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Last active May 9, 2023 22:50
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lazy python script to convert a skysphere images to 6 skybox images. probably can't smooth pixels from small images very well
import numpy as np
from PIL import Image
def raycast_box_imgs(sphere_img, new_img_size, out_dir):
"""renders and saves all 6 sides of the skybox"""
rays = create_rays(new_img_size)
rotations = {
"ft": np.eye(3),
"lt": rot_y_mat(-.5 * np.pi),
"rt": rot_y_mat(.5 * np.pi),
"bk": rot_y_mat(np.pi),
"up": rot_x_mat(.5 * np.pi),
"dn": rot_x_mat(-.5 * np.pi)
for direction, rotation in rotations.items():
rotated_rays = np.apply_along_axis(lambda x:, x), 2, rays)
box_img = create_raycast_image(sphere_img, rotated_rays, new_img_size)"{out_dir}/skybox-{direction}.png")
def create_raycast_image(sphere_img, rays, new_img_size):
"""create a skybox image reading pixels from the skysphere img"""
box_img ='RGB', (new_img_size, new_img_size))
for y in range(new_img_size):
for x in range(new_img_size):
uv_x, uv_y = get_uv_coord(rays[x][y])
box_img.putpixel((x, y), get_pixel(sphere_img, uv_x, uv_y))
return box_img
def create_rays(img_size):
"""create ray directions for all pixels of a skybox image"""
rays = np.zeros((img_size, img_size, 3))
for x in range(img_size):
for y in range(img_size):
rays[x, y] = np.array([(x + .5) / img_size - .5, (y + .5) / img_size - .5, .5])
return rays
def get_uv_coord(ray):
"""returns the uv coordinate for a ray from the middle of the sphere"""
ray /= np.linalg.norm(ray)
yaw = np.arctan2(ray[0], ray[2])
pitch = np.arcsin(ray[1])
uv_x = .5 + yaw / (2 * np.pi)
uv_y = .5 + pitch / np.pi
return uv_x, uv_y
def get_pixel(img, uv_x, uv_y):
"""returns pixel of image by uv coordinate"""
return img.getpixel((uv_x * (img.width - 1), uv_y * (img.height - 1)))
def rot_x_mat(theta):
"""creates rotation matrix for rotation around x axis (only in 90 degree steps)"""
sin_theta = np.round(np.sin(theta))
cos_theta = np.round(np.cos(theta))
return np.array(
[[1, 0, 0],
[0, cos_theta, -sin_theta],
[0, sin_theta, cos_theta]])
def rot_y_mat(theta):
sin_theta = np.round(np.sin(theta))
cos_theta = np.round(np.cos(theta))
return np.array(
[[cos_theta, 0, sin_theta],
[0, 1, 0],
[-sin_theta, 0, cos_theta]])
if __name__ == "__main__":
sphere_img ="./sphere-milkyway.png")
box_imgs = raycast_box_imgs(sphere_img, sphere_img.height // 2, "./skybox")
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