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Created March 8, 2013 12:49
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serious sam 3 log after help from opensuse forum
-------- START OF LOG --------
23:26:01 LOG: Core version: $Version: distro_Sam3_PC; SeriousSam3_Executables-Linux-Final; 178606 2013-02-22 14:15:26 @builderl02; Linux-Static-Final-Default$
23:26:01 LOG: Command: $
23:26:01 LOG: Initializing timer.
23:26:01 LOG: Timestamp: 2013/03/07 23:26:01
23:26:01 LOG: Binary name: Sam3
23:26:01 LOG: Binary soft path: Bin/
23:26:01 LOG: Binary hard path: /home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/
23:26:01 LOG: Application directory: /home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/
23:26:01 LOG: * OS...
23:26:01 LOG: Type: Linux
23:26:01 LOG: Kernel: 3.4.28-2.20-desktop
23:26:01 LOG: Version: #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jan 29 16:51:37 UTC 2013 (143156b)
23:26:01 LOG: Architecture: x86_64
23:26:01 LOG: Output of lsb_release: Distributor ID: SUSE LINUX
23:26:01 LOG: Description: openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64)
23:26:01 LOG: Release: 12.2
23:26:01 LOG: Codename: Mantis
23:26:01 LOG:
23:26:01 LOG: /etc/*-release: NAME=openSUSE
23:26:01 LOG: VERSION="12.2 (Mantis)"
23:26:01 LOG: VERSION_ID="12.2"
23:26:01 LOG: PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE 12.2 (Mantis) (x86_64)"
23:26:01 LOG: ID=opensuse
23:26:01 LOG: ANSI_COLOR="0;32"
23:26:01 LOG: CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:opensuse:opensuse:12.2"
23:26:01 LOG: openSUSE 12.2 (x86_64)
23:26:01 LOG: VERSION = 12.2
23:26:01 LOG: CODENAME = Mantis
23:26:01 LOG:
23:26:01 LOG: /etc/debian_version:
23:26:01 LOG: Power saving settings: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_frequencies bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_driver bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_governor bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_min_freq bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG: Binair bestand /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_setspeed bevat de gezochte tekst.
23:26:01 LOG:
23:26:01 LOG: CPU Power saving is enabled and governor is set to performance.
23:26:01 LOG:
23:26:01 LOG: XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP: (null)
23:26:01 LOG: GDMSESSION: (null)
23:26:01 LOG: DESKTOP_SESSION: default
23:26:01 LOG:
23:26:01 LOG: * CPU...
23:26:01 LOG: Vendor: AuthenticAMD
23:26:01 LOG: Name: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 955 Processor
23:26:01 LOG: Type: 0, Family: 15, Model: 4, Stepping: 2
23:26:01 LOG: Clock: 3.21 GHz
23:26:01 LOG: Cores: 4
23:26:01 LOG: CMOV: Yes
23:26:01 LOG: SSE: Yes
23:26:01 LOG:
23:26:01 LOG: * Memory...
23:26:01 LOG: Total physical memory: 3959 MB
23:26:01 LOG: Free physical memory: 1729 MB
23:26:01 LOG:
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:01 INF: GameEnv API: Steam
23:26:01 INF: Encoded user ID = da28296c:be671137
23:26:01 LOG: Created thread -176592064(ResourceLoader).
23:26:01 LOG: Loading cvars from "$/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "".
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "".
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "".
23:26:01 LOG: Display 0: DFP2 (1680x1050)
23:26:01 LOG: Trying to set display mode 1680x1050(fullscreen)...
23:26:01 INF:
23:26:01 INF: * Desktop settings...
23:26:01 INF: Color depth: 32-bit
23:26:01 INF: Desktop resolution: 1680 x 1050
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:01 INF: Fullscreen on primary display
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "".
23:26:01 LOG: Loaded "".
