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Last active August 8, 2018 08:36
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Tutorial 1: Hello World
license: Apache-2.0

Tutorial 1: The mandatory "Hello World" example.

Demonstrates how to import and instanciate a simple TextBox "Widget".

1 - Import the required visualization:

import { TextBox } from "@hpcc-js/common";

2 - Instantiate and render the visualisation:

var widget = new TextBox()  //  Create new instance of TextBox
    .target("placeholder")  //  Nominate target on web page 
    .text("Hello\nWorld!")  //  Set a "published property"
    .render()               //  Render

Note: To discover all the available "published properties" for the TextBox Widget see: Dermatology-TextBox and enable the "Properties" view.

body {
#placeholder {
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Hello World</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./index.css">
<!-- GetLibs: An in-browser module loader for quick demos -->
<script src=""></script>
<div id="placeholder">
<!-- Placeholder for Visualization -->
// Load Example JavaScript (via GetLibs)---
import { TextBox } from "@hpcc-js/common";
var widget = new TextBox() // Create new instance of TextBox
.target("placeholder") // Nominate target on web page
.text("Hello\nWorld!") // Set a "published property"
.render() // Render
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