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Created November 6, 2014 15:56
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Installation minimale de LaTeX (sur une Debian)

Installation minimale de LaTeX


Version 1.2 (06/11/2014)


1.2 (06/11/2014)

  • Update for TexLive 2014
  • Add example for moderncv template

1.1 (14/03/2014)

  • Remove useless doc and sources tree

1.0 (13/03/2014)

  • First release

Installation de TexLive

Récupérez l'installeur de TexLive

root@universe:~# wget

Décompressez l'archive

root@universe:~# tar xf install-tl-unx.tar.gz

Allez dans le dossier (la date change en fonction des releases de texlive…)

root@universe:~# cd install-tl-DATE/

Executez l'installeur

root@universe:~/install-tl-DATE# ./install-tl

Une magnifique GUI s'affiche

======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================

======>   Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate   <=======
======>   menu items for commands or options            <=======

 Detected platform: x86_64 with GNU/Linux

 <B> binary platforms: 1 out of 21

 <S> set installation scheme (scheme-full)

 <C> customizing installation collections
     47 collections out of 48, disk space required: 3871 MB

 <D> directories:
   TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
   TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
   TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
   TEXMFVAR (personal directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFCONFIG (personal directory for local config):
   TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):

 <O> options:
   [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
   [X] allow execution of restricted list of programs via \write18
   [X] create all format files
   [X] install macro/font doc tree
   [X] install macro/font source tree

 <V> set up for portable installation

 <I> start installation to hard disk
 <H> help
 <Q> quit

Enter command:

Avec <S> set installation scheme (scheme-full) et <C> customizing installation collections 47 collections out of 48, disk space required: 3871 MB on se rend compte que c'est un peu lourd.

De même, l'installation de la documentation et des sources n'est pas nécessaire

Suppression de la documentation et des sources

Tapez O puis

Options setup:

 <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
 <E> execution of restricted list of programs: [X]
 <F> create format files:                      [X]
 <D> install font/macro doc tree:              [X]
 <S> install font/macro source tree:           [X]
 <L> create symlinks in standard directories:  [ ]
            binaries to:
            manpages to:
                info to:

Actions: (disk space required: 3871 MB)
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

Enter command:

Désélectionnez la documentation (D puis ), les sources (S puis )

Options setup:

 <P> use letter size instead of A4 by default: [ ]
 <E> execution of restricted list of programs: [X]
 <F> create format files:                      [X]
 <D> install font/macro doc tree:              [ ]
 <S> install font/macro source tree:           [ ]
 <L> create symlinks in standard directories:  [ ]
            binaries to:
            manpages to:
                info to:

Actions: (disk space required: 1991 MB)
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

Enter command:

Retournez au menu principal (R puis )

======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================

======>   Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate   <=======
======>   menu items for commands or options            <=======

 Detected platform: x86_64 with GNU/Linux

 <B> binary platforms: 1 out of 21

 <S> set installation scheme (scheme-full)

 <C> customizing installation collections
     47 collections out of 48, disk space required: 1991 MB

 <D> directories:
   TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
   TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
   TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
   TEXMFVAR (personal directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFCONFIG (personal directory for local config):
   TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):

 <O> options:
   [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
   [X] allow execution of restricted list of programs via \write18
   [X] create all format files
   [ ] install macro/font doc tree
   [ ] install macro/font source tree

 <V> set up for portable installation

 <I> start installation to hard disk
 <H> help
 <Q> quit

Enter command:

Gestion des collections

Tapez C puis

Select collections:

 a [X] Essential programs and files      A [X] Indic scripts
 b [X] BibTeX additional styles          B [X] Italian
 c [X] TeX auxiliary programs            C [X] Japanese
 d [X] ConTeXt and packages              D [X] Korean
 e [X] Additional fonts                  E [X] Other languages
 f [X] Recommended fonts                 F [X] Polish
 g [X] Graphics and font utilities       G [X] Portuguese
 h [X] Additional formats                H [X] Spanish
 i [X] Games typesetting                 I [X] LaTeX fundamental packages
 j [X] Generic additional packages       J [X] LaTeX additional packages
 k [X] Generic recommended packages      K [X] LaTeX recommended packages
 l [X] HTML/SGML/XML support             L [X] LuaTeX packages
 m [X] Humanities packages               M [X] Mathematics packages
 n [X] African scripts                   N [X] MetaPost and Metafont packages
 o [X] Arabic                            O [X] Music packages
 p [X] Chinese                           P [X] Omega packages
 s [X] Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base)    S [X] Graphics, pictures, diagrams
 t [X] Cyrillic                          T [X] Plain TeX packages
 u [X] Czech/Slovak                      U [X] PSTricks
 v [X] US and UK English                 V [X] Publisher styles, theses, etc.
 w [X] Other European languages          W [X] Natural and computer sciences
 x [X] French                            X [X] TeXworks editor
 y [X] German                            Y [ ] Windows-only support programs
 z [X] Greek                             Z [X] XeTeX and packages

Actions: (disk space required: 1991 MB)
 <-> deselect all
 <+> select all
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

Enter letter(s) to select collection(s):

