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Created November 10, 2020 08:24
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Convenient functions to handle Window Insets in Android Applications
package app.common.extensions
import android.content.Context
import android.os.Build
import android.view.View
import android.view.ViewGroup
import android.view.WindowInsets
import androidx.annotation.Px
import androidx.core.view.*
import gr.extensions.preferences
private const val PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_LEFT = "insets_PL"
private const val PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_TOP = "insets_PT"
private const val PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_RIGHT = "insets_PR"
private const val PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_BOTTOM = "insets_PB"
const val INSET_DIRECTION_LEFT = 0b0001
const val INSET_DIRECTION_TOP = 0b0010
const val INSET_DIRECTION_RIGHT = 0b0100
const val INSET_DIRECTION_BOTTOM = 0b1000
val WindowInsets.leftInset: Int get() = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { this.getInsets(WindowInsets.Type.systemBars()).left } else { this.systemWindowInsetLeft }
val WindowInsets.topInset: Int get() = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { this.getInsets(WindowInsets.Type.systemBars()).top } else { this.systemWindowInsetTop }
val WindowInsets.rightInset: Int get() = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { this.getInsets(WindowInsets.Type.systemBars()).right } else { this.systemWindowInsetRight }
val WindowInsets.bottomInset: Int get() = if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) { this.getInsets(WindowInsets.Type.systemBars()).bottom } else { this.systemWindowInsetBottom }
private val WindowInsets.rect: Rect get() = Rect(leftInset, topInset, rightInset, bottomInset)
* Add padding to view and resize it so that padding won't affect content of the view
fun View.addPaddingAndResize(
@Px left: Int = 0,
@Px top: Int = 0,
@Px right: Int = 0,
@Px bottom: Int = 0
) {
val oldWidth = layoutParams.width
val oldHeight = layoutParams.height
if (oldWidth >= 0 || oldHeight >= 0) {
layoutParams = layoutParams.apply {
width = if (oldWidth != ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) oldWidth + left + right else oldWidth
height = if (oldHeight != ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) oldHeight + bottom + top else oldHeight
paddingLeft + left,
paddingTop + top,
paddingRight + right,
paddingBottom + bottom
* Adds margin to view if it belongs to [ViewGroup]
fun View.addMargin(
@Px left: Int = 0,
@Px top: Int = 0,
@Px right: Int = 0,
@Px bottom: Int = 0
) {
layoutParams.let { params ->
if (params is ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) {
marginLeft + left,
marginTop + top,
marginRight + right,
marginBottom + bottom
* Kotlin-ized [setPadding] function, convenient to use with default values
fun View.updatePadding(
@Px left: Int = 0,
@Px top: Int = 0,
@Px right: Int = 0,
@Px bottom: Int = 0
) {
setPadding(left, top, right, bottom)
* Resize view by given [byWidth] [byHeight] dimensions
* @param byWidth by how much width should be changed (can be negative)
* @param byHeight by how much height should be changed (can be negative)
* @see resizeTo
fun View.resizeBy(
@Px byWidth: Int = 0,
@Px byHeight: Int = 0
) {
val oldWidth = layoutParams.width
val oldHeight = layoutParams.height
resizeTo(oldWidth + byWidth, oldHeight + byHeight)
* Resize view to given [newWidth] [newHeight] dimensions
* @param newWidth to how much width should be changed
* @param newHeight to how much height should be changed
* @see resizeBy
fun View.resizeTo(
@Px newWidth: Int,
@Px newHeight: Int
) {
val oldWidth = layoutParams.width
val oldHeight = layoutParams.height
if (oldWidth >= 0 || oldHeight >= 0) {
layoutParams = layoutParams.apply {
width = if (oldWidth != ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) newWidth else oldWidth
height = if (oldHeight != ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT) newHeight else oldHeight
* If this View supports margins, set them to given [left], [top], [right], [bottom] values.
* @param left left margin to be set
* @param top top margin to be set
* @param right right margin to be set
* @param bottom bottom margin to be set
* @see updatePadding
fun View.updateMargin(
@Px left: Int = 0,
@Px top: Int = 0,
@Px right: Int = 0,
@Px bottom: Int = 0
) {
layoutParams.let { params ->
if (params is ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams) {
params.setMargins(left, top, right, bottom)
parent?.requestLayout() ?: requestLayout()
// Last known insets have to be stored in shared preferences so that if some activity crashes
// other activity can reconstruct the insets, since addInsetPadding/Margin is called, but
// setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener's listener is not being called
// If application is not crashing, storing insets is not needed
private fun getLastKnownInsets(context: Context) = Rect(
context.preferences.getInt(PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_LEFT, 0),
context.preferences.getInt(PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_TOP, 0),
context.preferences.getInt(PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_RIGHT, 0),
context.preferences.getInt(PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_BOTTOM, 0)
private fun setLastKnownInsets(context: Context, rect: Rect) {
context.preferences.edit().putInt(PREFERENCE_LAST_KNOWN_PADDING_LEFT, rect.left)
* Adds padding to view based on window insets. Allowed flags are
* @param direction flags
* @param once whether insets should be applied just once (ignoring further updates)
* @param resize whether view should be resized as well
* @see WindowInsets
* @see onInsetsChanged
fun View.addInsetPadding(direction: Int, once: Boolean = false, resize: Boolean = true) {
once = once,
originalValue = Rect(paddingLeft, paddingTop, paddingRight, paddingBottom),
onChange = { originalPadding, insets ->
if (resize) {
width - paddingLeft - paddingRight + insets.left + insets.right,
height - paddingTop - paddingBottom + + insets.bottom
originalPadding.left + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_LEFT > 0)insets.left else 0, + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_TOP > 0) else 0,
originalPadding.right + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_RIGHT > 0) insets.right else 0,
originalPadding.bottom + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_BOTTOM > 0) insets.bottom else 0
* Adds margin to view based on window insets. Allowed flags are
* @param direction flags
* @param once whether insets should be applied just once (ignoring further updates)
* @see WindowInsets
* @see onInsetsChanged
fun View.addInsetMargin(direction: Int, once: Boolean = false) {
once = once,
originalValue = Rect(marginLeft, marginTop, marginRight, marginBottom),
onChange = { originalMargin, insets ->
left = originalMargin.left + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_LEFT > 0) insets.left else 0,
top = + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_TOP > 0) else 0,
right = originalMargin.right + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_RIGHT > 0) insets.right else 0,
bottom = originalMargin.bottom + if (direction and INSET_DIRECTION_BOTTOM > 0) insets.bottom else 0
* Sets listener for this view in order to listen for window inset changes.
* It is highly recommended to use [addInsetPadding] or [addInsetMargin] if you need just simple
* margin/padding update for example for your toolbar.
* @param once whether insets should be handled just once (ignoring further updates)
* @param originalValue value before any inset is applied
* @param onChange listener implementation with original value and insets as parameters
* @see OnApplyWindowInsetsListener
* @see WindowInsets
* @see addInsetMargin
* @see addInsetMargin
fun <T> View.onInsetsChanged(
once: Boolean = false,
originalValue: T,
onChange: View.(originalValue: T, newInsets: Rect) -> Unit
) {
onChange(originalValue, getLastKnownInsets(context))
setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener { v, newInsets ->
onChange(originalValue, newInsets.rect)
if (once) setOnApplyWindowInsetsListener { _, insets -> insets }
setLastKnownInsets(v.context, newInsets.rect)
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