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Last active January 9, 2023 09:11
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package day12.astar
import java.util.*
import kotlin.math.abs
const val startSymbol = 'a' - 1
const val endSymbol = 'z' + 1
const val symbols = "${startSymbol}abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz${endSymbol}"
var mapWidth = 0
var mapHeight = 0
val map = mutableListOf<List<Char>>()
var startPosition = Position(0, 0)
var endPosition = Position(0, 0)
data class Position(val x: Int, val y:Int) {
fun isValid(closedList: List<Position>, actualSymbol: Char) : Boolean {
return x in 0 until mapWidth
&& y in 0 until mapHeight
&& this !in closedList
&& symbols.indexOf(map[y][x]) <= symbols.indexOf(actualSymbol) + 1
data class AStarNode(val route: List<Position>) {
fun distanceFromStart() : Int = route.size - 1
fun distanceFromEnd() : Int {
return 0 +
abs(route.last().x - endPosition.x) + // x axis
abs(route.last().y - endPosition.y) + // y axis
symbols.indexOf(map[route.last().y][route.last().x]) - symbols.length + 1
fun cost() : Int {
return distanceFromStart() + distanceFromEnd()
fun astar(map: List<List<Char>>, position: Position): AStarNode? {
val openList = mutableListOf(AStarNode(listOf(position)))
val closedList = mutableListOf<Position>()
while (openList.isNotEmpty()) {
// zoradenie podla min(vzdialenost_S + vzdialenost_E)
openList.sortBy { it.cost() }
// vyber vrcholu a jeho charakteristik
val node = openList[0]
val route = node.route
val actualPosition = route.last()
val actualSymbol = map[actualPosition.y][actualPosition.x]
// pridanie pozicie do zatvoreneho zoznamu
// dosiahli sme koniec
if (map[actualPosition.y][actualPosition.x] == endSymbol) {
return node
for (newPosition in listOf(
Position(actualPosition.x - 1, actualPosition.y),
Position(actualPosition.x, actualPosition.y - 1),
Position(actualPosition.x + 1, actualPosition.y),
Position(actualPosition.x, actualPosition.y + 1)
)) {
// ignoruj nevalidne cesty alebo cesty v uzatvorenom zozname
if (!newPosition.isValid(closedList, actualSymbol)) continue
// zisti, ci aktualna cesta nie je v otvorenom zozname
val openListRoute = openList.firstOrNull { it.route.last() == newPosition }
if (openListRoute == null) {
// cesta este nie je v otvorenom zozname vytvor novu cestu
openList.add(AStarNode(route + newPosition))
} else {
// cesta uz je v otvorenom zozname, ak to ma zmysel, treba ju aktualizovat
if (openListRoute.route.size > route.size) {
openList.add(AStarNode(route + newPosition))
return null
fun main() {
val s = Scanner(FileInputStream("src/main/kotlin/day12/day12.txt"))
while (s.hasNext()) {
map.add(s.nextLine().mapIndexed { x, c ->
when (c) {
'S' -> 'a'.also { startPosition = Position(x, mapHeight) }
'E' -> endSymbol.also { endPosition = Position(x, mapHeight) }
else -> c
mapWidth = map[0].size
val bestRoute = astar(map, startPosition)!!
println(bestRoute.route.size - 1)
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