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Created May 29, 2011 11:09
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Some stream experiments
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab */
/*jshint asi: true undef: true es5: true node: true devel: true
forin: false latedef: false globalstrict: true */
/*global define: true */
"use strict";
var fs = require('fs')
var path = require('path')
function list(path) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
fs.readdir(path, function onList(error, entries) {
if (error) return stop(error)
function stat(path) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
fs.stat(path, function onStat(error, stat) {
if (error) return stop(error)
function isDirectory(path) {
return value.isDirectory()
function listTree(location) {
var entries = list(location)
var paths = map(entries, path.join.bind(path, location))
// var stats = map(paths, stat)
// var directories = filter(stats(paths), isDirectory)
var nestedEntries = map(directories, listTree)
return join(entries, nestedEntries)
/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 expandtab */
/*jshint asi: true undef: true es5: true node: true devel: true
forin: false latedef: false */
/*global define: true */
(typeof define !== "function" ? function($){ $(require, exports, module); } : define)(function(require, exports, module, undefined) {
"use strict";
* Creates range stream that streams values from the given range.
* @examples
* range(1, 3)(console.log)
* // 1
* // 2
* // 3
exports.range = function range(from, to) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
// While elements are in range we yield them.
while (from <= to) next(from ++)
// Once all elements are yielded we stop the stream if there is a listener
// for that.
if (stop) stop()
* Creates stream of given objects keys.
* @examples
* keys({ a: 1, b: 2 })(console.log)
* // a
* // b
exports.keys = function keys(object) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
for (var key in object) next(key)
if (stop) stop()
* Creates stream of values for the given object.
* @examples
* values({ a: 1, b: 2 })(console.log)
* // 1
* // 2
exports.values = function values(object) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
for (var key in object) next(object[key])
if (stop) stop()
* Creates stream of array values.
* @examples
* list([ 'a', 2, {} ])(console.log)
exports.list = function list(elements) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
if (stop) stop()
exports.enumerate = function enumerate(object) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
for (var key in object) next([ key, object[key] ])
if (stop) stop()
* Returns stream of mapped values.
* @param {Function} input
* source stream to be mapped
* @param {Function} map
* function that maps each value
* @examples
* var stream = list([ { name: 'foo' }, { name: 'bar' } ])
* var names = map(stream, function(value) { return })
* names(console.log)
* // 'foo'
* // 'bar'
*/ = function map(input, map) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
input(function onValue(value) { next(map(value)) }, stop)
* Returns stream of filtered values.
* @param {Function} input
* source stream to be filtered
* @param {Function} filter
* @examples
* var numbers = list([ 10, 23, 2, 7, 17 ])
* var digits = filter(numbers, function(value) {
* return value >= 0 && value <= 9
* })
* digits(console.log)
* // 2
* // 7
exports.filter = function filter(input, filter) {
return function stream(next, stop) {
input(function onValue(value) { if (filter(value)) next(value) }, stop)
* Returns stream of reduced values
function reduce(source, reducer, initial) {
return function input(next, stop) {
var result = initial
input(function reduce(value) {
next(result = reducer(value, result))
}, function end(error) {
stop(error, result)
* The zip function takes varied number of streams and returns a single stream
* where each value is the combination of all streams.
* @params {Function}
* source steams to be combined
* @examples
* var a = list([ 'a', 'b', 'c' ])
* var b = list([ 1, 2, 3, 4 ])
* var c = list([ '!', '@', '#', '$', '%' ])
* var abc = zip(a, b, c)
* abs(console.log)
* // [ 'a', 1, '!' ]
* // [ 'b', 2, '@' ]
* // [ 'c', 3, '#' ]
*/ = function zip() {
var inputs =
return function stream(next, stop) {
var values = [], ended = [], id
function isReady() {
var id = values.length
while (0 <= --id) { if (!values[id].length) return false }
return true
function isEnded() {
var id = ended.length
while (0 <= --id) { if (!ended[id]) return false }
return true
function shift() {
var id = values.length, value = []
while (0 <= --id) { value.unshift(values[id].shift()) }
return value
function end(id, error) {
ended[id] = true
if (error || isEnded()) {
values = ended = null
if (stop) stop(error)
function push(id, value) {
if (values) {
if (isReady()) next(shift())
id = inputs.length
while (0 <= --id) {
id = values.length
while (0 <= --id) inputs[id](push.bind(null, id), end.bind(null, id))
* Utility function to print streams.
exports.print = function print(stream) {
stream(console.log.bind(console), function onStop(error) {
if (error) console.error(error)
else console.log('<<')
* Returns stream of values of all the given streams. Values of each stream
* starting from the first one is streamed until it's stopped. If stream is just
* ended values from the following stream are streamed if stream was stopped
* with an error then joined stream is also stopped with an error.
* @examples
* var stream = join(list([1, 2]), list(['a', 'b']))
* stream(console.log)
* // 1
* // 2
* // 'a'
* // 'b'
exports.join = function join() {
var inputs =
return function stream(next, stop) {
var input
function end(error) {
if (error) return stop && stop(error)
if ((input = inputs.shift())) input(next, end)
else return stop && stop()
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