23:26:02 INF:
23:26:02 INF: Gfx API: OpenGL
23:26:02 INF: Resolution: 1680 x 1050
23:26:02 INF: Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
23:26:02 INF: Driver: ATI Technologies Inc. (0x68BE)
23:26:02 INF: Renderer: ATI Radeon HD 5700 Series
23:26:02 INF: Version: 4.2.12172 Compatibility Profile Context 12.10.17
23:26:02 INF: Video memory size: 1024 MB
23:26:02 INF: Available for textures: 1639 MB
23:26:02 INF: Active GPU(s): 1
23:26:02 LOG: Processing file Content/SeriousSam3/Config/CheckDriver.lua
23:26:02 INF: Driver version: 12172 (required: 11900)
23:26:02 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:02 LOG: Loaded "".
23:26:02 TRC: EAX is not supported.
23:26:02 INF:
23:26:02 INF: Sfx API: OpenAL
23:26:02 INF: Device: PulseAudio Default
23:26:02 INF: Mixer frequency: 44100 Hz
23:26:02 INF: Mixer voices: 64
23:26:02 INF: Max sound sources: 35
23:26:02 INF: Max total volume: 3
23:26:02 INF: Speaker config: (unknown)
23:26:02 INF: Environment FX: not supported
23:26:02 INF:
23:26:02 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_145562.gro: 2565 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/CachedShaders_PC.gro: 4277 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_170136.gro: 703 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/DLC_Sam3Extended_178606.gro: 37 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_150406.gro: 627 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_02.gro: 5133 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_178606.gro: 101 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_147686.gro: 835 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/All_01.gro: 6414 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/DLC_Sam3Extended.gro: 1161 files, signature: OFFICIAL
23:26:02 LOG: Loading translation tables from Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/.
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation.tbl
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_All.tbl
23:26:02 LOG: Content/SeriousSam3/Locales/enu/translation_DLC_Sam3Extended.tbl
23:26:02 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:02 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecAudio_Vorbis.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
23:26:02 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:02 LOG: Module 'Bin/CodecVideo_Null.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
23:26:02 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:02 INF: Connected gamepad 0 - Microsoft SideWinder Joystick (/dev/input/js0) with 8 buttons and 3 axes.
23:26:02 INF: Cannot send rumble effect to gamepad 0
23:26:02 LOG: Module 'Bin/Input.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
23:26:02 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/Game.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
23:26:03 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:03 LOG: Loaded "/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Serious Sam 3/Bin/".
23:26:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
23:26:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/ProcRender.module' loaded in '0.01' seconds.
23:26:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/Shaders.module' loaded in '0.00' seconds.
23:26:03 LOG: Skipped assigning to prj_strMultiplayerSessionName because the saved version (0) is different than the current version (2).
23:26:03 LOG: Module 'Bin/SeriousSam3_Project.module' loaded in '0.60' seconds.
23:26:03 LOG: Processing file Content/SeriousSam3/Config/autoexec.cfg
23:26:03 LOG: Created thread -290624704(GameDataJobs).
23:26:03 LOG: cvarShowDiffs()
23:26:03 LOG: crm_iRenderDepthPrepass = 1 (2)
23:26:03 LOG: dcl_ctMaxNewTrianglesPerFrame = 4096 (2048)
23:26:03 LOG: dcl_ctMaxTrianglesPerGroup = 8192 (4096)
23:26:03 LOG: efx_fOcclusionBufferScale = 0.8 (0.5)
23:26:03 LOG: efx_iOcclusionQuality = 0 (1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bAllowArmorItems = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bAllowHealthItems = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bAllowJoinInProgress = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bAllowPowerupItems = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bAllowSeriousBombItems = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bAmmoStays = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bArmorStays = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bAutoCycleMaps = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bCustomizedDifficulty = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bExtraMPEnemies = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bFriendlyFire = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bHealthStays = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bInfiniteAmmo = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bPowerupsStay = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bRankedMatch = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bRespawnInPlace = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_bWeaponsStay = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_ctFragsLimit = 20 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_ctGoalsLimit = 10 