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Last active June 10, 2023 18:54
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Save Gorialis/e89482310d74a90a946b44cf34009e88 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. rewrite image processing cog example
# basic dependencies
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
# aiohttp should be installed if is
import aiohttp
# PIL can be installed through
# `pip install -U Pillow`
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
# partial lets us prepare a new function with args for run_in_executor
from functools import partial
# BytesIO allows us to convert bytes into a file-like byte stream.
from io import BytesIO
# this just allows for nice function annotation, and stops my IDE from complaining.
from typing import Union
class ImageCog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot):
# we need to include a reference to the bot here so we can access its loop later. = bot
# create a ClientSession to be used for downloading avatars
self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=bot.loop)
async def get_avatar(self, user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member]) -> bytes:
# generally an avatar will be 1024x1024, but we shouldn't rely on this
avatar_url = user.avatar_url_as(format="png")
async with self.session.get(avatar_url) as response:
# this gives us our response object, and now we can read the bytes from it.
avatar_bytes = await
return avatar_bytes
def processing(avatar_bytes: bytes, colour: tuple) -> BytesIO:
# we must use BytesIO to load the image here as PIL expects a stream instead of
# just raw bytes.
with as im:
# this creates a new image the same size as the user's avatar, with the
# background colour being the user's colour.
with"RGB", im.size, colour) as background:
# this ensures that the user's avatar lacks an alpha channel, as we're
# going to be substituting our own here.
rgb_avatar = im.convert("RGB")
# this is the mask image we will be using to create the circle cutout
# effect on the avatar.
with"L", im.size, 0) as mask:
# ImageDraw lets us draw on the image, in this instance, we will be
# using it to draw a white circle on the mask image.
mask_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask)
# draw the white circle from 0, 0 to the bottom right corner of the image
mask_draw.ellipse([(0, 0), im.size], fill=255)
# paste the alpha-less avatar on the background using the new circle mask
# we just created.
background.paste(rgb_avatar, (0, 0), mask=mask)
# prepare the stream to save this image into
final_buffer = BytesIO()
# save into the stream, using png format., "png")
# seek back to the start of the stream
return final_buffer
async def circle(self, ctx, *, member: discord.Member = None):
"""Display the user's avatar on their colour."""
# this means that if the user does not supply a member, it will default to the
# author of the message.
member = member or
async with ctx.typing():
# this means the bot will type while it is processing and uploading the image
if isinstance(member, discord.Member):
# get the user's colour, pretty self explanatory
member_colour = member.colour.to_rgb()
# if this is in a DM or something went seriously wrong
member_colour = (0, 0, 0)
# grab the user's avatar as bytes
avatar_bytes = await self.get_avatar(member)
# create partial function so we don't have to stack the args in run_in_executor
fn = partial(self.processing, avatar_bytes, member_colour)
# this runs our processing in an executor, stopping it from blocking the thread loop.
# as we already seeked back the buffer in the other thread, we're good to go
final_buffer = await, fn)
# prepare the file
file = discord.File(filename="circle.png", fp=final_buffer)
# send it
await ctx.send(file=file)
# setup function so this can be loaded as an extension
def setup(bot: commands.Bot):
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This does not work unfortunatly. If you could update it that would be nice, pls & thx.

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No need to use the session anymore:

async def get_avatar(self, user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member]) -> bytes:

        # this returns an Asset object which has a read method
        avatar = user.avatar_url_as(format="png")
        avatar_bytes = await

        return avatar_bytes

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avatar_url_as(0 is not a real method of discord.Member

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@Moondark876 Dude, this gist was made in 2017. It's been literally 5 years - of course the API will change eventually.

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