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Last active December 13, 2023 03:53
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shiny.fluent Dropdown component with search capabilities
shiny[div, moduleServer, NS, observeEvent],
shiny.fluent[JS, fluentPage, Dropdown.shinyInput],
DropdownMenuItemType <- function(type) { # nolint
JS(paste0("jsmodule['@fluentui/react'].DropdownMenuItemType."), type)
render_search_box <- JS(paste("(option) => {
if (option.key !== '__FilterHeader__') {
return option.text;
const onChange = (event, newValue) => {
const query = newValue.toLocaleLowerCase();
const checkboxLabels = document.querySelectorAll(
' .ms-Checkbox-label'
checkboxLabels.forEach(label => {
const text = label.innerText.replace('\\n', '').replace('', '').toLocaleLowerCase();
if (query === '' || text.startsWith(query)) { = 'flex';
} else { = 'none';
const props = { placeholder: 'Start typing', underlined: true, onChange };
const element = React.createElement(jsmodule['@fluentui/react'].SearchBox, props)
return element;
#' @export
ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
style = "height: 100%; width: 50%; margin:auto",
inputId = ns("fruit"),
label = "Searchable Fruit Selector",
multiSelect = TRUE,
placeholder = "Placeholder",
options = list(
list(key = "__FilterHeader__", text = "-", itemType = DropdownMenuItemType("Header")),
list(key = "fruitsHeader", text = "Fruit"),
list(key = "apple", text = "Apple"),
list(key = "banana", text = "Banana"),
list(key = "orange", text = "Orange", disabled = TRUE),
list(key = "grape", text = "Grape"),
list(key = "vegetablesHeader", text = "Vegetables"),
list(key = "broccoli", text = "Broccoli"),
list(key = "carrot", text = "Carrot"),
list(key = "lettuce", text = "Lettuce")
onRenderOption = render_search_box
#' @export
server <- function(id) {
moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$fruit, {
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