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Created June 1, 2021 04:02
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# sudoku solver using backtracking / recursion
import os
import sys
import glob
import json
import re
import math
import copy
def readFile(path):
f = open(path, "r")
grid = []
for x in f:
itms = x.replace('\r\n', '').replace('\n', '').replace('space', '0').split(',')
grid.append(list(map(lambda x: int(x), itms)))
return grid
def getPossibilities(grid, i,j):
# find all the possibilities
if not grid[i][j] == 0:
return [grid[i][j]]
exists = []
# find what items can be placed here
for k in range(0,9):
# what are the items with the same first index
lineval = grid[i][k]
if lineval not in exists and not lineval == 0:
# what are the items with the same second index
colval = grid[k][j]
if colval not in exists and not colval == 0:
# what are the items in the same square
sq_col = math.floor(i/3) * 3
sq_line = math.floor(j/3) * 3
for k in range(0,3):
for k2 in range(0,3):
line = sq_line + k
col = sq_col + k2
val = grid[col][line]
if val not in exists and not val== 0:
available = []
for i in range(1,10):
if i not in exists:
return available
def printGrid(in_grid):
for i in range(0,9):
print("[", ", ".join(map(lambda x: str(x), in_grid[i])), "],")
def simpleSolve(in_grid):
grid = copy.deepcopy(in_grid)
found = True
zeroCount = 1
while found and zeroCount > 0:
zeroCount = 0
found = False
for i in range(0,9):
for j in range(0,9):
if grid[i][j] == 0:
zeroCount = zeroCount + 1
poss = getPossibilities(grid, i,j)
if (len(poss) == 0):
raise ValueError("Error at {},{} : 0 possibilities".format(i,j))
if (len(poss) == 1):
found = True
grid[i][j] = poss[0]
return grid, zeroCount
def getLowestOptions(grid):
lowest = {
"i": -1,
"j": -1,
"poss": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
for i in range(0,9):
for j in range(0,9):
if grid[i][j] == 0:
poss = getPossibilities(grid, i,j)
if len(poss) < len(lowest["poss"]):
lowest = {
"i" : i,
"j" : j,
"poss": poss
return lowest
def solveGrid(in_grid, depth):
grid = copy.deepcopy(in_grid)
grid, zerocount = simpleSolve(grid)
solutions = []
if zerocount == 0:
solutions = [grid]
return solutions
options = getLowestOptions(grid)
for itm in options["poss"]:
leaf = copy.deepcopy(grid)
leaf[options["i"]][options["j"]] = itm
solutions += solveGrid(leaf, depth + 1)
except ValueError:
# invalid option so ignore
if (len(solutions) > 1):
raise Exception("Error : more than one possibiliy")
if depth == 0:
if len(solutions) == 0:
raise Exception("No solution found")
# printGrid(node["solutions"][0])
return solutions
def check_grids(folder = 'textdownloads', difficulty= 'easy', max_page = 900):
print('in check nb')
folderlength = len(folder)
itm = './{}/sudoku_{}_*.txt'.format(folder, difficulty)
base = './{}/sudoku_{}_'.format(folder, difficulty)
files = glob.glob(itm)
count = 0
subcount = -1
book = []
solvedNb = 0
unsolved = 0
filenb = 0
for file in files:
filenb = filenb + 1
nb = file[len(base): -4]
grid = readFile(file)
# puzz, zero = simpleSolve(grid, nb == "242081")
ret = solveGrid(grid, 0)
if (len(ret) == 1):
solvedNb = solvedNb + 1
unsolved = unsolved + 1
print(len(ret), "solutions found")
print(solvedNb, unsolved, (100*solvedNb)/(solvedNb+unsolved),"%", filenb)
grid = [
[ 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6 ],
[ 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 9, 8, 7, 0, 5, 0, 3, 2, 1 ],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 0, 4, 0, 3, 0, 7, 0, 0 ],
[ 0, 5, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 8, 0 ],
[ 6, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 9 ]]
# printGrid(grid)
ret = solveGrid(grid, 0)
#print (len(ret["solutions"]), 'solutions found')
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