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Created March 5, 2017 19:40
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function Get-NameInBinary {
[parameter(DontShow)] # hide paramter to allow read host to promt for name(s)
[string]$name = $(read-host -Prompt "Enter Name(s)")
# Pass name from function to screen
"Your Name '{0}' in Binary is : " -f $name
# get the value of whitespace in binary to seperate names, surnames or middle names
$whiteSpace = ([byte][char]' ') | % { [System.Convert]::ToString($_,2).PadLeft(8,'0') }
$output = <# Capture each letter in Binary #>
# pass the variable name to a foreach loop
# using a for statement start a counter at zero and stop and the given Length of characters in variable $name
$name | %{ for($i=0;$i -lt $name.Length;$i++) {
# split name by each 'for' count in variable $i to char number
[int][char]$_[$i] | %{
# pass the string and the number base
# (which is base 2 for the case of binary number conversion)
# 'PadLeft' adds a 0 to the front of the number to represent a binary string value
# Attach each Binary "letter" to array
[array]$outputs += $output
# Display the name in Binary and join all values together, finding the whitespace value for any
# names supplied with a middle or surname and add replace the Binary value of a whitespace with a space
($outputs -join '').Replace($whiteSpace, ' ')
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