Tapez alors - pour tout déselectionner

Select collections:

 a [ ] Essential programs and files      A [ ] Indic scripts
 b [ ] BibTeX additional styles          B [ ] Italian
 c [ ] TeX auxiliary programs            C [ ] Japanese
 d [ ] ConTeXt and packages              D [ ] Korean
 e [ ] Additional fonts                  E [ ] Other languages
 f [ ] Recommended fonts                 F [ ] Polish
 g [ ] Graphics and font utilities       G [ ] Portuguese
 h [ ] Additional formats                H [ ] Spanish
 i [ ] Games typesetting                 I [ ] LaTeX fundamental packages
 j [ ] Generic additional packages       J [ ] LaTeX additional packages
 k [ ] Generic recommended packages      K [ ] LaTeX recommended packages
 l [ ] HTML/SGML/XML support             L [ ] LuaTeX packages
 m [ ] Humanities packages               M [ ] Mathematics packages
 n [ ] African scripts                   N [ ] MetaPost and Metafont packages
 o [ ] Arabic                            O [ ] Music packages
 p [ ] Chinese                           P [ ] Omega packages
 s [ ] Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base)    S [ ] Graphics, pictures, diagrams
 t [ ] Cyrillic                          T [ ] Plain TeX packages
 u [ ] Czech/Slovak                      U [ ] PSTricks
 v [ ] US and UK English                 V [ ] Publisher styles, theses, etc.
 w [ ] Other European languages          W [ ] Natural and computer sciences
 x [ ] French                            X [ ] TeXworks editor
 y [ ] German                            Y [ ] Windows-only support programs
 z [ ] Greek                             Z [ ] XeTeX and packages

Actions: (disk space required: 0 MB)
 <-> deselect all
 <+> select all
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

Enter letter(s) to select collection(s):

Sélectionnez les collections Recommended fonts (f puis ), French (x puis ), LateX fundamental packages (I puis )

Select collections:

 a [ ] Essential programs and files      A [ ] Indic scripts
 b [ ] BibTeX additional styles          B [ ] Italian
 c [ ] TeX auxiliary programs            C [ ] Japanese
 d [ ] ConTeXt and packages              D [ ] Korean
 e [ ] Additional fonts                  E [ ] Other languages
 f [X] Recommended fonts                 F [ ] Polish
 g [ ] Graphics and font utilities       G [ ] Portuguese
 h [ ] Additional formats                H [ ] Spanish
 i [ ] Games typesetting                 I [X] LaTeX fundamental packages
 j [ ] Generic additional packages       J [ ] LaTeX additional packages
 k [ ] Generic recommended packages      K [ ] LaTeX recommended packages
 l [ ] HTML/SGML/XML support             L [ ] LuaTeX packages
 m [ ] Humanities packages               M [ ] Mathematics packages
 n [ ] African scripts                   N [ ] MetaPost and Metafont packages
 o [ ] Arabic                            O [ ] Music packages
 p [ ] Chinese                           P [ ] Omega packages
 s [ ] Chinese/Japanese/Korean (base)    S [ ] Graphics, pictures, diagrams
 t [ ] Cyrillic                          T [ ] Plain TeX packages
 u [ ] Czech/Slovak                      U [ ] PSTricks
 v [ ] US and UK English                 V [ ] Publisher styles, theses, etc.
 w [ ] Other European languages          W [ ] Natural and computer sciences
 x [X] French                            X [ ] TeXworks editor
 y [ ] German                            Y [ ] Windows-only support programs
 z [ ] Greek                             Z [ ] XeTeX and packages

Actions: (disk space required: 230 MB)
 <-> deselect all
 <+> select all
 <R> return to main menu
 <Q> quit

Enter letter(s) to select collection(s):

Puis revenez au menu principal (R puis )

Un résumé s'affiche

======================> TeX Live installation procedure <=====================

======>   Letters/digits in <angle brackets> indicate   <=======
======>   menu items for commands or options            <=======

 Detected platform: x86_64 with GNU/Linux

 <B> binary platforms: 1 out of 21

 <S> set installation scheme (scheme-custom)

 <C> customizing installation collections
     3 collections out of 48, disk space required: 230 MB

 <D> directories:
   TEXDIR (the main TeX directory):
   TEXMFLOCAL (directory for site-wide local files):
   TEXMFSYSVAR (directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFSYSCONFIG (directory for local config):
   TEXMFVAR (personal directory for variable and automatically generated data):
   TEXMFCONFIG (personal directory for local config):
   TEXMFHOME (directory for user-specific files):

 <O> options:
   [ ] use letter size instead of A4 by default
   [X] allow execution of restricted list of programs via \write18
   [X] create all format files
   [ ] install macro/font doc tree
   [ ] install macro/font source tree

 <V> set up for portable installation

 <I> start installation to hard disk
 <H> help
 <Q> quit

Enter command:

