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Advent of Code 2022 Day 19 (Rust)
use regex::Regex;
use lazy_static::lazy_static;
lazy_static! {
// regexes are pretty overkill for this task,
// but since I hadn't used them in Rust I wanted to try them out
static ref RE_BP: Regex = Regex::new(r"Blueprint (?<id>\d+): (?<content>.*)").unwrap();
static ref RE_RECIPE: Regex = Regex::new(r"Each (?<robotype>\w+) robot costs (?<res1>\d+\s\w+)( and (?<res2>\d+\s\w+))?").unwrap();
static ref RE_RESOURCE: Regex = Regex::new(r"(?<amt>\d+)\s(?<res>\w+)").unwrap();
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Resources {
ore: usize,
clay: usize,
obsidian: usize,
geode: usize
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct ResourcesDiff {
// in contrast to Resources, these may get negative
ore: isize,
clay: isize,
obsidian: isize,
geode: isize
use std::cmp::max;
impl ResourcesDiff {
fn need(have: Resources, need: Resources) -> ResourcesDiff {
ResourcesDiff{ore: need.ore as isize - have.ore as isize,
clay: need.clay as isize - have.clay as isize,
obsidian: need.obsidian as isize - have.obsidian as isize,
geode: need.geode as isize - have.geode as isize}
use std::ops::{Add, Sub};
use std::cmp::PartialOrd;
impl PartialOrd for Resources {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Resources) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {
if self == other {
return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal);
if self.ore <= other.ore && self.clay <= other.clay && self.obsidian <= other.obsidian && self.geode <= other.geode {
return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Less);
if self.ore >= other.ore && self.clay >= other.clay && self.obsidian >= other.obsidian && self.geode >= other.geode {
return Some(std::cmp::Ordering::Greater);
impl Add for Resources {
type Output = Resources;
fn add(self, other: Resources) -> Resources {
Resources{ore: self.ore + other.ore,
clay: self.clay + other.clay,
obsidian: self.obsidian + other.obsidian,
geode: self.geode + other.geode}
impl Sub for Resources {
type Output = Resources;
fn sub(self, other: Resources) -> Resources {
Resources{ore: self.ore - other.ore,
clay: self.clay - other.clay,
obsidian: self.obsidian - other.obsidian,
geode: self.geode - other.geode}
impl Resources {
fn new() -> Resources {
Resources{ore: 0, clay: 0, obsidian: 0, geode: 0}
fn add_one(self, resource_type: ResourceType) -> Resources {
let mut result = self.clone();
match (resource_type) {
ResourceType::Ore => {result.ore += 1},
ResourceType::Clay => {result.clay += 1},
ResourceType::Obsidian => {result.obsidian += 1},
ResourceType::Geode => {result.geode += 1}
fn max(&self, other: &Resources) -> Resources {
Resources{ore: max(self.ore, other.ore), clay: max(self.clay, other.clay), obsidian: max(self.obsidian, other.obsidian), geode: max(self.geode, other.geode)}
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, Copy, Clone)]
enum ResourceType {
impl ResourceType {
fn parse(string: &str) -> Result<ResourceType, String> {
match(string.to_lowercase().as_str()) {
"ore" => Ok(ResourceType::Ore),
"clay" => Ok(ResourceType::Clay),
"obsidian" => Ok(ResourceType::Obsidian),
"geode" => Ok(ResourceType::Geode),
_ => Err(format!("Unknown robot type: {}", string))
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct Recipe {
robot: ResourceType,
costs: Resources
impl Recipe {
fn parse(recipe: &str) -> Recipe {
let caps = RE_RECIPE.captures(recipe).expect("Recipe parsing is faulty :(");
let robotype = ResourceType::parse(&caps["robotype"]).unwrap();
let mut resources = Vec::new();
if let Some(matched) ="res2") {
let mut resources = resources.iter().fold(Resources::new(), |mut acc, res| {
match res {
Ok((ResourceType::Ore, amt)) => acc.ore += amt,
Ok((ResourceType::Clay, amt)) => acc.clay += amt,
Ok((ResourceType::Obsidian, amt)) => acc.obsidian += amt,
