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Created March 10, 2023 22:11
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type ProviderDID =
| ""
| ""
interface Principal {
did(): string
interface Space extends Principal {
abstract class Account implements Principal {
provider = {
add(provider: Provider, consumer: Space) {
const deal = provider.consumer.get(this)
deal.nb.consumer = consumer
interface Provider {
did(): ProviderDID
consumer: {
get: <T extends {}, U extends Account> (customer: U, nb?: T) => Subscription<Provider, U>
type Provision = {
consumer: Space,
provider: Provider,
// sponsor: Account
order: Order
abstract class Subscription<T extends Provider, U extends Account> {
can: "consumer/add"
with: T
nb: {
order: Order
consumer?: Space
invoke(consumer?: Space) {
this.nb.consumer = consumer
const provision = {
consumer: this.nb.consumer,
provider: this.with,
order: this.nb.order
type Order = string
// provider/get -> consumer/add
// consumer/add { consumer, order }
type W3Order<T extends Account> = CID<{ customer: T }>
type NFTOrder<T extends Account> = CID<{ customer: T, timestamp: number }>
"iss": "did:key:agent",
"aud": "",
"att": [
"can": "access/authorize",
"nb": {
iss: "did:mailto:gozala",
att: [
{ can: "store/*" },
{ can: "upload/*" },
}) // => { id: requestID }
// user clicked authorize maybe
// 1. We render page to the user to confirm authorization
// If you don't have a space we offer you to create one
// 2. We delegate attestations to the agent
// 3. We delegate store/* to the agent from account
att: [{
can: "access/claim",
with: "",
nb: {
att: [{ can: "store/*" }]
const claimResult = [
iss: "",
aud: "did:key:agent",
att: [
can: "ucan/attest",
with: "",
iss: "did:mailto:gozala",
aud: "did:key:agent",
att: [
can: "store/*",
with: "ucan:*",
prf: [
// {
// "consumer/add": "",
// }
// {
// iss: "did:key:space",
// aud: "did:mailto:gozala",
// att: [{
// with: "ucan:*",
// can: "*"
// }]
// }
iss: "did:key:agent",
aud: "",
att: [
can: "access/authorize",
nb: {
iss: "did:mailto:gozala",
att: [{ can: "store/*" }, { can: "upload/*" }, { can: "consumer/add" }],
// create space and call consumer/add
interface Subscription {
order: string
provider: Provider
customer: Account
consumer: {
add(consumer: Space): void
remove(consumer: Space): void
list(): Space[]
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