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_ctMaxPlayers = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_ctMinPlayers = 1 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_ctPrivateSlots = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_ctRoundLimit = 10 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_ctTimeLimit = 10 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_gdDifficulty = 3 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyDamagePerPlayer = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrength = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_iExtraEnemyStrengthPerPlayer = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gam_iInvulnerableAfterSpawning = 0 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_bLastGoodFullScreen = 1 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_fSaturation = 0.6 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_iAntiAliasingSamples = 1 (4)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_iFXAA = 2 (1)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResHeight = 1050 (480)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodResWidth = 1680 (640)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinHeight = 1050 (480)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixLastGoodWinWidth = 1680 (640)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixResHeight = 1050 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixResWidth = 1680 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixWinHeight = 1050 (480)
23:26:03 LOG: gfx_pixWinWidth = 1680 (640)
23:26:03 LOG: men_bAllowGlowing = 0 (1)
23:26:03 LOG: plr_fFOVOverride = 112.35294 (-1)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_bDebrisCastShadow = 1 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_bSkippableIntroScene = 1 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpses = 50 (20)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxCorpsesCoop = 20 (8)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebris = 200 (50)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxDebrisCoop = 100 (20)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpses = 10 (4)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingCorpsesCoop = 5 (2)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebris = 100 (50)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_ctMaxMovingDebrisCoop = 40 (20)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCull = 0.001 (0.01)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_fDebrisScreenSizeRatioCullCoop = 0.003 (0.015)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_iCPUSpeed = 4 (2)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_iGPUMemory = 3 (2)
23:26:03 LOG: prj_strLastAutoDetectSetup = "gfx_iPixelProgramVersion=30,gfx_ctConcurrentGPUs=1,sys_iGPUVendorID=4098,sys_iCPUFamily=15,sys_iCPUMHz=3210,sys_iGPUDeviceID=26814,sys_strCPUVendor=AuthenticAMD,gfx_ulVideoMemoryMB=1024," ("")
23:26:03 LOG: ren_bMirrorFastLights = 0 (1)
23:26:03 LOG: ren_fMax3DRenderingMPix = 1.1 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: ren_iMirrorLevelBias = 2 (0)
23:26:03 LOG: sfx_fMasterVolume = 0.7058824 (0.9)
23:26:03 LOG: sfx_iMaxActiveSounds = 35 (25)
23:26:03 LOG: sha_iMaxShockwaves = 10 (8)
23:26:03 LOG: sha_iParallaxMappingMethod = 1 (2)
23:26:03 LOG: shb_fCascadedStepFactor = 5 (4)
23:26:03 LOG: shb_fNearShadowDistance = 5 (4)
23:26:03 LOG: shb_pixShadowDensity = 48 (16)
23:26:03 LOG: snd_fEffectsVolume = 0.60784316 (0.8)
23:26:03 LOG: snd_fMusicVolume = 0.51470592 (0.6)
23:26:03 LOG: snd_fVoiceCommVolume = 0.7 (1)
23:26:03 LOG: tex_pixMaxSize = 4096 (2048)
23:26:03 LOG: Processing file Content/SeriousSam3/Config/AutoDetect.lua
23:26:03 INF: AutoDetect: Hardware values unchanged, nothing to do.
23:26:03 LOG: Created thread -486020288(SyncWorkshop).
23:26:05 LOG: Steam workshop sync operation finished in 1.25 seconds.
23:26:21 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld"
23:26:22 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 456 MB)
23:26:22 LOG: Timestamp: 2013/03/07 23:26:22
23:26:22 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/Intro.wld' in 0.53 seconds.
23:26:22 LOG: Created thread -486020288(WorkerThreadPool).
23:26:22 LOG: Created thread -559912128(WorkerThreadPool).
23:26:22 LOG: Created thread -568304832(WorkerThreadPool).
23:26:22 TRC: 2 sound channels reinitialized.
23:26:22 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1312x824.
23:26:44 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Models/Vehicles/FrontLoader02/Textures/Wheel_01_CM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
23:27:34 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Generic/Metal/Rust_04_NM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
23:27:34 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Generic/Metal/Rust_04_GM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
23:27:34 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Textures/Generic/Metal/Rust_01_GM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
23:28:04 LOG: Started loading world "Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld"
23:28:04 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1680x1050.