Ok((ResourceType::Geode, amt)) => acc.geode += amt,
Err(err) => {panic!("Could not parse resource: {}", err)},
Recipe{robot: robotype, costs: resources}
fn parse_resource(string: &str) -> Result<(ResourceType, usize), String> {
let caps = RE_RESOURCE.captures(string).expect("Resource parsing is faulty");
let amt = caps["amt"].parse::<usize>().expect("Could not parse amount");
match(caps["res"].to_lowercase().as_str()) {
"ore" => Ok((ResourceType::Ore, amt)),
"clay" => Ok((ResourceType::Clay, amt)),
"obsidian" => Ok((ResourceType::Obsidian, amt)),
"geode" => Ok((ResourceType::Geode, amt)),
_ => Err(format!("Unknown resource: {}", string))
// This blueprint struct is unnecessary flexible as the type of resources
// is fixed for each robot type
#[derive(Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct BluePrint {
id: usize,
recipes: Vec<Recipe>,
max_spend: Resources
impl BluePrint {
fn new(id: usize, recipes: Vec<Recipe>) -> BluePrint {
assert!(recipes.len() == 4);
let max_spend = recipes.iter().fold(Resources::new(), |mut acc, recipe| {
BluePrint{id, recipes, max_spend}
fn get_costs(&self, resource_type: ResourceType) -> &Resources {
// hashmap wasn't really worth it for 4 elements
for recipe in {
if recipe.robot == resource_type {
return &recipe.costs;
panic!("Could not find recipe for resource type: {:?}", resource_type);
fn get_recipes(&self) -> &Vec<Recipe> {
fn parse(line: &str) -> BluePrint {
use std::collections::HashMap;
let caps = RE_BP.captures(line).expect("Regex failed to parse input.");
let pbid: usize = caps["id"].parse().unwrap();
let mut recipes = Vec::new();
for recipestr in caps["content"].split(".") {
if recipestr.len() <= 1 {
let recipe = Recipe::parse(recipestr);
BluePrint::new(pbid, recipes)
fn calculate_quality_level(&self, maxstep: usize) -> usize {
use std::collections::HashSet;
// iterative DFS
let mut queue = Vec::new();
let mut seen: HashSet<DFSBranch> = HashSet::new();
let mut best = 0;
while let Some(branch) = queue.pop() {
if seen.contains(&branch) {
let remaining = maxstep - branch.minute;
best = max(best, branch.resources.geode + branch.robots.geode * remaining);
if branch.minute >= maxstep {
/* old heuristic:
* // Very rough upper bound:
* // How many geodes would be end up with if we built
* // a new geode robot every minute from now on?
* let remaining = maxstep - branch.minute;
* let maxproducable = branch.robots.geode * (remaining)
* + (remaining * (remaining + 1)) / 2
* + branch.resources.geode;
// heuristic by icub3d:
// Always only look for the more rare resource and try to build
// the best possible robot.
// if neither geode, obsidian or clay robot can be build, always
// create an ore robot.
// (for every remaining timestep)
// implementation is a bit awkward due to the way I layed out my structs
let mut geode_rate = branch.robots.geode;
let mut obsidian_rate = branch.robots.obsidian;
let mut clay_rate = branch.robots.clay;
let mut ore_rate = branch.robots.ore;
let geode_obs_cost = self.get_costs(ResourceType::Geode).obsidian;
let obs_clay_cost = self.get_costs(ResourceType::Obsidian).clay;
let clay_ore_cost = self.get_costs(ResourceType::Clay).ore;
let mut obsidian = branch.resources.obsidian;
let mut clay = branch.resources.clay;
let mut ore = branch.resources.ore;
let mut upper_bound = branch.resources.geode;
for step in (0..remaining) {
upper_bound += geode_rate;
obsidian += obsidian_rate;
clay += clay_rate;
ore += ore_rate;
// we always subtract the rate in the checks as we already added
// the resources mined in this step
if geode_obs_cost <= obsidian - obsidian_rate {
obsidian = obsidian - geode_obs_cost;
geode_rate += 1;
} else if obs_clay_cost <= clay - clay_rate {
clay = clay - obs_clay_cost;
obsidian_rate += 1;
} else if clay_ore_cost <= ore - ore_rate {
ore = ore - clay_ore_cost;
clay_rate += 1;
} else {
ore_rate += 1;
