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Last active May 23, 2024 02:36
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  • Save Gordin/6fd87fa7ba3b9f50fce4e614cd7c00c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Gordin/6fd87fa7ba3b9f50fce4e614cd7c00c6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script that remaps Keys in Cyberpunk 2077 from qwertz to dvorak and shifts everything one key to the right (to play with ESDF)
  1. Have python installed
  2. Download and put it next to the config file inputUserMappings.xml (Should be in ...\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\config)
  3. Open a terminal, cd into the directory with the script, and run python
  4. It should create a new file called inputUserMappings2.xml
  5. Now rename inputUserMappings.xml to something else, and rename inputUserMappings2.xml to inputUserMappings.xml
include = ["."]
reportMissingImports = true
pythonVersion = "3.10"
pythonPlatform = "Windows"
executionEnvironments = [
{ root = "." }
#!/usr/bin/env python
from lxml import objectify, etree
dvorak_mapping = {
# key on (german) keyboard: letter in dvorak
'IK_A': 'IK_A',
'IK_B': 'IK_X',
'IK_C': 'IK_I',
'IK_D': 'IK_E',
'IK_E': 'IK_Period',
'IK_F': 'IK_U',
'IK_G': 'IK_I',
'IK_H': 'IK_D',
'IK_I': 'IK_C',
'IK_J': 'IK_H',
'IK_K': 'IK_T',
'IK_L': 'IK_N',
'IK_M': 'IK_M',
'IK_N': 'IK_B',
'IK_O': 'IK_R',
'IK_P': 'IK_L',
'IK_Q': 'IK_SingleQuote',
'IK_R': 'IK_P',
'IK_S': 'IK_O',
'IK_T': 'IK_Y',
'IK_U': 'IK_G',
'IK_V': 'IK_K',
'IK_W': 'IK_Comma',
'IK_X': 'IK_Q',
'IK_Y': 'IK_Semicolon',
'IK_Z': 'IK_F',
personal_mapping = {
'IK_SingleQuote': 'IK_Comma',
'IK_Comma': 'IK_Period',
'IK_Period': 'IK_P',
'IK_P': 'IK_Y',
'IK_Y': 'IK_F',
'IK_F': 'IK_G',
'IK_G': 'IK_C',
'IK_C': 'IK_R',
'IK_R': 'IK_L',
'IK_L': 'IK_Slash',
'IK_A': 'IK_O',
'IK_O': 'IK_E',
'IK_E': 'IK_U',
'IK_U': 'IK_I',
'IK_I': 'IK_D',
'IK_D': 'IK_H',
'IK_H': 'IK_T',
'IK_T': 'IK_N',
'IK_N': 'IK_S',
'IK_Semicolon': 'IK_Q',
'IK_Q': 'IK_J',
'IK_J': 'IK_K',
'IK_K': 'IK_X',
'IK_X': 'IK_B',
'IK_B': 'IK_M',
'IK_M': 'IK_V',
'IK_LShift': 'IK_A',
'IK_Shift': 'IK_A',
'IK_LControl': 'IK_Semicolon',
'IK_Ctrl': 'IK_Semicolon',
'IK_Left': 'ignore',
'IK_Right': 'ignore',
'IK_Up': 'ignore',
'IK_Down': 'ignore',
'IK_Enter': 'ignore',
'IK_Backspace': 'ignore',
'IK_Space': 'ignore',
'IK_Escape': 'ignore',
'IK_Tab': 'ignore',
'IK_Alt': 'ignore',
'ReportIssue_ButtonGroup': 'ignore',
'IK_1': 'ignore',
'IK_2': 'ignore',
'IK_3': 'ignore',
'IK_4': 'ignore',
'IK_5': 'ignore',
'IK_6': 'ignore',
'IK_7': 'ignore',
'IK_8': 'ignore',
'IK_9': 'ignore',
'IK_0': 'ignore',
'IK_Home': 'ignore',
'IK_RControl': 'ignore',
'IK_RShift': 'ignore',
'IK_1_LShift': 'ignore',
'IK_2_LShift': 'ignore',
'IK_3_LShift': 'ignore',
'IK_CapsLock': 'ignore',
def loadXML():
f = open("inputUserMappings.xml", "r", encoding="utf8")
text =
return objectify.fromstring(text)
def ignoreButton(name: str):
if name.startswith('IK_Pad'):
return True
if name.startswith('IK_PAD'):
return True
if name.startswith('IK_Mouse'):
return True
if name.startswith('IK_NumPad'):
return True
if name.startswith('IK_PS4'):
return True
if name.startswith('IK_F') and name != 'IK_F':
return True
if 'Mouse' in name:
return True
if 'Thumb' in name:
return True
return False
def remapButton(button):
old_id = button.attrib['id']
if ignoreButton(old_id):
new_id = dvorak_mapping.get(old_id)
if (new_id):
button.attrib['id'] = new_id
print('remapped {} to {}'.format(old_id, new_id))
old_id = button.attrib['id']
new_id = personal_mapping.get(old_id)
if new_id == 'ignore':
elif new_id:
button.attrib['id'] = new_id
print('shift {} over to {}'.format(old_id, new_id))
print('missing mapping for {}'.format(old_id))
def main():
tree = loadXML()
children = tree.getchildren()
for mapping in list(filter(lambda x: x != '', children)):
buttons = mapping.getchildren()
for button in list(filter(lambda x: x.tag == 'button', buttons)):
# print(button.attrib)
return tree
if __name__ == "__main__":
tree = main()
xmlString = etree.tostring(tree, pretty_print=True, encoding='unicode')
with open('inputUserMappings2.xml', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
f.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
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thanks for your reply! it does work for some keybinds but not all, some the game doesn't like, I am however running the game via proton on linux so maybe that is messing with it... i will figure something out eventually, for now, I have just been playing with a controller. anyhow thanks! ^^

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