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Created March 17, 2015 19:50
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Script to check when your SSL certificates expire
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import OpenSSL
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from glob import glob
now =
month = timedelta(30)
soon = now + month
files = []
CNs = []
days = []
issuers = []
for certname in glob('*.pem') + glob("*.crt"):
with open(certname) as cert:
x = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
except Exception as e:
notAfter = x.get_notAfter()
expire = datetime.strptime(notAfter.decode(), "%Y%m%d%H%M%SZ")
renew = False
if expire < soon:
renew = True
CN = "N/A"
s = x.get_subject()
for c in s.get_components():
if c[0] == b'CN':
CN = c[1].decode()
issuer = "N/A"
i = x.get_issuer()
for c in i.get_components():
if c[0] == b'CN':
issuer = c[1].decode()
days.append((expire - now).days)
filelen = len(max(files, key = lambda x:len(x)))
CNlen = len(max(CNs, key = lambda x:len(x)))
daylen = len(str(max(days, key = lambda x:len(str(x)))))
isslen = len(max(issuers, key = lambda x:len(x)))
zipped = sorted(zip(files, CNs, days, issuers), key=lambda z:z[2], reverse = True)
for f, c, d, i in zipped:
print("{} for {} by {} expires in {} days"
.format("{0:<" + str(filelen + 1) + "}",
"{1:<" + str(CNlen + 1) +"}",
"{2:<" + str(isslen + 1) +"}",
"{3:<" + str(daylen) + "}")
.format(f, c, i, d))
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