if upper_bound <= best {
let mut newarms = branch.run_step(&self);
for arm in newarms.into_iter() {
#[derive(Debug, Hash, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
struct DFSBranch {
minute: usize,
robots: Resources,
resources: Resources
impl DFSBranch {
fn new() -> DFSBranch {
let mut robots = Resources::new();
robots.ore += 1;
DFSBranch{minute: 0, robots, resources: Resources::new()}
fn diff_fullfillable(&self, diff: &ResourcesDiff) -> bool {
return (diff.ore <= 0 || self.robots.ore > 0)
&& (diff.clay <= 0 || self.robots.clay > 0)
&& (diff.obsidian <= 0 || self.robots.obsidian > 0)
&& (diff.geode <= 0 || self.robots.geode > 0);
fn other_recipe_unlockable(&self, blueprint: &BluePrint) -> bool {
// check whether we can unlock a further recipe if we just wait
for recipe in blueprint.get_recipes() {
let diff = ResourcesDiff::need(self.resources, recipe.costs);
if !(recipe.costs <= self.resources) && self.diff_fullfillable(&diff) {
return true;
fn run_step(&self, blueprint: &BluePrint) -> Vec<DFSBranch> {
// simulate all the possible action the arm can take this step
let mut newarms: Vec<DFSBranch> = Vec::new();
let mined_resources = self.robots;
let minute = self.minute + 1;
// We only accept 'do nothing' if the current production can
// unlock a new recipe for us
if self.other_recipe_unlockable(blueprint) {
newarms.push(DFSBranch{minute, robots: self.robots, resources: self.resources + mined_resources});
// branch out for every recipe we have sufficient resources
for recipe in blueprint.get_recipes().iter() {
let resourcetype = recipe.robot;
let diff = ResourcesDiff::need(self.resources, recipe.costs);
let newresources = self.resources + mined_resources;
let should_build_more = match resourcetype {
ResourceType::Ore => blueprint.max_spend.ore > self.robots.ore,
ResourceType::Clay => blueprint.max_spend.clay > self.robots.clay,
ResourceType::Obsidian => blueprint.max_spend.obsidian > self.robots.obsidian,
ResourceType::Geode => true
if should_build_more && recipe.costs <= self.resources {
newarms.push(DFSBranch{minute, robots: self.robots.add_one(resourcetype), resources: newresources - recipe.costs});
fn part1(lines: &Vec<&str>) -> Option<i64> {
.map(|line| BluePrint::parse(line).calculate_quality_level(24))
.map(|(i,x)| x*(i + 1)).sum::<usize>() as i64
fn part2(lines: &Vec<&str>) -> Option<i64> {
.map(|line| BluePrint::parse(line).calculate_quality_level(32))
.product::<usize>() as i64
fn main() {
use std::fs;
use std::env;
use std::time::Instant;
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
let infile = args.get(1).unwrap_or_else(|| {
println!("Usage: {} <puzzle input>", args[0]);
let contents = fs::read_to_string(infile)
.expect("Could not read in file");
let lines: Vec<&str> = contents.lines().collect();
// execute part 1 and part 2, print their results if they exist
// later parts may follow, so we loop over the part functions
let parts = [part1, part2];
for (index, part) in parts.iter().enumerate() {
let partstart = Instant::now();
let result = part(&lines);
match result {
Some(result) => println!("Part {}: {}\t({:?})", index+1, result, partstart.elapsed()),
None => println!("Part {}: No result", index+1),
mod tests {
use super::*;
static TESTBLUEPRINTS: &str = "Blueprint 1: Each ore robot costs 4 ore. Each clay robot costs 2 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 14 clay. Each geode robot costs 2 ore and 7 obsidian.
Blueprint 2: Each ore robot costs 2 ore. Each clay robot costs 3 ore. Each obsidian robot costs 3 ore and 8 clay. Each geode robot costs 3 ore and 12 obsidian.";
fn test_part1() {
let lines: Vec<&str> = TESTBLUEPRINTS.lines().collect();
assert_eq!(part1(&lines), Some(33));
fn test_part2() {
let lines: Vec<&str> = TESTBLUEPRINTS.lines().collect();
assert_eq!(part2(&lines), Some(56 * 62));
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