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Last active February 8, 2023 17:40
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Save Gordin/5120c89115522ca1670559b97643ab9a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Uses the REST API instead of the native firestore library to be able to get whole collections in batches, instead of the builtin listDocuments that always loads all documents. This assumes that you are inside a firebase project with an initialized app, otherwise generating the AccesToken won't work
import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import * as app from 'firebase-admin/app'
type ListDocumentResult = ExistingListDocumentResult | EmptyListDocumentResult
type json = any
interface ExistingListDocumentResult extends EmptyListDocumentResult{
fields: Record<string,any>
createTime: string,
updateTime: string
interface EmptyListDocumentResult {
name: string
function isEmpty(result: ExistingListDocumentResult | EmptyListDocumentResult): result is EmptyListDocumentResult {
if ((result as ExistingListDocumentResult).fields) { return false }
return true
function isListDocumentResult(result: any): result is ExistingListDocumentResult | EmptyListDocumentResult {
if (Object.keys(result).includes('name')) { return true }
return false
export class FirestoreRestApi {
readonly parent: string
private _token?: app.GoogleOAuthAccessToken
constructor(readonly project = process.env.GCLOUD_PROJECT,) {
this.parent = `projects/${project}/databases/(default)/documents`
async * listDocuments(collectionPath: string, showMissing=`true`): AsyncGenerator<ListDocumentResult> {
let nextPageToken = ''
const pageSize = 500
while (true) {
const url = new URL(`${this.parent}/${collectionPath}`)
url.searchParams.append('pageSize', `${pageSize}`)
url.searchParams.append('pageToken', nextPageToken)
url.searchParams.append('showMissing', showMissing)
const data = await this.getData(url.toString())
for await (const document of data.documents) {
if (!isListDocumentResult(document)) {
throw new Error(`We got some weird data: ${JSON.stringify(document)}`)
yield document
if (!data.nextPageToken) {
nextPageToken = data.nextPageToken
async * listEmptyDocumentNames(collectionPath: string): AsyncGenerator<string> {
for await (const document of this.listDocuments(collectionPath, `true`)) {
if (isEmpty(document)) {
yield (document as EmptyListDocumentResult).name
private async accessToken(): Promise<string> {
// TODO if this is long-running, make sure to get a new one every hour
if (this._token) { return this._token.access_token }
this._token = await app.applicationDefault().getAccessToken()
return this._token.access_token
private async getData(url: string): Promise<json> {
const response = await fetch(url, {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${await this.accessToken()}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch data: ${response.statusText}`)
return await response.json();
import { FirestoreRestApi } from '../utilities/rest_api_helper';
const api = new FirestoreRestApi()
const bla = async () => {
for await (const documentName of api.listEmptyDocumentNames('users')) {
// do stuff with the documentName
const blub = async () => {
for await (const documentName of api.listDocuments('users', `false`)) {
// do stuff with the documents
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