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Created April 22, 2011 18:45
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Showing off extedables
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab */
/*jshint asi: true undef: true es5: true node: true devel: true
forin: true latedef: false supernew: true */
/*global define: true */
define('demo', function(require, exports, module, undefined) {
'use strict';
var Extendable = require("").Extendable
var Base = Extendable.extend({
inherited: function inherited() {
return "inherited property"
overridden: function overridden() {
return "property to override"
// No supers by default, use prototype and be proud, but if you really want
// super get one!
_super: function _super() {
return Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(this))
// Adding static method.
Base.implement = function implement(source) {
// Going through each argument to copy properties from each source., function(source) {
// Going through each own property of the source to copy it.
Object.getOwnPropertyNames(source).forEach(function(key) {
// If property is already owned then skip it.
if (, key)) return null
// Otherwise define property.
Object.defineProperty(this.prototype, key,
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key))
}, this)
}, this)
var b1 = new Base
console.log(b1 instanceof Base) // -> true
console.log(b1 instanceof Extendable) // -> true
console.log(b1.inherited()) // -> "inherited property"
var b2 = Base() // -> Works same as without `new`
console.log(b2 instanceof Base) // -> true
console.log(b2 instanceof Extendable) // -> true
console.log(b2.inherited()) // -> "inherited property"
var Decedent = Base.extend({
constructor: function Decedent(options) { =;
overridden: function override() {
// I'd rather copied `overridden` with a diff name overriddenBase for
// example or used ``
// But this works as well :)
return "No longer " + this._super()
// overriddenBase: Base.prototype.overridden
bye: function bye() {
return "Buy my dear " +
var d1 = new Decedent({ name: "friend" })
console.log(d1 instanceof Decedent) // -> true
console.log(d1 instanceof Base) // -> true
console.log(d1 instanceof Extendable) // -> true
console.log(d1.inherited()) // -> "inherited property"
console.log(d1.overridden()) // -> No longer a property to override
console.log(d1.bye()) // -> "Bye my dear friend"
name: Extendable micro-lib demo.
description: Showing off Extendable.
- Irakli Gozalishvili
normalize_css: no
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