Tapez simplement I puis pour lancer l'installation

Installing to: /usr/local/texlive/2014
Installing [001/146, time/total: ??:??/??:??]: ae [56k]
Installing [002/146, time/total: 00:01/31:06]: aeguill [3k]
Installing [003/146, time/total: 00:01/29:52]: amscls [32k]
Installing [004/146, time/total: 00:01/19:18]: amsfonts [3542k]
Installing [143/146, time/total: 07:54/07:56]: xdvi [7k]
Installing [144/146, time/total: 07:54/07:56]: xdvi.x86_64-linux [482k]
Installing [145/146, time/total: 07:57/07:57]: zapfchan [79k]
Installing [146/146, time/total: 07:57/07:57]: zapfding [46k]
Time used for installing the packages: 07:57
running mktexlsr /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist ...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Done.
writing fmtutil.cnf to /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
writing updmap.cfg to /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/web2c/updmap.cfg
writing language.dat to /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/tex/generic/config/language.dat
writing language.def to /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/tex/generic/config/language.def
writing language.dat.lua to /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/tex/generic/config/language.dat.lua
running mktexlsr /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-config /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist ...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-config/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Done.
running updmap-sys...done
re-running mktexlsr /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-config...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-config/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Updating /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/ls-R...
mktexlsr: Done.
pre-generating all format files (fmtutil-sys --all), be patient...done
running package-specific postactions
finished with package-specific postactions

 for links to documentation.  The TeX Live web site
 contains updates and corrections:

 TeX Live is a joint project of the TeX user groups around the world;
 please consider supporting it by joining the group best for you. The
 list of user groups is on the web at

 Add /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/doc/info to INFOPATH.
 Add /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/doc/man to MANPATH
   (if not dynamically found).

 Most importantly, add /usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-linux
 to your PATH for current and future sessions.

 Welcome to TeX Live!
Logfile: /usr/local/texlive/2014/install-tl.log

Le temps d'installation peut varier suivant la vitesse du réseau…

Installation des paquets manquants

Vous venez d'installer une version vraiment minimale de TexLive ; il manquera très certainement un bon nombre de paquets. C'est dur de les retrouver soi même. Heureusement, il existe un paquet magique : texliveonfly.

C'est un script python qui va tenter de compiler vos fichiers latex, et, à chaque erreur dûe à un paquet non installé, il tentera de l'installer et de relancer la compilation.

tlmgr (TeX Live Manager) permet de gérer les paquets LaTeX. Installez donc texliveonfly. (tlmgr est installé dans /usr/local/texlive/TEXLIVE_VERSION/bin/ARCH/

root@universe:~# /usr/local/texlive/2014/bin/x86_64-linux/tlmgr install texliveonfly
tlmgr: package repository
[1/2, ??:??/??:??] install: texliveonfly.x86_64-linux [1k]
[2/2, 00:00/00:00] install: texliveonfly [6k]
tlmgr: package log updated: /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.

Utilisez ensuite texliveonfly pour installer les dépendances d'une source LaTeX.



  1. Récupérez les fichiers d'exemple de moderncv

     root@universe:~/latextest# wget
     2014-11-06 16:42:31 (1.45 MB/s) - `template.tex' saved [9952/9952]
     root@universe:~/latextest# wget
     2014-11-06 16:42:40 (87.6 MB/s) - `picture.jpg' saved [1645/1645]
     root@universe:~/latextest# wget
     2014-11-06 16:42:46 (387 KB/s) - `picture.eps' saved [59416/59416]
  2. Ajoutez le chemin /usr/local/texlive/TEXLIVE_VERSION/bin/ARCH/ à votre $PATH

  3. Executez textliveonfly

     root@universe:~/latextest# texliveonfly template.tex
     This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
      restricted \write18 enabled.
     entering extended mode
     LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
     Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 4 languages loaded.
     ! LaTeX Error: File `moderncv.cls' not found.
     Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
     or enter new name. (Default extension: cls)
     Enter file name:
     ! Emergency stop.
     <read *>
     l.10 ^^M
     !  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
     Transcript written on template.log.
     texliveonfly: Searching repositories for missing file moderncv.cls
     texliveonfly: Updating tlmgr prior to installing packages
     (this is necessary to avoid complaints from itself).
     tlmgr: package repository
     tlmgr: saving backups to /usr/local/texlive/2014/tlpkg/backups
     tlmgr: no updates for tlmgr present.
     tlmgr: no updates available
     texliveonfly: Attempting to install LaTex package(s): moderncv
     tlmgr: package repository
     [1/1, ??:??/??:??] install: moderncv [18k]
     tlmgr: package log updated: /usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log
     running mktexlsr ...
     done running mktexlsr.
     This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (TeX Live 2014) (preloaded format=pdflatex)
      restricted \write18 enabled.
     entering extended mode
     LaTeX2e <2014/05/01>
     Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 4 languages loaded.
     Document Class: moderncv 2013/04/29 v1.5.1 modern curriculum vitae and letter d
     ocument class
     ! LaTeX Error: File `etoolbox.sty' not found.
     Type X to quit or <RETURN> to proceed,
     or enter new name. (Default extension: sty)
     Output written on template.pdf (3 pages, 240606 bytes).
     SyncTeX written on template.synctex.gz.
     Transcript written on template.log.
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