23:28:04 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 456 MB)
23:28:04 LOG: Timestamp: 2013/03/07 23:28:04
23:28:04 INF: Started simulation on 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/Menu/MenuLevel.wld' in 0.19 seconds.
23:28:04 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1312x824.
23:28:18 LOG: Timestamp: 2013/03/07 23:28:18
23:28:18 LOG: Loading '$/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000000_QuickSave.sav'.
23:28:18 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '55' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
23:28:18 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1293 files in 0.03 seconds.
23:28:18 LOG: Started loading world "$/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000000_QuickSave.sav"
23:28:18 LOG: Created HDR render-target of 1312x824.
23:28:42 LOG: Finished loading world. (process memory: 456 MB)
23:28:46 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '23' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
23:28:46 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 58 files in 0.01 seconds.
23:28:46 TRC: 3 sound channels reinitialized.
23:28:48 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Models/Vehicles/UH_60_BlackHawk_cutscenes/Textures/OuterParts_CM.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
23:28:56 ERR: Failed to precache texture Content/SeriousSam3/Models/NPCS/Soldiers/Textures/Clothing/Spa/Uniform_AO.tex; it doesn't exist in memory
23:33:10 LOG: Requesting auto save...
23:34:25 LOG: Requesting auto save...
23:35:28 LOG: Requesting auto save...
23:35:29 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.02MB(24.00MB) in 0.179192. seconds
23:35:29 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 6.00MB(6.00MB) at 2013/03/07 23:35:29. ($/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000079_QuickSave.sav)
23:35:29 LOG: Save game created in 0.38279 seconds.
23:39:15 LOG: Requesting auto save...
23:39:16 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.02MB(24.00MB) in 0.1109. seconds
23:39:16 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 6.00MB(6.00MB) at 2013/03/07 23:39:16. ($/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000080_QuickSave.sav)
23:39:16 LOG: Save game created in 0.309614 seconds.
23:39:52 INF: UpCloseAndPersonal 20
23:40:36 LOG: Requesting auto save...
23:40:36 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.01MB(24.00MB) in 0.104927. seconds
23:40:36 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 6.00MB(6.00MB) at 2013/03/07 23:40:36. ($/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000081_QuickSave.sav)
23:40:36 LOG: Save game created in 0.305536 seconds.
23:41:23 LOG: Requesting auto save...
23:41:23 LOG: In memory saved game created successfully with size of 3.20MB(24.00MB) in 0.112742. seconds
23:41:23 LOG: Game successfully saved with size of 6.00MB(6.00MB) at 2013/03/07 23:41:23. ($/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3/SavedGames/0000000082_QuickSave.sav)
23:41:23 LOG: Save game created in 0.338982 seconds.
23:42:58 LOG: Requesting auto save...
23:43:24 LOG: Timestamp: 2013/03/07 23:43:24
23:43:24 LOG: Stopping simulation.
23:43:24 LOG: Timestamp: 2013/03/07 23:43:24
23:43:24 LOG: Stopping world 'Content/SeriousSam3/Levels/01_BFE/01_CairoSquare/01_CairoSquare.wld'.
23:43:24 LOG: Player profile saved with size 2.85kB(96.00kB) at 2013/03/07 23:43:24.
23:43:24 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '16' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
23:43:24 LOG: World deleted in 0.13(0.13)sec.
23:43:24 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '0' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
23:43:24 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 3027 files in 0.16 seconds.
23:43:24 LOG: World stopped in 0.29sec.
23:43:24 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '10' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
23:43:24 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 0 files in 0.00 seconds.
23:43:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedProxies() released '1' and reverted 0 proxy objects in 0.00 seconds.
23:43:27 LOG: resFreeUnusedStock() released 1 files in 0.00 seconds.
23:43:28 LOG: Saving cvars to "$/home/guus/.local/share/Steam/userdata/66232661/41070/local/SeriousSam3.ini".
23:43:28 LOG: Timestamp: 2013/03/07 23:43:28
23:43:28 LOG: Core is shutting down
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