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Bartłomiej Mazur GotoFinal

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apangin / JDK 9 intrinsics
Last active May 11, 2023 18:32
JDK 9 intrinsics
_hashCode java/lang/Object.hashCode()I
_getClass java/lang/Object.getClass()Ljava/lang/Class;
_clone java/lang/Object.clone()Ljava/lang/Object;
_notify java/lang/Object.notify()V
_notifyAll java/lang/Object.notifyAll()V
_dabs java/lang/Math.abs(D)D
_dsin java/lang/Math.sin(D)D
_dcos java/lang/Math.cos(D)D
_dtan java/lang/Math.tan(D)D
_datan2 java/lang/Math.atan2(DD)D
Oct 23 15:42:07 <Grum> clonejo<barneygale> Gru-m reckons it's drivers but it affects loads of different cards from different manufacturers <-- then it's the subsystem, whatever it is, its not minecraft
Oct 23 15:43:17 <barneygale> what subsystem?
Oct 23 15:45:12 <nickelpro> Could be a problem in Mesa, unlikely though
Oct 23 15:46:23 <nickelpro> More likely LWGL or Minecraft doing something non-obvious that OpenGL doesn't like, don't know the spec well enough to speculate
Oct 23 15:48:07 <barneygale> I asked in #lwjgl and they say "we don't do mc support"
Oct 23 15:48:23 <dx> unsurprising
Oct 23 15:48:32 <barneygale> Yah, it was a long shot
Oct 23 15:48:39 <dx> they are probably used to it
Oct 23 15:48:47 <barneygale> So as far as I can tell its up to the affected users to figure out the problem, uhg
Oct 23 15:49:06 <nickelpro> For a long time MC used an ancient version of LWJGL, that would get frustrating fast
forax /
Created July 24, 2016 17:46
get the trusted lookup using Unsafe.defineAnonymousClass
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.Lookup;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.Base64;
public class LookupProxyTest {
static final String PROXY_CLASS =
apangin / HotSpot JVM intrinsics
Last active May 11, 2023 18:32
HotSpot JVM intrinsics
_hashCode java/lang/Object.hashCode()I
_getClass java/lang/Object.getClass()Ljava/lang/Class;
_clone java/lang/Object.clone()Ljava/lang/Object;
_dabs java/lang/Math.abs(D)D
_dsin java/lang/Math.sin(D)D
_dcos java/lang/Math.cos(D)D
_dtan java/lang/Math.tan(D)D
_datan2 java/lang/Math.atan2(DD)D
_dsqrt java/lang/Math.sqrt(D)D
_dlog java/lang/Math.log(D)D