => {
// const price = await web3.utils.toWei('1', 'Ether').toString()
// let owner = await contract.owner();
// let token = await contract.addHouse("Mansion", price, ";0,0&resize=480:*", {from : deployer})
// console.log(token)
// let tokens = await contract.totalSupply();
// console.log("Total supply of tokens ", tokens)
// assert.equal(tokens, 1)
// })
// })
// describe('buyHouse(transfer NFT)', async() =>{
// it("transfers NFT to buyer" , async()=>{
// const price = web3.utils.toWei('1', 'Ether').toString()
// // house = await contract.addHouse("Mansion", price, ";0,0&resize=480:*", {from : deployer} )
// // console.log(house.logs[0].args)
// // newPrice =
// // console.log(newPrice)
// houseCount = await contract.houseCount()
// // approved = await contract.approve(mycribb, houseCount)
// // await contract.setApprovalForAll(mycribb,true)
// // console.log(approved)
// // Reject, seller cant buy his own product
// await contract.buyHouse(houseCount, {from : deployer , value : price})
// //
// // Testing buying of a house
// // getApprovedOwner = await contract.getApproved(houseCount)
// // console.log("This is the get approved owner of the token : " , getApprovedOwner)
// const result = await contract.buyHouse(houseCount, {from : mycribb , value : price})
// console.log(result.logs[0].args)
// // // Ensures owner cannot buy his asset
// // await contract.buyHouse(houseCount, {from : buyers , value :price})
// let newOwner= await contract.get_single_house(houseCount)
// let newTokenOwner = await contract.ownerOf(houseCount)
// console.log("THis is the approved owner of the token ", newTokenOwner)
// assert.equal(mycribb,newTokenOwner)
// // tokenOwner = await contract.getOriginalOwner(houseCount)
// // console.log("This is the original owner of the token ", tokenOwner)
// // const event = result.logs[0].args
// // Check if buyHouse function changes ownership
// assert.equal(mycribb, newOwner["4"])
// // Check if the amount of registered houses updates
// assert.equal(houseCount,1)
// // check if price is correct
// // assert.equal(newPrice,price)
// // check if token has a correct id
// // assert.equal(event.tokenId.toNumber(), 1, "Id is correct")
// })
// })
// describe('This is the indexing test', async () => {
// it('lists assets', async () =>{
// const price = await web3.utils.toWei('1', 'Ether').toString()
// await contract.addHouse("SeaSide",price, ";0,0&resize=480:*", {from : deployer} )
// await contract.addHouse("EmmaHouse",price, "", {from : deployer} )
// await contract.addHouse("GoodyHouse",price, "", {from : deployer} )
// const houseCount = await contract.houseCount()
// assert.equal(4,houseCount.toString())
// total = await contract.totalSupply()
// assert.equal(total.toString(), houseCount.toString())
// newHouse = await contract.get_single_house(2)
// // await contract.buyHouse( 2, {from : buyers , value : price})
// // checkOwner = await contract.get_single_house(2)
// // await contract.buyHouse( 2, {from : buyers , value : price})
// // console.log(checkOwner["4"])
// // console.log(checkOwner["3"])
// // Ensures owner is given to buyers address
// // assert.equal(checkOwner["4"], buyers)
// let asset
// let result = []
// for (var i= 1; i <=houseCount; i++){
// asset = await contract.get_single_house(i)
// result.push(asset)
// console.log(asset)
// }
// // let expected = ['kitchen','Parlour', 'Toilet', 'Room']
// // assert.equal(result.join(","), expected.join(","))
// // const event = parlour.logs[0].args
// // console.log(event)
// } )
// })
// describe('Creating House', async() => {
// it('Creates a new House', async () =>{
// const price = await web3.utils.toWei('1', 'Ether').toString()
// house = await contract.addHouse("Bungalow", price, ";0,0&resize=480:*" , {from:deployer})
// // console.log(house)
// houseCount = await contract.houseCount()
// houses = await contract.get_single_house(houseCount)
// // Check if house count increases
// assert.equal(houseCount,5)
// // Ensures values stored are correct
// assert.equal(houses["0"].toNumber(),houseCount)
// assert.equal(houses["1"], "Bungalow")
// // assert.equal(houses["3"], ";0,0&resize=480:*")
// assert.equal(houses["4"], deployer)
// totalNFT = await contract.totalSupply()
// assert.equal(totalNFT.toString(), houseCount)
// result = house.logs[0].args
// console.log("THis is the event emmitted from minting : ", result)
// assert.equal(result.from, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', "From is correct")
// assert.equal(, deployer, "to is correct")
// })
// describe('checks the owner of an NFT', async() => {
// it("Owner is correct", async() =>{
// houseCount = await contract.houseCount()
// owner = await contract.ownerOf(houseCount)
// console.log(owner)
// assert.equal(owner,deployer, "Owner is correct after minting")
// })
// })
// describe('transfer of NFT functionality', async() => {
// it("Owner is correct", async() =>{
// houseCount = await contract.houseCount()
// owner = await contract.ownerOf(houseCount)
// console.log(owner)
// newOwner = await contract.transferFrom(deployer,mycribb,houseCount)
// console.log(newOwner)
// newOwnerUpdated = await contract.ownerOf(houseCount)
// console.log("this is the new owner", newOwnerUpdated)
// assert.equal(newOwnerUpdated,mycribb, "Owner is correct after minting")
// })
// })
// })
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