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Created April 21, 2018 14:45
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Day of Infamy server config
// Place under doi/cfg in the dedicated server root
"mp_friendlyfire" "1" // friendly fire
"mp_tkpunish" "1" // How to punish team killing ( 0 = none, 1 = warning, 2 = kill )
"sv_hud_deathmessages" "1" // death messages
"sv_hud_scoreboard_show_kd" "1" // show k:d on scoreboard
"sv_hud_targetindicator" "1" // show friendly player names when looking at them
"mp_timer_pregame" "10" // timer for the pre-game (before the game starts, usually after map change or on mp_restartgame 1)
"mp_timer_preround" "15" // timer for the pre-round (before the round starts, usually after a previous round ends or on mp_restartround 1)
"mp_timer_postround" "15" // timer for the post-round (after the round starts)
"mp_timer_postgame" "21" // timer for the post-game (at the end of a game / map rotation)
"ins_bot_quota" "0" // if set higher than 0, the server will add this many bots to each team
"sv_deadvoice" "0" // enabling this will allow the dead and living to VOIP each other
"sv_deadchat" "0" // enabling this will allow the dead and living to chat text each other
"sv_deadchat_team" "1" // is deadchat limited to just your team?
"name" "Insert name here"
"sv_lan" "1"
sv_battleye 1
sv_playlist "nwi/coop"
rcon_password changeme
mapcyclefile "mapcycle_coop.txt"
doi_coop_lobby_size 32
mp_coop_lobbysize 32
// increase supply for more fun
mp_supply_token_base 15
mp_supply_token_max 50
mp_supply_gain 2
mp_supply_gain_obj_cap 2
# Start using the IP address of the server as the first argument
./srcds_run +ip "$1" +maxplayers 32 +sv_lan 1 +map "$(shuf -n1 doi/mapcycle_coop.txt)"
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